Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Marketing of Evil

“The Marketing of Evil”
cinops be gone Thursday, August 21, 2008

This is from, “Whistleblower”, monthly by Ending Abortion.
“Americans have come to tolerate, embrace and even champion many things that would have horrified their parents’ generation – from easy divorce and unrestricted abortion-on-demand to extreme body piercing and teaching homosexuality to grade-schoolers. Does that means today’s Americans are inherently more morally confused and depraved than previous generations?
Of course not, says veteran journalist David Kupelian. But they have fallen victim to some of the most stunningly brilliant and compelling marketing campaigns in modern history.
“The Marketing of Evil” reveals how much of what Americans once almost universally abhorred has been packaged, perfumed, gift-wrapped and sold to them as though it had great value….
No quarter is given in this riveting, insightful exploration of how lies, both sides, both subtle and outrageous, are packaged as truth….
In the end, “The Marketing of Evil” is an up-scale, modern-day look at what is traditionally known as “temptation” – the art & science making evil look good…

“Why do doctors do abortions?” asks Anthony Levantino, M.D. an ob-gyn who provided abortions for his patients in his Albany, New York office for eight years. “Why did I do abortions? If you are pro-choice, or, as a lot of people like to say, ‘morally neutral’ on the subject, and you happen to be a gynecologist, then it’s up to you to take the instruments in hand and actively perform abortions… I’VE HEARD IT MANY TIMES FROM OTHER OBSTRETRIANS: “WELL, I AM NOT REALLY PRO-ABORTION, I’M PRO-WOMAN.”

“The women’s groups in this country have done a very good job of selling that bill of goods to the population, that somehow destroying a life is being pro-women. I can tell you a lot of obstetricians believe it. I used to. …
Beverley McMillan, MD. founded the first abortion clinic in Mississippi and did a large volume of business. She makes the provocative observation that not only do many abortion clinics require payment in cash, but they also do not report that income to the government…. Why the IRS doesn’t go after these guys, I don’t understand.

The heart of the matter:
Ultrasound, the great awakening of Bernard Nathanson, is routinely employed today to check on the progress of developing babies. In an ironic and shadowy parallel, ultrasound is also used to aid in abortions.
Joseph Randall observed: “The nurses have to look at the ultrasound picture to gauge how far along the baby is for an abortion, because the larger the pregnancy, the more you get paid. It was very important for us to do that. But the turnover definitely got greater when we started using ultrasound. We lost two nurses – they couldn’t take the looking at it. Some of the staff left also.

What about the women having the abortion? Do they see the ultrasound?
“They are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they did so much as hear the heartbeat, they wouldn’t want to have the abortion,” said Randall….
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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