What are the Core Values of President Obama – 2 of 2?
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Saturday, February 27, 2010
The price of liberty in America is eternal vigilance. We are a free people and the truth will guarantee that freedom. “To whom who claims to be Truth, Pilate says in effect: ‘Let’s be done with all that talk. After all, what is truth? We’ll do better to keep to concrete issues.’” Pope Benedict XVI, - Co-Workers of the Truth.
Our President believes that same-sex attraction and love is the same as marriage between a man and a woman. He wants to change the definition of marriage to include same-sex unions. He wants Americans to change their beliefs.
Also he wants to do away with Don’t Ask Don’t Tell rule for homosexuals in the U.S. Armed Forces. He believes in this secular social engineering for our soldiers. He never served in the military. He is prepared to use activist judges, laws and the communities’ culture of death advocates to reeducate & change our beliefs.
“His goal like that of the homosexual activists is not equal rights. It is rather to overturn millennia of moral teaching that has acknowledged the harms of homosexual conduct and the unique benefits of marriage between a man and a woman. He dismissed those values as “outworn arguments and old attitudes, while decrying the grassroots campaigns to defend marriage as “divisive and deceptive efforts to feed people’s lingering fears for political and ideological gain.”
“In other words, if you hold to traditional values, the ultimate goal is simple – to silence you. President Obama told HRC, “Do not doubt the direction we are heading and the destination we will reach.” That’s a warning the American people should heed.” (Refer to letter dated, Thurs. Nov. 5, 2009 – Obama’s Fatal Flaws…)
We are fortunate with talk show host Dennis Prager - (KLAC 870 AM Radio- 9-12 noon, M-F). Prager focuses on the Obama Agenda. Obama strives to change the historic American Motto: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to the French European Motto: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.
Mr. President we already have a Welfare State for the poor and its killing them. It was President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty.
“Progressives engineered a welfare system that destroyed the inner city black family and created a vast “underclass” so mired in the culture of dependency and poverty that they may never escape…Every major inner city in America, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Harlem, South Central Los Angeles – Every School Board and School District, every City Council in those inner cities is 100% controlled by the Democrats and Progressives and has been for 100 years….
Lastly, the Middle Class does not want Obama or CINOP Health Care. Both will kill us the way the Democrats killed the poor. It will financially bankrupt us.
George H. Kubeck, We need a Catholic Tea Party in every Diocese where there is a CINOP
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
What are the Core Values of President Obama - 1 of 2
What are the Core Values of President Obama – 1 of 2?
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 25, 2010
This is a topic worthy of discussion in every American household! Our President is Barack Hussein Obama. That is what he calls himself today. During the presidential campaign of 2008 he called himself Barack Obama.
The President calls himself a Christian. However, he does not think that we are a Christian nation. Also on abortion, he does not want to punish his daughter with a child should she have an out of wedlock pregnancy. What kind of a Christian is the President? Shouldn’t we talk about it? Did he read Deuteronomy 30: 15-18?
“Now Listen! Today I am giving you a choice between prosperity and disaster, between life and death. I have commanded you today to love the Lord your God and to keep his commands, laws, and regulations by walking in his ways. If you do this, you will live and become a great nation, and the Lord you God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy. But if your heart turns away and you refuse to listen, and if you are drawn away to serve and worship other gods, then I warn you now that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live a long, good life in the land you are crossing the Jordan to occupy.”
Our President may not agree that we live in a culture of death society but he needs to realize that CHANGE for Americans is to change that culture. Culture of Death is term coined by Pope John Paul II. “The word “culture” comes from the same root as the word “cult” It included the concept of caring for as well as reverence, of respect. It means caring for things in such a way that we honor them as God’s creation and, in consequence, honor God himself.” Also, “Jesus rejected Satan’s temptation that Christianity limit itself to the multiplication of loaves and become a social welfare organization: ‘Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Pope Benedict XVI.
What did Pope John Paul II mean by culture of death? He meant promoting the absolute evil values of abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research and indirectly same-sex marriage in America. For example, the cultures of death advocate N.Y. Times want to snuff out anything to do with American traditional values. They say that is irrelevant to our modern society. Anyone who brings it up is a peon or idiot. Our response: We do our best to bankrupt this newspaper.
The ACLU is the most dangerous organization in America. They promote a secular agenda which also includes the gay agenda and many things that undermines traditional America, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the principles of our Founding Father. Unless your are opportunist, there is no reason for membership in that organization for independents, republicans, libertarians or candidates running for office. If you are a member then you are a liberal or progressive or socialist democrat at heart.
Ordinary folks must realize that we live in a culture death society; and directly and indirectly we are influenced by it. The question is how can we become immune to it and make sure that we don’t get the shingles of that culture. To be continued
George H. Kubeck, “I am taping the six hour Obama propaganda health conference.”
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 25, 2010
This is a topic worthy of discussion in every American household! Our President is Barack Hussein Obama. That is what he calls himself today. During the presidential campaign of 2008 he called himself Barack Obama.
The President calls himself a Christian. However, he does not think that we are a Christian nation. Also on abortion, he does not want to punish his daughter with a child should she have an out of wedlock pregnancy. What kind of a Christian is the President? Shouldn’t we talk about it? Did he read Deuteronomy 30: 15-18?
“Now Listen! Today I am giving you a choice between prosperity and disaster, between life and death. I have commanded you today to love the Lord your God and to keep his commands, laws, and regulations by walking in his ways. If you do this, you will live and become a great nation, and the Lord you God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy. But if your heart turns away and you refuse to listen, and if you are drawn away to serve and worship other gods, then I warn you now that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live a long, good life in the land you are crossing the Jordan to occupy.”
Our President may not agree that we live in a culture of death society but he needs to realize that CHANGE for Americans is to change that culture. Culture of Death is term coined by Pope John Paul II. “The word “culture” comes from the same root as the word “cult” It included the concept of caring for as well as reverence, of respect. It means caring for things in such a way that we honor them as God’s creation and, in consequence, honor God himself.” Also, “Jesus rejected Satan’s temptation that Christianity limit itself to the multiplication of loaves and become a social welfare organization: ‘Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Pope Benedict XVI.
What did Pope John Paul II mean by culture of death? He meant promoting the absolute evil values of abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research and indirectly same-sex marriage in America. For example, the cultures of death advocate N.Y. Times want to snuff out anything to do with American traditional values. They say that is irrelevant to our modern society. Anyone who brings it up is a peon or idiot. Our response: We do our best to bankrupt this newspaper.
The ACLU is the most dangerous organization in America. They promote a secular agenda which also includes the gay agenda and many things that undermines traditional America, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the principles of our Founding Father. Unless your are opportunist, there is no reason for membership in that organization for independents, republicans, libertarians or candidates running for office. If you are a member then you are a liberal or progressive or socialist democrat at heart.
Ordinary folks must realize that we live in a culture death society; and directly and indirectly we are influenced by it. The question is how can we become immune to it and make sure that we don’t get the shingles of that culture. To be continued
George H. Kubeck, “I am taping the six hour Obama propaganda health conference.”
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Heroes and Patriots from Cypress, California - 3 of 3
Heroes and Patriots from Cypress, California – 3 of 3
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 23, 2010
1.) The “Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty” meeting lasted from 7 to 8:45 P.M. Parking is limited at the St. Isidore’s Church Hall in Los Alamitos. The next meeting on March 10th, it would be wise to park on the street.
The meeting agenda was closely followed. They are a self-help group who work with like-minded citizens to inform neighbors on what is going on in America and what needs to be done. There were at least 60 persons at the meeting and you signed in giving your e-mail address. We have a concerned American citizenry.
They have a very strong belief in the life issues. They seek to stop the progressive agenda of Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt. They have a site on Yahoo and will inform you of notices of activities and the next meeting.
They are specifically targeting Congressional Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Loretta Sanchez and Senator Barbara Boxer. They have discovered that almost all candidates for office are evasive and non-committal on the life issue.
Bob noted that 2010 is the year of the citizen; with the poignant comment that 2010 is the year of the senior citizen. CPFL has 7 committees. John invited everyone in the room to join one of the committees.
2.) Gabriel was sitting in for the Political Action Committee and is with Citizens for California Reform. (reformcal.com) – In comparison to Texas the California State Legislature caters to special interests and overregulation. California lost one million jobs and has a 20 billion dollar debt with 13% unemployment. Texas is solvent and has only 7.9% unemployment. Gabriel shared info on a petition for a California Part-Time Legislature. They need 15,000 signatures by March 15th.
3.) John shared with us a flyer listing 23 books for Conservative reading:
Corsi’s - America for Sale; Levin’s - Liberty and Tyranny; Peterson’s- Scam; Schlafly - The Supremacists; Alinsky – Rules for Radicals: Chaput – Render Unto Caesar; Malkin – Culture of Corruption; Goldberg – Liberal Fascism. Etc.
4.) Saving Freedom – Citizenship 101
On the back table this was a 3 page info sheet. www.savingfreedombook.com Citizenship 101 is a challenging course: homework is required.(I chose:)
Step 1: Getting Informed – Step 2: Get Involved (Letters to Editor – Opinion Edit.)
(I choice:)
a) Television: # l of 5 most reliable news sources is Fox News: www.FOXnews.com
b) National/Regional Radio: # l of 22 is Dennis Prager: www.dennisprager.com
c) Magazine/Newspapers: # 1 of 10 is Human Events: www.humanevents.com
d) Blog/Online: # 1 of 21 is Drudge Report: www.drudgereport.com
e) Think Tanks/Grassroots Organizations: # 1 of 24 is www.heritage.org
f) There were other e-mails for Business Groups: Fiscal Responsibility: School Choice: Social Issues: www.alliancedefensefund.org Immigration Reform.
