Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Catholic-Label Fraud-Politicians - 1 - Pelosi

Catholic-Label Fraud-Politicians – 1 - Pelosi
cinops be gone Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Let’s keep in mind the Saints Paul, Dominic and Thomas Aquinas. What would their judgment call be on CINOP N. Pelosi? Let’s check out her past record.

1. She has voted against the ban on partial-birth abortions eight times.
2. On marriage, she is among the most radically anti-marriage members of Congress, and she works hard for the radical gay agenda.
3. She is opposed to the Marriage Protection Amendment.
4. She even was opposed to the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.
5. She has voted against Parental Notification when minor children seek an abortion.
6. In 1998, she opposed a constitutional amendment to permit school prayer in the classroom.
7. In 1999, she opposed allowing state and local governments to display the TEN COMMANDMENTS on public property, including schools.

At a fund raiser in Northern California with 1300 participants, Nancy Pelosi referred to Barack Obama, “A leader whom God has blessed us at this time.”

Headline News
House Speaker Pelosi Vows to Kill Defense of Marriage Act and Still Receive Communion by Peter Smith, San Francisco, Aug. 5, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com)

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has vowed to join Barack Obama’s new crusade to kill the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and promises to continue to fortify herself with Holy Communion from the Catholic Church for the campaign.

Pelosi told reporters at a press conference last Thursday that she plans to support Sen. Barack (D, Ill) in his effort to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, should the American people elevate him to the presidency….

In a C-SPAN interview released on Sunday, Pelosi explained that while other US politicians had problems from their bishops denying them communion over abortion, she has continued to receive without any difficulty.

“I think some of it is regional,” “It all depends on the bishop of a certain region and fortunately for me communion has not been withheld.”

She added, “I’m a regular communicant so that it would be a severe blow to me if that were the case.” Pelosi is a Catholic whose legislative district is within the Archdiocese of San Francisco, led by Archbishop George Niederauer. (info@sfarchdiocese.org Pelosi receives communion often in the Washington Archdiocese led by Archbishop Donald Weurl…. (301) 853-4500

The Speaker has gone on record so far as to say in her new book, “Know Your Power” that her parents didn’t raise me to be a Speaker; they raised me to be holy.” However, Pelosi’s public behavior is scandalous and diabolical. ghk
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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