As speaker, they had Quang Pham. He is running against Van Tran in the Republican Congressional District held by Loretta Sanchez. (I asked questions.)
George H. Kubeck
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 23, 2010
1.) The “Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty” meeting lasted from 7 to 8:45 P.M. Parking is limited at the St. Isidore’s Church Hall in Los Alamitos. The next meeting on March 10th, it would be wise to park on the street.
The meeting agenda was closely followed. They are a self-help group who work with like-minded citizens to inform neighbors on what is going on in America and what needs to be done. There were at least 60 persons at the meeting and you signed in giving your e-mail address. We have a concerned American citizenry.
They have a very strong belief in the life issues. They seek to stop the progressive agenda of Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt. They have a site on Yahoo and will inform you of notices of activities and the next meeting.
They are specifically targeting Congressional Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Loretta Sanchez and Senator Barbara Boxer. They have discovered that almost all candidates for office are evasive and non-committal on the life issue.
Bob noted that 2010 is the year of the citizen; with the poignant comment that 2010 is the year of the senior citizen. CPFL has 7 committees. John invited everyone in the room to join one of the committees.
2.) Gabriel was sitting in for the Political Action Committee and is with Citizens for California Reform. (reformcal.com) – In comparison to Texas the California State Legislature caters to special interests and overregulation. California lost one million jobs and has a 20 billion dollar debt with 13% unemployment. Texas is solvent and has only 7.9% unemployment. Gabriel shared info on a petition for a California Part-Time Legislature. They need 15,000 signatures by March 15th.
3.) John shared with us a flyer listing 23 books for Conservative reading:
Corsi’s - America for Sale; Levin’s - Liberty and Tyranny; Peterson’s- Scam; Schlafly - The Supremacists; Alinsky – Rules for Radicals: Chaput – Render Unto Caesar; Malkin – Culture of Corruption; Goldberg – Liberal Fascism. Etc.
4.) Saving Freedom – Citizenship 101
On the back table this was a 3 page info sheet. www.savingfreedombook.com Citizenship 101 is a challenging course: homework is required.(I chose:)
Step 1: Getting Informed – Step 2: Get Involved (Letters to Editor – Opinion Edit.)
(I choice:)
a) Television: # l of 5 most reliable news sources is Fox News: www.FOXnews.com
b) National/Regional Radio: # l of 22 is Dennis Prager: www.dennisprager.com
c) Magazine/Newspapers: # 1 of 10 is Human Events: www.humanevents.com
d) Blog/Online: # 1 of 21 is Drudge Report: www.drudgereport.com
e) Think Tanks/Grassroots Organizations: # 1 of 24 is www.heritage.org
f) There were other e-mails for Business Groups: Fiscal Responsibility: School Choice: Social Issues: www.alliancedefensefund.org Immigration Reform.
As speaker, they had Quang Pham. He is running against Van Tran in the Republican Congressional District held by Loretta Sanchez. (I asked questions.)
George H. Kubeck
Monday, February 22, 2010
David Horowitz on Socialism
David Horowitz on Socialism **
What my family longed for was an impossible fantasy: that mankind would be released from history, which included individual success and failure; their ambition is that poverty and inequality would disappear from the earth. To realize this fantasy they dedicated themselves to the Communist cause.
In 1956, as a result of the Krushchev Report, Communism was exposed even to them – as a system that had produced human catastrophe beyond anyone’s imagination. Yet they (my parents) could not give up their socialist hope. Their own son (me) then joined others in a movement to revive the dream that until then had produced only grief.
We even said that the first revolution would take place in Russia, where the dream failed. This is because Russia had a planned economy, and in our eyes lacked only political freedom to realize the socialist dream.
We did not appreciate was that without private property there was no freedom? The political freedom never came, and – just as Hayek and Von Mises had predicted – the planned economy didn’t work.
In 1989, the Soviet superpower was an impoverished Third World nation, and the average Soviet citizen had a daily ration of meat that was smaller than the ration in 1913, under the czar. A nation the size of a continent had been left out of the Twentieth Century and the munificence available to the least of its capitalistic neighbors. The lesson to me was clear:
“Socialism makes men poor beyond their wildest dreams. The average Polish citizen is poorer today, in 1989, than my grandfather was in America, fifty years ago, when I was born.” And then I concluded:
For myself, my family tradition of socialist dreams is over. Socialism is no longer a dream of the revolutionary future. It is only a nightmare of the past. But for you the nightmare is not a dream. It is a reality that is happening. My dream for the people of socialist Poland is that someday soon you will wake up from the nightmare and be free.
Just before our conference at the Jagiellonian, we marched over to the cobblestone streets at Cracow in a May Day demonstration organized by Solidarity, the anti-Communist opposition. Watched by Polish police and Soviet troops we chanted in unison:
Peter and I were happy. We were marching again, like Joshua, as we had in the Sixties, and this time we felt at last we had got it right.
Months later, the Polish regime was toppled and the Berlin Wall came down; in Nicaragua, the Sandinistas were force to hold elections, which the democratic opposition (and La Prensa’s editor) won; and during the following August, the counterrevolution reached the Kremlin itself and brought the dictatorship to its knees. The long, unhappy experiment with socialist tyranny was over at last. p. 390
** David Horowitz, Radical Son – A Touchstone Book – Touchstone Edition - 1998
George H. Kubeck, President Obama, “Down with your Socialist Health Care Bill.”
What my family longed for was an impossible fantasy: that mankind would be released from history, which included individual success and failure; their ambition is that poverty and inequality would disappear from the earth. To realize this fantasy they dedicated themselves to the Communist cause.
In 1956, as a result of the Krushchev Report, Communism was exposed even to them – as a system that had produced human catastrophe beyond anyone’s imagination. Yet they (my parents) could not give up their socialist hope. Their own son (me) then joined others in a movement to revive the dream that until then had produced only grief.
We even said that the first revolution would take place in Russia, where the dream failed. This is because Russia had a planned economy, and in our eyes lacked only political freedom to realize the socialist dream.
We did not appreciate was that without private property there was no freedom? The political freedom never came, and – just as Hayek and Von Mises had predicted – the planned economy didn’t work.
In 1989, the Soviet superpower was an impoverished Third World nation, and the average Soviet citizen had a daily ration of meat that was smaller than the ration in 1913, under the czar. A nation the size of a continent had been left out of the Twentieth Century and the munificence available to the least of its capitalistic neighbors. The lesson to me was clear:
“Socialism makes men poor beyond their wildest dreams. The average Polish citizen is poorer today, in 1989, than my grandfather was in America, fifty years ago, when I was born.” And then I concluded:
For myself, my family tradition of socialist dreams is over. Socialism is no longer a dream of the revolutionary future. It is only a nightmare of the past. But for you the nightmare is not a dream. It is a reality that is happening. My dream for the people of socialist Poland is that someday soon you will wake up from the nightmare and be free.
Just before our conference at the Jagiellonian, we marched over to the cobblestone streets at Cracow in a May Day demonstration organized by Solidarity, the anti-Communist opposition. Watched by Polish police and Soviet troops we chanted in unison:
Peter and I were happy. We were marching again, like Joshua, as we had in the Sixties, and this time we felt at last we had got it right.
Months later, the Polish regime was toppled and the Berlin Wall came down; in Nicaragua, the Sandinistas were force to hold elections, which the democratic opposition (and La Prensa’s editor) won; and during the following August, the counterrevolution reached the Kremlin itself and brought the dictatorship to its knees. The long, unhappy experiment with socialist tyranny was over at last. p. 390
** David Horowitz, Radical Son – A Touchstone Book – Touchstone Edition - 1998
George H. Kubeck, President Obama, “Down with your Socialist Health Care Bill.”
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Heroes and Patriots from Cypress, California - 2 of 3
Heroes and Patriots from Cypress, California – 2 of 3
In pursuit of the truth: www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 21, 2010
We continue with a report on an eventful “Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty” meeting held on Thursday, Feb. 18th, 2010 at St. Isidore’s Church hall, in Los Alamitos, California.
Meeting Agenda: 2/18/2010
1) Mixer by All 7) Q & A for speaker by Dave
2) Welcome by Nick 8) Party Action by John
3) Prayer and pledge of allegiance by Nick 9) NEXT MEETINGS -
4) Introduction by Nick MARCH 10, APRIL 14
5) Candidates to support and oppose by Dave 10) “2010 the year of the Citizen!”
6) Speaker – Quang Pham 11) Q&A & Refreshments by All
CPFL Committees:
1) Research: - Facilitator – David
Candidates and issues – Federal, Local and State: Vulnerable Candidates out of area:
2) Communications to office holders: - Facilitator
Ralph How to reach office holders: Vehicles and their best use:
3) Membership: - Facilitator – Theresa
Recruiting new members: Outreach to community: Outreach to non-conservative individuals:
4) Republican Party Interface: Facilitator – Bob
Understanding Party: Structure: Mechanics: Participation:
Active Roles in: Precincts:Committees:Delegations:
5) Resources: Facilitator – Nick Create and maintain documents: a) Vision, mission, values, objectives, etc. b)Position papers: c) Blog or equivalent: Make documents available to members:
print: web:
6) Liaison to similar groups: Facilitator – John
Tea Party: 9/12:Eagle Forum: etc.:
7) Programs: Facilitator – Marisa
Research speakers and activities for meetings: Secure speakers for meetings: Plan activities:
CPFL Research on most California candidates federal and state and where they stand on the issues: (This was a lot of hard work. ghk)
Strong Border Security: For Smaller Government: Pro-Life: Government Health Care: Bailouts: Support Iraq/AF: Cap and Trade:
George H. Kubeck, to be continued
In pursuit of the truth: www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 21, 2010
We continue with a report on an eventful “Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty” meeting held on Thursday, Feb. 18th, 2010 at St. Isidore’s Church hall, in Los Alamitos, California.
Meeting Agenda: 2/18/2010
1) Mixer by All 7) Q & A for speaker by Dave
2) Welcome by Nick 8) Party Action by John
3) Prayer and pledge of allegiance by Nick 9) NEXT MEETINGS -
4) Introduction by Nick MARCH 10, APRIL 14
5) Candidates to support and oppose by Dave 10) “2010 the year of the Citizen!”
6) Speaker – Quang Pham 11) Q&A & Refreshments by All
CPFL Committees:
1) Research: - Facilitator – David
Candidates and issues – Federal, Local and State: Vulnerable Candidates out of area:
2) Communications to office holders: - Facilitator
Ralph How to reach office holders: Vehicles and their best use:
3) Membership: - Facilitator – Theresa
Recruiting new members: Outreach to community: Outreach to non-conservative individuals:
4) Republican Party Interface: Facilitator – Bob
Understanding Party: Structure: Mechanics: Participation:
Active Roles in: Precincts:Committees:Delegations:
5) Resources: Facilitator – Nick Create and maintain documents: a) Vision, mission, values, objectives, etc. b)Position papers: c) Blog or equivalent: Make documents available to members:
print: web:
6) Liaison to similar groups: Facilitator – John
Tea Party: 9/12:Eagle Forum: etc.:
7) Programs: Facilitator – Marisa
Research speakers and activities for meetings: Secure speakers for meetings: Plan activities:
CPFL Research on most California candidates federal and state and where they stand on the issues: (This was a lot of hard work. ghk)
Strong Border Security: For Smaller Government: Pro-Life: Government Health Care: Bailouts: Support Iraq/AF: Cap and Trade:
George H. Kubeck, to be continued
Heroes and Patriots from Cypress, Ca. - 1 of 3
Heroes and Patriots from Cypress, California 1 of 3
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dear Reader,
You are not alone. There are hundreds of like-minded citizens like you in the towns and cities of America. I was elated when I first attended their meeting at St. Isidore’s Church hall in Los Alamitos on Thursday, Feb. 18th, 2010. I did not know that they even existed! Be aware that America has thousands of patriotic groups.
Eureka! We have a “Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty” group in Cypress and in Orange County. They are heroic in what they are doing. May I share with you what I am excited to report? What you believe in tells me who you are? Here is how they are organized!
Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty (CFPF)
1. Our Prayer before Action:
Gracious and loving God, we come to you in humble prayer for the United States of America. Bless the people of our nation; make us aware of our responsibility as citizens to uphold the principles of life, liberty, justice and equality.
Send your Holy Spirit upon our beloved country. Make us people of faith.
Make us people of hope. Make us people of Compassion. Make us people of Peace.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen
2. Vision:
Influence legislation and impact election of representatives to ensure that conservative values are returned to American politics. These include adherence to the Constitution, minimal government, capitalistic approach to a free market for business, and a foundation on Judeo-Christian values.
Build a group of like minded activists to work energetically to bring adherence to the Constitution, minimal government, capitalistic approach to a free market for business, and a foundation on Judeo-Christian values.
1)The United States of America is a republic.
2)Freedom and respect for life are essential to civil society.
3)Each individual relinquishes a bit of freedom to the cooperative structure to
allow for interpersonal order and this should be kept to a minimum.
4)Each of us has a duty to the republic to be informed and involved participants in government.
5)Capitalism and a free market are vital to human dignity, economic order,
and human progress.
6)The purpose of government is to provide social order while allowing men to
live with maximum freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
7)The federal government should be limited to interfacing with other world
governments and not involved in state and local issues.
8)Charity should be the responsibility of the individual not the state.
9)Judeo-Christian values should underlie the social perception of family, education, and morals.
10) Question with boldness, hold to the truth, and speak without fear.
George H. Kubeck, to be continued.
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dear Reader,
You are not alone. There are hundreds of like-minded citizens like you in the towns and cities of America. I was elated when I first attended their meeting at St. Isidore’s Church hall in Los Alamitos on Thursday, Feb. 18th, 2010. I did not know that they even existed! Be aware that America has thousands of patriotic groups.
Eureka! We have a “Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty” group in Cypress and in Orange County. They are heroic in what they are doing. May I share with you what I am excited to report? What you believe in tells me who you are? Here is how they are organized!
Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty (CFPF)
1. Our Prayer before Action:
Gracious and loving God, we come to you in humble prayer for the United States of America. Bless the people of our nation; make us aware of our responsibility as citizens to uphold the principles of life, liberty, justice and equality.
Send your Holy Spirit upon our beloved country. Make us people of faith.
Make us people of hope. Make us people of Compassion. Make us people of Peace.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen
2. Vision:
Influence legislation and impact election of representatives to ensure that conservative values are returned to American politics. These include adherence to the Constitution, minimal government, capitalistic approach to a free market for business, and a foundation on Judeo-Christian values.
Build a group of like minded activists to work energetically to bring adherence to the Constitution, minimal government, capitalistic approach to a free market for business, and a foundation on Judeo-Christian values.
1)The United States of America is a republic.
2)Freedom and respect for life are essential to civil society.
3)Each individual relinquishes a bit of freedom to the cooperative structure to
allow for interpersonal order and this should be kept to a minimum.
4)Each of us has a duty to the republic to be informed and involved participants in government.
5)Capitalism and a free market are vital to human dignity, economic order,
and human progress.
6)The purpose of government is to provide social order while allowing men to
live with maximum freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
7)The federal government should be limited to interfacing with other world
governments and not involved in state and local issues.
8)Charity should be the responsibility of the individual not the state.
9)Judeo-Christian values should underlie the social perception of family, education, and morals.
10) Question with boldness, hold to the truth, and speak without fear.
George H. Kubeck, to be continued.
Friday, February 19, 2010
The Art of Political War**
The Art of Political War **
The Leftwing Attack on Conservatives
(The following should be read by every American family - GHK)
Democrats connect emotionally with people’s fears and concerns. The appeal to help the underdog and defend the victim resonates with Americans… Conservatives know that America is still a land of opportunity and freedom, and that nobody in America is really “oppressed.”… But politics isn’t just about reality. It’s about images and symbols, and emotions they evoke. This is the battle that conservatives generally lose…
Going on the Attack
Fortunately, conservatives can use the leftwing attack plan against them. Contrary to the left’s view, America is not a land of victims. It is a highly mobile society, with a citizenry that aspires upwards through the system, not against it.
Conservatives can also turn the left’s oppression myth around, and aim its guns at them. In fact, using the romance of the underdog against the left is the best way to neutralize their attack.
** The Art of Political War for Tea Parties, by David Horowitz, 2010, David Horowitz Freedom Center, 800-752-6562 – booklet- $3.00 ea.
George H. Kubeck, www.cinopsbegone.com – Friday, February 19, 2010
The Leftwing Attack on Conservatives
(The following should be read by every American family - GHK)
Democrats connect emotionally with people’s fears and concerns. The appeal to help the underdog and defend the victim resonates with Americans… Conservatives know that America is still a land of opportunity and freedom, and that nobody in America is really “oppressed.”… But politics isn’t just about reality. It’s about images and symbols, and emotions they evoke. This is the battle that conservatives generally lose…
Going on the Attack
Fortunately, conservatives can use the leftwing attack plan against them. Contrary to the left’s view, America is not a land of victims. It is a highly mobile society, with a citizenry that aspires upwards through the system, not against it.
Conservatives can also turn the left’s oppression myth around, and aim its guns at them. In fact, using the romance of the underdog against the left is the best way to neutralize their attack.
** The Art of Political War for Tea Parties, by David Horowitz, 2010, David Horowitz Freedom Center, 800-752-6562 – booklet- $3.00 ea.
George H. Kubeck, www.cinopsbegone.com – Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dare to Live by this Trust!
This is how one leads a good life: “Your shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Lk 10:27)
The first requirement then is that God be present in our life. The sum of human life does not strike a balance if we omit God; in that case only contradictions remain.
It is not enough, then, to believe somehow theoretically that there is a God; we must regard him as the most important element in our life. He must be everywhere.
And our fundamental relationship to him must be love. That can often be very difficult.
It can happen, for instance, that one individual has many illnesses and encumbrances to bear. Poverty makes life difficult for another. Yet a third loses the persons on whose love his whole life depends.
Thus unhappiness can take many forms. And there is great danger that the individual will become embittered and will say: God can certainly not be good; if he were, he would not treat me this way.
Such a revolt against God is very understandable; often seems impossible to accept God’s will. The one who yields to this rebellion poisons his whole life.
The poison of saying No, of being angry with God and with the world, corrodes the individual from within. But what God asks of us is, as it were, an advance of confidence.
There are many instances of saints and great individuals who dared to trust and, in consequence, found for themselves and for others true happiness amid the greatest darkness.
The above is from Pope Benedict XVI’s article: Auf Christus schauen, pp. 109-10, 1989, and the Feb. 18th entry in his book – “Co-Workers of the Truth” Meditations for Every Day of the Year- Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1992
George H. Kubeck, in pursuit of the truth, www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 18, 2010
This is how one leads a good life: “Your shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Lk 10:27)
The first requirement then is that God be present in our life. The sum of human life does not strike a balance if we omit God; in that case only contradictions remain.
It is not enough, then, to believe somehow theoretically that there is a God; we must regard him as the most important element in our life. He must be everywhere.
And our fundamental relationship to him must be love. That can often be very difficult.
It can happen, for instance, that one individual has many illnesses and encumbrances to bear. Poverty makes life difficult for another. Yet a third loses the persons on whose love his whole life depends.
Thus unhappiness can take many forms. And there is great danger that the individual will become embittered and will say: God can certainly not be good; if he were, he would not treat me this way.
Such a revolt against God is very understandable; often seems impossible to accept God’s will. The one who yields to this rebellion poisons his whole life.
The poison of saying No, of being angry with God and with the world, corrodes the individual from within. But what God asks of us is, as it were, an advance of confidence.
There are many instances of saints and great individuals who dared to trust and, in consequence, found for themselves and for others true happiness amid the greatest darkness.
The above is from Pope Benedict XVI’s article: Auf Christus schauen, pp. 109-10, 1989, and the Feb. 18th entry in his book – “Co-Workers of the Truth” Meditations for Every Day of the Year- Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1992
George H. Kubeck, in pursuit of the truth, www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Saul Alinsky – 2
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Preface: The truth is powerful and painful. This is the second in a series on Alinsky. We continue with excerpts from David Horowitz’ booklet, “Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution – The Alinsky Model.”* This from the last chapter in the booklet: Revolutionary Means and Ends.
In his first, Reveille for Radicals Alinsky wrote, “While liberals are most adept at breaking their own necks with their tongues, radicals are most adept at breaking the necks of conservatives”… This is not because radicals begin by being unethical people. On the contrary, their passion for the future that is ethically perfect is what drives their political agendas and causes many to mistake them for idealist.*
But the very nature of this future - a world without poverty, without war, without racism, and without “sexism” – is so desirable, so noble, so perfect in contrast to everything that exists as to justify any and every means to achieve it…*
The French radical Pierre-Joseph Proudhon gave license to radicals to steal and destroy in socialism’s most famous epigraph: “Property is Theft,” In reality, of course, it is socialism that is theft…*
The real question according to Alinsky is “Does this particular end justify this particular means?” But this is disingenuous, since radicals are in a permanent war and “The third rule of the ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means.”...*
Here is how Alinsky answers the question about immoral means: Everybody does it. “To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody. Life is a corrupting process … he who fears corruption fears life.” Since life is corrupt everyone is corrupt and corruption is just business as usual – “CHICAGO STYLE.” “IN ACTION”, Alinsky writes, “one” does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both with one’s individual conscience and the good of mankind. The choice must always be for the latter.” But who is to determine what is good for mankind?*
Dostoevsky famously wrote that “if God does not exist then everything is permitted.” What he meant was that if human beings do not have a conception of the good that is outside themselves, then they will act as gods with nothing to restrain them. Alinsky is already there: the evil that radicals may do is already justified by the fact that they do it for the salvation of mankind…*
The sadistic dictator, Fidel Castro, one of Alinsky’s radical heroes, summarized this principle in a famous formulation: “Within the revolution everything is possible.” The revolution – the radical cause – is the way, the truth and the life…
In Alinsky’s “the open society” in the case of the current left, “social justice” These ideas are sentimental and seductive enough to persuade their followers that it is alright to commit fraud, mayhem and murder – usually in epic doses – to enter the promised land… What radicals like Saul Alinsky create is not salvation but chaos. And presidential disciples of Alinsky, what will they create?*
George H. Kubeck – Do we see crazy ideas; normal in the culture of death & violence?
*Copyright 2009 – $3.00 - David Horowitz Freedom Center- PO Box 55089 – Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 – 800- 752-6562 – Elizabeth@horowitzfreedomcenter.org - Find Out More:
Discoverthenetworks.org (Guide to political left) Newsrealblog.com – frontpagemag.com
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Preface: The truth is powerful and painful. This is the second in a series on Alinsky. We continue with excerpts from David Horowitz’ booklet, “Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution – The Alinsky Model.”* This from the last chapter in the booklet: Revolutionary Means and Ends.
In his first, Reveille for Radicals Alinsky wrote, “While liberals are most adept at breaking their own necks with their tongues, radicals are most adept at breaking the necks of conservatives”… This is not because radicals begin by being unethical people. On the contrary, their passion for the future that is ethically perfect is what drives their political agendas and causes many to mistake them for idealist.*
But the very nature of this future - a world without poverty, without war, without racism, and without “sexism” – is so desirable, so noble, so perfect in contrast to everything that exists as to justify any and every means to achieve it…*
The French radical Pierre-Joseph Proudhon gave license to radicals to steal and destroy in socialism’s most famous epigraph: “Property is Theft,” In reality, of course, it is socialism that is theft…*
The real question according to Alinsky is “Does this particular end justify this particular means?” But this is disingenuous, since radicals are in a permanent war and “The third rule of the ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means.”...*
Here is how Alinsky answers the question about immoral means: Everybody does it. “To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody. Life is a corrupting process … he who fears corruption fears life.” Since life is corrupt everyone is corrupt and corruption is just business as usual – “CHICAGO STYLE.” “IN ACTION”, Alinsky writes, “one” does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both with one’s individual conscience and the good of mankind. The choice must always be for the latter.” But who is to determine what is good for mankind?*
Dostoevsky famously wrote that “if God does not exist then everything is permitted.” What he meant was that if human beings do not have a conception of the good that is outside themselves, then they will act as gods with nothing to restrain them. Alinsky is already there: the evil that radicals may do is already justified by the fact that they do it for the salvation of mankind…*
The sadistic dictator, Fidel Castro, one of Alinsky’s radical heroes, summarized this principle in a famous formulation: “Within the revolution everything is possible.” The revolution – the radical cause – is the way, the truth and the life…
In Alinsky’s “the open society” in the case of the current left, “social justice” These ideas are sentimental and seductive enough to persuade their followers that it is alright to commit fraud, mayhem and murder – usually in epic doses – to enter the promised land… What radicals like Saul Alinsky create is not salvation but chaos. And presidential disciples of Alinsky, what will they create?*
George H. Kubeck – Do we see crazy ideas; normal in the culture of death & violence?
*Copyright 2009 – $3.00 - David Horowitz Freedom Center- PO Box 55089 – Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 – 800- 752-6562 – Elizabeth@horowitzfreedomcenter.org - Find Out More:
Discoverthenetworks.org (Guide to political left) Newsrealblog.com – frontpagemag.com
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Saul Alinsky – 1
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Preface: This is the first in a series of letters on Alinsky. Saul is much more dangerous than I believed him to be. He is like a perverted St. Paul on the American scene. As an atheist he fights for the Have-Nots, the poor and the oppressed and seeks to subvert and destroy the existing institutions in our country. All of this brings about a heaven on earth for the Have-Nots. It’s like an anarchist religion in America. Alinsky likes Satan who is the first radical and rebel to God in the world.
I will be reporting on the writings of David Horowitz on this subject. {One of David’s other books is Radical Son a classic in understanding the culture of the anti-war and the leftist radical ideologues that now control the Democratic Party. This book is the equivalent of Whittaker Chambers’ book, The Witness, which I read decades ago.}
Founding Father Alexander Hamilton where are you now that we need you.
Hamilton had a writing pen which was clear and concise and none of his contemporaries could challenge him. I do not understand why no American Christian has not written a definite book on Saul Alinksy and ripped him apart for the obvious, Alinsky’s intellectual and moral bankruptcy. But wait! Hillary Clinton concluded her thesis on Saul Alinsky this way.
“Alinsky is regarded by many as a proponent of a dangerous socio/political philosophy. As such, he has been feared – just as Eugene Debs or Walt Whitman or Martin Luther King has been feared, because each embraced the most radical of political faiths – democracy.”* p. 11
Now let’s post excerpts from David Horowitz’s booklet, Barack Obama’s “Rules for Revolution” – The Alinsky Model.”* Let’s start with the last section:
Revolutionary Means and Ends
Lenin once said that the purpose of a political argument is not to refute your opponent “but to wipe him for the face of the earth.” The mission of Alinsky radicals is a mission of destruction… The most important chapter of Alinsky’s manual is called “Means and Ends,” and is designed to address Alinsky’s biggest problem:
How to explain to radicals who think of themselves as creating a world of perfect justice and harmony, that the means they must use to get there are Machiavellian – deceitful, conniving, and ruthless?*
The radical organizer, Alinsky explains, “does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing. He is a political relativist.” And that will do it. Being a radical in the service of the higher good is a license to do anything that is required to achieve that good… In contrast to liberals, who in Alinsky’s eyes are constantly tripping over their principles, the rule for radicals is that the ends justify the means. This was true for the Jacobins, for the Communists, for fascists and now for the post-Communist left...*
George H. Kubeck- The bottom line is: You cannot trust the President!
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Preface: This is the first in a series of letters on Alinsky. Saul is much more dangerous than I believed him to be. He is like a perverted St. Paul on the American scene. As an atheist he fights for the Have-Nots, the poor and the oppressed and seeks to subvert and destroy the existing institutions in our country. All of this brings about a heaven on earth for the Have-Nots. It’s like an anarchist religion in America. Alinsky likes Satan who is the first radical and rebel to God in the world.
I will be reporting on the writings of David Horowitz on this subject. {One of David’s other books is Radical Son a classic in understanding the culture of the anti-war and the leftist radical ideologues that now control the Democratic Party. This book is the equivalent of Whittaker Chambers’ book, The Witness, which I read decades ago.}
Founding Father Alexander Hamilton where are you now that we need you.
Hamilton had a writing pen which was clear and concise and none of his contemporaries could challenge him. I do not understand why no American Christian has not written a definite book on Saul Alinksy and ripped him apart for the obvious, Alinsky’s intellectual and moral bankruptcy. But wait! Hillary Clinton concluded her thesis on Saul Alinsky this way.
“Alinsky is regarded by many as a proponent of a dangerous socio/political philosophy. As such, he has been feared – just as Eugene Debs or Walt Whitman or Martin Luther King has been feared, because each embraced the most radical of political faiths – democracy.”* p. 11
Now let’s post excerpts from David Horowitz’s booklet, Barack Obama’s “Rules for Revolution” – The Alinsky Model.”* Let’s start with the last section:
Revolutionary Means and Ends
Lenin once said that the purpose of a political argument is not to refute your opponent “but to wipe him for the face of the earth.” The mission of Alinsky radicals is a mission of destruction… The most important chapter of Alinsky’s manual is called “Means and Ends,” and is designed to address Alinsky’s biggest problem:
How to explain to radicals who think of themselves as creating a world of perfect justice and harmony, that the means they must use to get there are Machiavellian – deceitful, conniving, and ruthless?*
The radical organizer, Alinsky explains, “does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing. He is a political relativist.” And that will do it. Being a radical in the service of the higher good is a license to do anything that is required to achieve that good… In contrast to liberals, who in Alinsky’s eyes are constantly tripping over their principles, the rule for radicals is that the ends justify the means. This was true for the Jacobins, for the Communists, for fascists and now for the post-Communist left...*
George H. Kubeck- The bottom line is: You cannot trust the President!
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Future of America's Pro-life Movement
The Future of America’s Pro-Life Movement
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Monday, February 15, 2010
We will accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. There is more and more scientific evidence on the humanity of the unborn babies. Pro-choice-abortion America is changing its mind.
Americans are becoming involved in the greatest human and civil rights movement in the world. In the year of 2009, America has become a solid center right nation with 40% Conservative, 36 % Moderate and 21% Liberal. From the polls, we are now a proud majority – pro-life is the choice of most Americans.
It’s the young people who are the future leaders of America. The ones 37 years and younger are the “Survivors” of the Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973. They were a majority of the Marchers for Life in Washington, D.C. (300,000) and in San Francisco (35,000) during the month of January, 2010.
We are looking for leaders everywhere; include the pro-life and pro-family atheists, agnostics, homosexuals and secularists. It is not only a God-issue but a man- issue. We are all Americans not Europeans. Killing the unborn and suicide for our nation is not our choice. Our new leaders know in their hearts that pro-life is the right movement for America. And we will vote them into office in 2010, 12 etc.
Among Catholics we are blessed with the outstanding leadership of Father Frank Pavone and www.priestsforlife.org . His talk at Marywood in the city of Orange, California on Feb. 3rd was a classic presentation. It is worth your investment of $8.00 and $3.50 for mailing the tape to you. Ref. St. Joseph Radio – 1215 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 3, Orange, Ca. 92859 – Tel. 714-744-0336.
Check out and financial support Father Frank Pavone’s outstanding work.
1. www.Unborn.info this is a 42 minute video called “The Biology of Prenatal Development.” It is mind-boggling and also distributed by National Geographics.
2. www.ProLifeFreedomRides.com Alveda King leads the pro-life rides across the nation. You can participate in the rides and rallies from your own home.
3. SilentNoMore.org – Iregretmyabortion.org – politicalresponsibility.com – Father Frank Pavone explains how you can use the information.
In closing, join the crusade, keep to God’s standards and read the Feb. 15th entry in Co-Workers of the Truth; and today’s Liturgy of the Hours – Book of Proverbs 3: 1-20, and St. Bernard, “The field is the world.”
George H. Kubeck
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Monday, February 15, 2010
We will accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. There is more and more scientific evidence on the humanity of the unborn babies. Pro-choice-abortion America is changing its mind.
Americans are becoming involved in the greatest human and civil rights movement in the world. In the year of 2009, America has become a solid center right nation with 40% Conservative, 36 % Moderate and 21% Liberal. From the polls, we are now a proud majority – pro-life is the choice of most Americans.
It’s the young people who are the future leaders of America. The ones 37 years and younger are the “Survivors” of the Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973. They were a majority of the Marchers for Life in Washington, D.C. (300,000) and in San Francisco (35,000) during the month of January, 2010.
We are looking for leaders everywhere; include the pro-life and pro-family atheists, agnostics, homosexuals and secularists. It is not only a God-issue but a man- issue. We are all Americans not Europeans. Killing the unborn and suicide for our nation is not our choice. Our new leaders know in their hearts that pro-life is the right movement for America. And we will vote them into office in 2010, 12 etc.
Among Catholics we are blessed with the outstanding leadership of Father Frank Pavone and www.priestsforlife.org . His talk at Marywood in the city of Orange, California on Feb. 3rd was a classic presentation. It is worth your investment of $8.00 and $3.50 for mailing the tape to you. Ref. St. Joseph Radio – 1215 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 3, Orange, Ca. 92859 – Tel. 714-744-0336.
Check out and financial support Father Frank Pavone’s outstanding work.
1. www.Unborn.info this is a 42 minute video called “The Biology of Prenatal Development.” It is mind-boggling and also distributed by National Geographics.
2. www.ProLifeFreedomRides.com Alveda King leads the pro-life rides across the nation. You can participate in the rides and rallies from your own home.
3. SilentNoMore.org – Iregretmyabortion.org – politicalresponsibility.com – Father Frank Pavone explains how you can use the information.
In closing, join the crusade, keep to God’s standards and read the Feb. 15th entry in Co-Workers of the Truth; and today’s Liturgy of the Hours – Book of Proverbs 3: 1-20, and St. Bernard, “The field is the world.”
George H. Kubeck
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Politics of Neuroses and Permissiveness*
The Politics of Neuroses and Permissiveness *
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 11, 2010
1.)Doctors tell us that the neuroses of yesteryear, which were due to faulty education, hardly exist today; that the principal cause of neuroses in our day interior and exterior loss of orientation that is the result of a widespread permissiveness.
2.) As a matter of fact, it is also quite clear that a person becomes sick when he
does not know who he is or how he should order his life.
3,)Another discovery of the medical profession is also important in this context:
permissiveness and dislike of children, they tell us, are the outward expression of the same inward attitude to life.
4.)Both of them give expression to a disposition that is not ready to make
sacrifices for others; both of them are manifestations of a deadly
narcissism,love of self that becomes more and more confining and leaves the individual that much poorer the more he desperately tries desperately to defend his own narrow way of life, the more he wants everything it has to offer, for he is no
longer willing to do without anything.
5.)Permissiveness is not an expression of magnanimity, but of an egoism that
wants to deprive the other what is most important oneself – the gift of a love
that alone can reveal what life is.
7.)Do not believe those who sell man day after day and make his body a piece of
merchandise! Do not believe those who depict faith as a garden of prohibitions and obedience as scrupulosity! Do not believe those who represent indolence as freedom, lack of orientation as happiness!
8.)Man has a right to greatness! God has a right to our greatness. Do not believe
those who debase man – in the end man will be naked and ashamed; he will have no choice but to hide himself and to condemn his empty existence.
* Feb. 11th entry – Co-Workers of the Truth – Pope Benedict XVI, Ignatius Press/92
George H. Kubeck,
P.S. “The Culture of Death” advocates and promotes permissiveness. How can any American support Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, NARAL, ACLU, and People for the American Way and Pro-choice America?
P.P.S - One poster boy for the CINOP is TV Commentator Chris Matthews.
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 11, 2010
1.)Doctors tell us that the neuroses of yesteryear, which were due to faulty education, hardly exist today; that the principal cause of neuroses in our day interior and exterior loss of orientation that is the result of a widespread permissiveness.
2.) As a matter of fact, it is also quite clear that a person becomes sick when he
does not know who he is or how he should order his life.
3,)Another discovery of the medical profession is also important in this context:
permissiveness and dislike of children, they tell us, are the outward expression of the same inward attitude to life.
4.)Both of them give expression to a disposition that is not ready to make
sacrifices for others; both of them are manifestations of a deadly
narcissism,love of self that becomes more and more confining and leaves the individual that much poorer the more he desperately tries desperately to defend his own narrow way of life, the more he wants everything it has to offer, for he is no
longer willing to do without anything.
5.)Permissiveness is not an expression of magnanimity, but of an egoism that
wants to deprive the other what is most important oneself – the gift of a love
that alone can reveal what life is.
7.)Do not believe those who sell man day after day and make his body a piece of
merchandise! Do not believe those who depict faith as a garden of prohibitions and obedience as scrupulosity! Do not believe those who represent indolence as freedom, lack of orientation as happiness!
8.)Man has a right to greatness! God has a right to our greatness. Do not believe
those who debase man – in the end man will be naked and ashamed; he will have no choice but to hide himself and to condemn his empty existence.
* Feb. 11th entry – Co-Workers of the Truth – Pope Benedict XVI, Ignatius Press/92
George H. Kubeck,
P.S. “The Culture of Death” advocates and promotes permissiveness. How can any American support Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, NARAL, ACLU, and People for the American Way and Pro-choice America?
P.P.S - One poster boy for the CINOP is TV Commentator Chris Matthews.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
On the Matter of Dealing with the CINOP
On the Matter of Dealing with the CINOP
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Ref. - 3 letters on this blog titled: A Major Breakthrough – Sept. 22 and 24th, 2009
It has been almost five months since Father Roger Landry has written an historical editorial on Sept. 11th, “The Anchor” of the Diocese of Fall River, Mass.
Let us study again the excerpts of the brave Father Roger Landry:
1,) The strategy of conscience-education-alone with “personally opposed pro-choice” Catholic politicians hasn’t worked. Over the last three and a half decades, can we point to even one success story?
2.) In the initial years after Roe vs. Wade, publicly pro-choice Catholic legislators generally whispered their support for abortion… That discomfort began to dissipate after Governor Mario Cuomo’s 1984 pro-choice defense at Notre Dame.
3.) We’ve now come to a situation when pro-choice Catholic legislators vigorously curry favor of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Pro-Choice America, and Emily’s List: scores of Catholics in Congress have the chutzpah to co-sponsor the Freedom of Choice Act, (FOCA), (Loretta Sanchez) which would eliminate almost every abortion restriction ever passed at the federal or state level: AND 16 OUT 25 CATHOLIC SENATORS VOTE AGAINST CONSCIENCE PROTECTION TO PREVENT FELLOW CATHOLICS IN THE MEDICAL FIELD FROM BEING FORCED TO PARTICIPATE IN ABORTIONS AND STERILIZATION…
4.) Today, there are many “personally opposed pro-choice” Catholic legislators for whom this phrase seems to be an empty slogan, because they give almost no evidence that they even have any personal opposition toward abortion…The essence of their position has been that, no matter how wrong abortion to be, the mother should have the right to do that wrong – a lethal permanent wrong to the unborn child. They give the ill-informed conscience of the potential wrongdoer greater weight than the truth about abortion, the life of the unborn child, & the soul psyche of the soon-to-be forever wounded mother comb..
5.) The politicians’ own determination in conscience, erroneous or not, is given greater weight than, combined, the truth proclaimed by the Church, the duty to protect the politicians’ souls from a potential wound,…
6.) Jesus spoke of a different way in the Gospel (Mt. 18:15-18). It involves not merely general educational statements that we hope offenders will apply to themselves in conscience, but the type of one-on-one instruction traditionally called fraternal correction. If that fails repeatedly, Jesus enjoined us to regard the offender as someone who is no longer a member in good standing.
7.) This may seem harsh, but we should remember that Jesus always seeks nothing but the best for his Church and for the individual sinners, even obstinate sinners, implied in Jesus’ strategy is that education involves not just information, but formation, and you can’t form disciples without discipline. This is a lesson that after 4 decades of the undeniable failure of another approach. We need to consider.
George H. Kubeck – The CINOP is to be shunned and invited to no Catholic activity. This blog is dedicated to the removal of Catholic-in-name-only politicians by voting them out of office. We try to do this through information, education and reasonable persuasion with over 850 letters posted during the last 3 years.
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Ref. - 3 letters on this blog titled: A Major Breakthrough – Sept. 22 and 24th, 2009
It has been almost five months since Father Roger Landry has written an historical editorial on Sept. 11th, “The Anchor” of the Diocese of Fall River, Mass.
Let us study again the excerpts of the brave Father Roger Landry:
1,) The strategy of conscience-education-alone with “personally opposed pro-choice” Catholic politicians hasn’t worked. Over the last three and a half decades, can we point to even one success story?
2.) In the initial years after Roe vs. Wade, publicly pro-choice Catholic legislators generally whispered their support for abortion… That discomfort began to dissipate after Governor Mario Cuomo’s 1984 pro-choice defense at Notre Dame.
3.) We’ve now come to a situation when pro-choice Catholic legislators vigorously curry favor of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Pro-Choice America, and Emily’s List: scores of Catholics in Congress have the chutzpah to co-sponsor the Freedom of Choice Act, (FOCA), (Loretta Sanchez) which would eliminate almost every abortion restriction ever passed at the federal or state level: AND 16 OUT 25 CATHOLIC SENATORS VOTE AGAINST CONSCIENCE PROTECTION TO PREVENT FELLOW CATHOLICS IN THE MEDICAL FIELD FROM BEING FORCED TO PARTICIPATE IN ABORTIONS AND STERILIZATION…
4.) Today, there are many “personally opposed pro-choice” Catholic legislators for whom this phrase seems to be an empty slogan, because they give almost no evidence that they even have any personal opposition toward abortion…The essence of their position has been that, no matter how wrong abortion to be, the mother should have the right to do that wrong – a lethal permanent wrong to the unborn child. They give the ill-informed conscience of the potential wrongdoer greater weight than the truth about abortion, the life of the unborn child, & the soul psyche of the soon-to-be forever wounded mother comb..
5.) The politicians’ own determination in conscience, erroneous or not, is given greater weight than, combined, the truth proclaimed by the Church, the duty to protect the politicians’ souls from a potential wound,…
6.) Jesus spoke of a different way in the Gospel (Mt. 18:15-18). It involves not merely general educational statements that we hope offenders will apply to themselves in conscience, but the type of one-on-one instruction traditionally called fraternal correction. If that fails repeatedly, Jesus enjoined us to regard the offender as someone who is no longer a member in good standing.
7.) This may seem harsh, but we should remember that Jesus always seeks nothing but the best for his Church and for the individual sinners, even obstinate sinners, implied in Jesus’ strategy is that education involves not just information, but formation, and you can’t form disciples without discipline. This is a lesson that after 4 decades of the undeniable failure of another approach. We need to consider.
George H. Kubeck – The CINOP is to be shunned and invited to no Catholic activity. This blog is dedicated to the removal of Catholic-in-name-only politicians by voting them out of office. We try to do this through information, education and reasonable persuasion with over 850 letters posted during the last 3 years.
Monday, February 8, 2010
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Monday, February 8, 2010
Ask your friends and relatives this question. What are your first thoughts that must come to your mind when you think of Bill Ayers and the deceased Sol Alinsky who wrote Rules for Radicals? The answer is, “Masters of Deceit!”
Remember that one of Alinsky’s first clones was Hillary Clinton and later on Barack Obama. Also, CINO TV’s Chris Matthews is a new convert to Alinsky.
Let’s remain on the subject of Masters of Deceit. Think about Nancy Pelosi and her 12 California CINO clones (including L. Sanchez). Let’s also include three of the most despicable Cinops Senators Harkin, Durbin and Kerry. They also have prostituted their Catholic faith by promoting directly the absolute evils of abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, assisted-suicide and euthanasia.
They are screwed up not only spiritually but also politically with their blind support of deficit spending, government health care, big government, killing the private sector with Cap and Trade’s new religion of Global warming.
But wait! I remember in 1958 when J.Edgar Hoover wrote a book about Masters of Deceit. On your Google type in J.Edgar Hoover – Masters of Deceit. Note Amazone.com. You will find that Hoover was talking about Communism in America and how to fight it. We have these ideologue Czars, elitist and progressives using the same techniques in promoting their secularism and socialism in America.
Let’s read what some ordinary folks have written on the Internet:
1.) By Frank D. – June 11, 2006, this book should be required reading for high school seniors and college students. It explains much of what has happened in this country over the past 40 to 50 years… in particular, it anticipated the tactics that were used during the Vietnam era, Iran-Contra, etc. These tactics continued to be used today.
2.) By Robert R. Fisher (Tallahassee, FL) – December 14, 2005 – I finally decided to read this book in the light of current political events, particularly the fact that many anti-war protests are organized and funded by communist/Marxist groups.
I was surprised by the relevance of this book given the nearly 60 years since the first printing. Had I read this in 1995, I might have been more inclined to pass it off as a ranting voice from a distant past, but the current love affair with the Che Guevara in particular and Marxist ideas in general at US colleges proves several of Hoover’s main points…
Hoover highlights the constant drone by the socialists/communists on the “evils” of capitalism. Moreover, Hoover points to the loss of personal responsibility and accountability as fundamental to accepting an ever more powerful central government that dictates and controls more of our daily lives…
The fact that communism/Marxism is taught today at colleges and universities as a benign, more enlightened form of government without any reference to the horrors they brought on humanity should serve as a warning on just how masterly deceived many Americans have become…
George H. Kubeck, Mr. President, “You will not change our values or traditional America.”
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Monday, February 8, 2010
Ask your friends and relatives this question. What are your first thoughts that must come to your mind when you think of Bill Ayers and the deceased Sol Alinsky who wrote Rules for Radicals? The answer is, “Masters of Deceit!”
Remember that one of Alinsky’s first clones was Hillary Clinton and later on Barack Obama. Also, CINO TV’s Chris Matthews is a new convert to Alinsky.
Let’s remain on the subject of Masters of Deceit. Think about Nancy Pelosi and her 12 California CINO clones (including L. Sanchez). Let’s also include three of the most despicable Cinops Senators Harkin, Durbin and Kerry. They also have prostituted their Catholic faith by promoting directly the absolute evils of abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, assisted-suicide and euthanasia.
They are screwed up not only spiritually but also politically with their blind support of deficit spending, government health care, big government, killing the private sector with Cap and Trade’s new religion of Global warming.
But wait! I remember in 1958 when J.Edgar Hoover wrote a book about Masters of Deceit. On your Google type in J.Edgar Hoover – Masters of Deceit. Note Amazone.com. You will find that Hoover was talking about Communism in America and how to fight it. We have these ideologue Czars, elitist and progressives using the same techniques in promoting their secularism and socialism in America.
Let’s read what some ordinary folks have written on the Internet:
1.) By Frank D. – June 11, 2006, this book should be required reading for high school seniors and college students. It explains much of what has happened in this country over the past 40 to 50 years… in particular, it anticipated the tactics that were used during the Vietnam era, Iran-Contra, etc. These tactics continued to be used today.
2.) By Robert R. Fisher (Tallahassee, FL) – December 14, 2005 – I finally decided to read this book in the light of current political events, particularly the fact that many anti-war protests are organized and funded by communist/Marxist groups.
I was surprised by the relevance of this book given the nearly 60 years since the first printing. Had I read this in 1995, I might have been more inclined to pass it off as a ranting voice from a distant past, but the current love affair with the Che Guevara in particular and Marxist ideas in general at US colleges proves several of Hoover’s main points…
Hoover highlights the constant drone by the socialists/communists on the “evils” of capitalism. Moreover, Hoover points to the loss of personal responsibility and accountability as fundamental to accepting an ever more powerful central government that dictates and controls more of our daily lives…
The fact that communism/Marxism is taught today at colleges and universities as a benign, more enlightened form of government without any reference to the horrors they brought on humanity should serve as a warning on just how masterly deceived many Americans have become…
George H. Kubeck, Mr. President, “You will not change our values or traditional America.”
Saturday, February 6, 2010
In LifeSiteNews,com - Feb 5, 2010
In LifeSiteNews.com – Feb. 5th, 2010
In pursuit of the truth- www.cinopsbegone.com – Saturday, February 6, 2010
1.) Veterans, Former Army Legal Chief Defend “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars representing a combined force of four million military vets, told the Washington Times that they did not want to see the military readiness of the Armed Forces – already straining to fight two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while maintaining its military presence in outposts globally – undermined by what a Legion spokesman described as “a new social engineering project.”
Roger H. Black, the former chief of the U.S. Army’s criminal law division, writes in the Washington Times this week that opposition to homosexual service is not merely rooted in theory – and supports his case by citing several incidents, some of which he dealt with personally.
One scandal at the US Army base in Ft. Hood involved a restroom advertised to homosexuals as a location for casual sex. Black said that investigators in the space of a week observed 60 men – including non-commissioned officers, officers, and enlisted men – commit serious public acts of indecency. He said the incident demonstrated how public homosexual sex “destroys respect for rank,” which can translate into serious consequences for discipline on the battle-field. “How would men respond to such officers and noncoms in battle?” Black questioned.
2.) U.S. Sisters in Crisis after Embracing “Secular Culture”: Vatican Cardinal
Some religious orders in the U.S. and most western countries are in a state of “modern crisis” because the members of the order have embraced “secular culture” and abandoned traditional religious practices, the head of the Vatican’s office for religious life has said.
But, said the cardinal, the religious life in the Catholic Church should be presenting an alternative to the “dominant culture,” which is the culture of death, of violence and of abuse,” rather than mirroring it.
3.) Lech Walesa: World Has “Lost Hope” of America’s Moral Leadership
“The United States is only one superpower. Today they lead the world. Nobody has doubts about it – militarily,” said Walesa via a translator. “They also lead economically, but they are getting weaker. They don’t lead morally and politically anymore. The world has no leadership,” he continued. The United States was always the last resort and hope for all nations. There was the hope, whenever something was going wrong, one could count on the United States. TODAY WE LOST THAT HOPE. Walesa warns America is moving towards Socialism.
4.) President George W. Bush Receives Cardinal O’Connor Award from Legatus
Bush was the 43rd recipient of the prestigious pro-life award. Two other recipients were Cardinal Francis George and Kathleen Eaton, Founder of Birth Choice Health Clinics. In an hour long talk which he delivered without referring to notes, Bush wowed the audience and received six standing ovations. With many humorous anecdotes and sometimes serious insights into international politics, the former President held the crowd seemingly at ease.
George H. Kubeck, Down with Socialism and the Culture of Death!
In pursuit of the truth- www.cinopsbegone.com – Saturday, February 6, 2010
1.) Veterans, Former Army Legal Chief Defend “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars representing a combined force of four million military vets, told the Washington Times that they did not want to see the military readiness of the Armed Forces – already straining to fight two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while maintaining its military presence in outposts globally – undermined by what a Legion spokesman described as “a new social engineering project.”
Roger H. Black, the former chief of the U.S. Army’s criminal law division, writes in the Washington Times this week that opposition to homosexual service is not merely rooted in theory – and supports his case by citing several incidents, some of which he dealt with personally.
One scandal at the US Army base in Ft. Hood involved a restroom advertised to homosexuals as a location for casual sex. Black said that investigators in the space of a week observed 60 men – including non-commissioned officers, officers, and enlisted men – commit serious public acts of indecency. He said the incident demonstrated how public homosexual sex “destroys respect for rank,” which can translate into serious consequences for discipline on the battle-field. “How would men respond to such officers and noncoms in battle?” Black questioned.
2.) U.S. Sisters in Crisis after Embracing “Secular Culture”: Vatican Cardinal
Some religious orders in the U.S. and most western countries are in a state of “modern crisis” because the members of the order have embraced “secular culture” and abandoned traditional religious practices, the head of the Vatican’s office for religious life has said.
But, said the cardinal, the religious life in the Catholic Church should be presenting an alternative to the “dominant culture,” which is the culture of death, of violence and of abuse,” rather than mirroring it.
3.) Lech Walesa: World Has “Lost Hope” of America’s Moral Leadership
“The United States is only one superpower. Today they lead the world. Nobody has doubts about it – militarily,” said Walesa via a translator. “They also lead economically, but they are getting weaker. They don’t lead morally and politically anymore. The world has no leadership,” he continued. The United States was always the last resort and hope for all nations. There was the hope, whenever something was going wrong, one could count on the United States. TODAY WE LOST THAT HOPE. Walesa warns America is moving towards Socialism.
4.) President George W. Bush Receives Cardinal O’Connor Award from Legatus
Bush was the 43rd recipient of the prestigious pro-life award. Two other recipients were Cardinal Francis George and Kathleen Eaton, Founder of Birth Choice Health Clinics. In an hour long talk which he delivered without referring to notes, Bush wowed the audience and received six standing ovations. With many humorous anecdotes and sometimes serious insights into international politics, the former President held the crowd seemingly at ease.
George H. Kubeck, Down with Socialism and the Culture of Death!
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Poltics of Health Care - 4 of 4
The Politics of Health Care – 4 of 4
Indeed, the Bishops openly state in their January 26 letter that the House and Senate bills need to be expanded because they “leave between 18 and 23 million in our nation without health insurance.”
In addition the bishops openly state in their letter that they want “undocumented persons” – illegal aliens – to be able to purchase insurance in the new health care exchange established by the federal government.
Gabino Zavala, an auxiliary bishop in the Archbishop of Los Angeles for the San Gabriel region, has written an article noting that the religious left, which he describes as “religious leaders and faith-based organizations,” has been pushing for a national health care system “for decades.” He adds, “Catholic bishops have been pushing for a national health care system “for decades.” He adds, “Catholic bishops have been leading advocates for universal health care as a fundamental human right, not simply a luxury for the privileged few.”
The religious left, led by the Catholic Bishops, may represent the only way liberals in Congress can ultimately succeed in passing ObamaCare. But that assumes that conservative Catholics will not resist the push to use Church resources to give amnesty and federal benefits to illegal aliens as a way to take Catholic hospitals off the hook for many of their health care costs.
Left-wing Huffington Post blogger John Gehring notes with pride and pleasure that the Catholic bishops have “signaled they will play a leading role in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform this year by using the power of their pulpits and bipartisan political influence on Capitol Hill” and the recent briefing was designed “to outline plans for persuading the public and wavering members of Congress that fixing a broken immigration system is a moral and practical priority.”
Gehring is Communications Director and Senior Writer for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, an organization funded by atheist George Soros. He is also a regular contributor to the God’s Politics blog run by Jim Wallis of “Sojourners,” which received $100,000 from the Soros “Open Society” institute to support the “Christians for Immigration Reform”campaign… An audio recording and transcript of the conference call are available at the La Raza website…
The Huffington Post’s Ghering said that Bishop John C Wester of Salt Lake City and Bishop Hubbard of Albany, New York who are respective chairmen of the U.S. bishops’ committee on migration and international policy have announced that over a million postcards “touting the need for immigration reform have been ordered by diocese and parishes across the country” and that the cards will be sent to congressional offices.
The campaign is being run by the Justice for immigrant’s campaign, an official project of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops…
George H. Kubeck, In pursuit of the truth, www.cinopsbegone.com – Friday, Feb. 5, 2010
P.S. I think that’s wonderful CINO writer Ghering. Immigration is a separate issue from Health Care Reform. Don’t use it as a carrot stick to pass ObamaCare which prostitutes the life issues, conscience & religious rights, and historic marriage between a man and woman!
Indeed, the Bishops openly state in their January 26 letter that the House and Senate bills need to be expanded because they “leave between 18 and 23 million in our nation without health insurance.”
In addition the bishops openly state in their letter that they want “undocumented persons” – illegal aliens – to be able to purchase insurance in the new health care exchange established by the federal government.
Gabino Zavala, an auxiliary bishop in the Archbishop of Los Angeles for the San Gabriel region, has written an article noting that the religious left, which he describes as “religious leaders and faith-based organizations,” has been pushing for a national health care system “for decades.” He adds, “Catholic bishops have been pushing for a national health care system “for decades.” He adds, “Catholic bishops have been leading advocates for universal health care as a fundamental human right, not simply a luxury for the privileged few.”
The religious left, led by the Catholic Bishops, may represent the only way liberals in Congress can ultimately succeed in passing ObamaCare. But that assumes that conservative Catholics will not resist the push to use Church resources to give amnesty and federal benefits to illegal aliens as a way to take Catholic hospitals off the hook for many of their health care costs.
Left-wing Huffington Post blogger John Gehring notes with pride and pleasure that the Catholic bishops have “signaled they will play a leading role in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform this year by using the power of their pulpits and bipartisan political influence on Capitol Hill” and the recent briefing was designed “to outline plans for persuading the public and wavering members of Congress that fixing a broken immigration system is a moral and practical priority.”
Gehring is Communications Director and Senior Writer for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, an organization funded by atheist George Soros. He is also a regular contributor to the God’s Politics blog run by Jim Wallis of “Sojourners,” which received $100,000 from the Soros “Open Society” institute to support the “Christians for Immigration Reform”campaign… An audio recording and transcript of the conference call are available at the La Raza website…
The Huffington Post’s Ghering said that Bishop John C Wester of Salt Lake City and Bishop Hubbard of Albany, New York who are respective chairmen of the U.S. bishops’ committee on migration and international policy have announced that over a million postcards “touting the need for immigration reform have been ordered by diocese and parishes across the country” and that the cards will be sent to congressional offices.
The campaign is being run by the Justice for immigrant’s campaign, an official project of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops…
George H. Kubeck, In pursuit of the truth, www.cinopsbegone.com – Friday, Feb. 5, 2010
P.S. I think that’s wonderful CINO writer Ghering. Immigration is a separate issue from Health Care Reform. Don’t use it as a carrot stick to pass ObamaCare which prostitutes the life issues, conscience & religious rights, and historic marriage between a man and woman!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Highlights of Fr. Frank Pavone's Talk
Highlights of Fr. Frank Pavone’s Talk
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 4, 2010
Without doubt it was an outstanding victory speech for the pro-life movement in America. It was a shot in the arm for the pro-life advocates locally in Orange County. The auditorium last night at the Marywood Pastoral Center in the city of Orange was filled to capacity. There was enthusiasm & smiles all around us.
We were honored with the presence of two of our bishops, Bishop Dominic Luong and Bishop Cirilo Flores. Both strongly support Priests for Life. Director Georgeann Lovett of Respect Life and Justice and Peace introduced Fr. Frank Pavone and all were pleased with the large number of Respect Life Representatives from each Church and their parishioners. Both before and after the talk there was a long line wanting to talk with Fr. Pavone and sign some of his books.
A write-up by this reporter or the one in the Orange County Catholic for February cannot do justice to Father Pavone’s presentation. THIS TALK AND PRESENTATION BY FATHER FRANK PAVONE NEEDS TO BE STUDIED AND IMITATED BY OTHERS; PARTICULARLY - OUR YOUNG PEOPLE.
I telephoned Catholic Radio today and they sell the tape of the talk for $8.00 and $3.50 for mailing. Their address and telephone number is as follows: St. Joseph Radio- 1215 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 3, Orange, Ca. 92859 – Tel. (714) 744-0336
May I share with you several of the highlights?
1,) We are a people of life and have a commitment to life. It is not simply a cause; the greatest movement in our country. This is a charism and a deeper union with God himself. It’s a response to Jesus Christ and a response to the unborn child.
2.) Freedom of Choice: It is contrary to facts. Women get abortions because they have no freedom or choice. They have been in such despair. They are already in prison. We are not in the business of hate but in the business of love. We are the brothers and sister of the unborn child. We are one family in Christ.
3.) Pro-life and Social Justice are one. We respond to the sufferings in Haiti. A child is killed in our community and dismembered. We are entrusted to the care of one another. It will take time. Recall the time it took to remove slavery.
Some Powerful Tools and Voices.
Ultra Sound – seeing the person we are trying to defend. We have a more powerful direct imagery of the unborn child via a camera in place from 4.5 weeks to 12 weeks. We will give one to each mother-to-be that is going to have an abortion. This has the National Geographic’s stamp of approval. Father Pavone gave us info on how to use the blogs - SilentNoMore.org – Iregretmyabortion.org –politicalresponsibility.com – Freedom Riders for the Unborn. Etc.
George H. Kubeck – Add prayer to the above – 40 Days For Life – Feb. 17th to March 28th. Planned Parenthood Mill – 700 S. Tustin St. Orange, Ca. 92866 – Daily – 6AM to 6 PM
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 4, 2010
Without doubt it was an outstanding victory speech for the pro-life movement in America. It was a shot in the arm for the pro-life advocates locally in Orange County. The auditorium last night at the Marywood Pastoral Center in the city of Orange was filled to capacity. There was enthusiasm & smiles all around us.
We were honored with the presence of two of our bishops, Bishop Dominic Luong and Bishop Cirilo Flores. Both strongly support Priests for Life. Director Georgeann Lovett of Respect Life and Justice and Peace introduced Fr. Frank Pavone and all were pleased with the large number of Respect Life Representatives from each Church and their parishioners. Both before and after the talk there was a long line wanting to talk with Fr. Pavone and sign some of his books.
A write-up by this reporter or the one in the Orange County Catholic for February cannot do justice to Father Pavone’s presentation. THIS TALK AND PRESENTATION BY FATHER FRANK PAVONE NEEDS TO BE STUDIED AND IMITATED BY OTHERS; PARTICULARLY - OUR YOUNG PEOPLE.
I telephoned Catholic Radio today and they sell the tape of the talk for $8.00 and $3.50 for mailing. Their address and telephone number is as follows: St. Joseph Radio- 1215 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 3, Orange, Ca. 92859 – Tel. (714) 744-0336
May I share with you several of the highlights?
1,) We are a people of life and have a commitment to life. It is not simply a cause; the greatest movement in our country. This is a charism and a deeper union with God himself. It’s a response to Jesus Christ and a response to the unborn child.
2.) Freedom of Choice: It is contrary to facts. Women get abortions because they have no freedom or choice. They have been in such despair. They are already in prison. We are not in the business of hate but in the business of love. We are the brothers and sister of the unborn child. We are one family in Christ.
3.) Pro-life and Social Justice are one. We respond to the sufferings in Haiti. A child is killed in our community and dismembered. We are entrusted to the care of one another. It will take time. Recall the time it took to remove slavery.
Some Powerful Tools and Voices.
Ultra Sound – seeing the person we are trying to defend. We have a more powerful direct imagery of the unborn child via a camera in place from 4.5 weeks to 12 weeks. We will give one to each mother-to-be that is going to have an abortion. This has the National Geographic’s stamp of approval. Father Pavone gave us info on how to use the blogs - SilentNoMore.org – Iregretmyabortion.org –politicalresponsibility.com – Freedom Riders for the Unborn. Etc.
George H. Kubeck – Add prayer to the above – 40 Days For Life – Feb. 17th to March 28th. Planned Parenthood Mill – 700 S. Tustin St. Orange, Ca. 92866 – Daily – 6AM to 6 PM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Politics of Health Care - 3 of 4
The Politics of Health Care – 3 of 4
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Accuracy in Media: Fairness, Balance, and Accuracy in News reporting is a responsible news outlet. Let’s check out their blog and YOU DECIDE:
AIM Column by Cliff Kinkaid January 27, 2010
Calling health care a “right” to be guaranteed by the federal government, America’s Catholic Bishops are trying to save ObamaCare at a time when the legislation has been pronounced in limbo, dying or dead by the media.
The evidence of intensive Catholic Bishop lobbying activity suggests that liberal Congressional leaders are going to give the legislation a temporary respite so that liberal Catholics can be persuaded to pressure Congress to pass both national health care legislation and “comprehensive immigration reform” in the form of H.R. 4321, the “Comprehensive immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity” Act.
As AIM has documented, lobbying by the Catholic Bishops and their representatives, who worked closely with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, guaranteed passage of the health care bill in the House.
In a January 13 conference call and briefing, Kevin Appleby, a representative of the U.S. Catholic Bishops, explained in frank language why the Bishops are so desperate to pass the healthcare and immigration bills. He said the bishops want a federal health plan to absorb the cost being borne by the nation’s 600 Catholic hospitals to cover illegal aliens.
Appleby said, “We have Catholic hospitals throughout the country that experience the same things that Alan was describing and we serve undocumented immigrants in our emergency rooms and community clinics, etc. So we have a stake in this in that the burden will fall not just on our providers but as Alan described taxpayers throughout the country.”
This was one of the clearest indications yet that support for national health care legislation is a means by which the Bishops can dump some of the costs of operating Catholic hospitals on the American.
The reference to “Alan” was to Alan Aviles, President of the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, another person on the telephone conference call.
Just four days after the annual January 22 March for Life, which featured many Catholic Bishops standing shoulder-to-shoulder with conservative members of Congress against President Obama’s pro-abortion policies, the Bishops have returned to their liberal ways, firing off a letter to Congress complaining that National Health Care Bills pending in the House and Senate aren’t far-reaching enough. While the Bishops want the ultimate legislation to include “prohibition on abortion funding,” prohibitions on abortion funding,” they also want it expanded to include millions of more people, including illegal aliens… to be continued
George H. Kubeck, Today is the Feast of St. Blasé, Bishop and Martyr
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Accuracy in Media: Fairness, Balance, and Accuracy in News reporting is a responsible news outlet. Let’s check out their blog and YOU DECIDE:
AIM Column by Cliff Kinkaid January 27, 2010
Calling health care a “right” to be guaranteed by the federal government, America’s Catholic Bishops are trying to save ObamaCare at a time when the legislation has been pronounced in limbo, dying or dead by the media.
The evidence of intensive Catholic Bishop lobbying activity suggests that liberal Congressional leaders are going to give the legislation a temporary respite so that liberal Catholics can be persuaded to pressure Congress to pass both national health care legislation and “comprehensive immigration reform” in the form of H.R. 4321, the “Comprehensive immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity” Act.
As AIM has documented, lobbying by the Catholic Bishops and their representatives, who worked closely with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, guaranteed passage of the health care bill in the House.
In a January 13 conference call and briefing, Kevin Appleby, a representative of the U.S. Catholic Bishops, explained in frank language why the Bishops are so desperate to pass the healthcare and immigration bills. He said the bishops want a federal health plan to absorb the cost being borne by the nation’s 600 Catholic hospitals to cover illegal aliens.
Appleby said, “We have Catholic hospitals throughout the country that experience the same things that Alan was describing and we serve undocumented immigrants in our emergency rooms and community clinics, etc. So we have a stake in this in that the burden will fall not just on our providers but as Alan described taxpayers throughout the country.”
This was one of the clearest indications yet that support for national health care legislation is a means by which the Bishops can dump some of the costs of operating Catholic hospitals on the American.
The reference to “Alan” was to Alan Aviles, President of the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, another person on the telephone conference call.
Just four days after the annual January 22 March for Life, which featured many Catholic Bishops standing shoulder-to-shoulder with conservative members of Congress against President Obama’s pro-abortion policies, the Bishops have returned to their liberal ways, firing off a letter to Congress complaining that National Health Care Bills pending in the House and Senate aren’t far-reaching enough. While the Bishops want the ultimate legislation to include “prohibition on abortion funding,” prohibitions on abortion funding,” they also want it expanded to include millions of more people, including illegal aliens… to be continued
George H. Kubeck, Today is the Feast of St. Blasé, Bishop and Martyr
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