Monday, February 8, 2010


In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, February 8, 2010

Ask your friends and relatives this question. What are your first thoughts that must come to your mind when you think of Bill Ayers and the deceased Sol Alinsky who wrote Rules for Radicals? The answer is, “Masters of Deceit!”

Remember that one of Alinsky’s first clones was Hillary Clinton and later on Barack Obama. Also, CINO TV’s Chris Matthews is a new convert to Alinsky.

Let’s remain on the subject of Masters of Deceit. Think about Nancy Pelosi and her 12 California CINO clones (including L. Sanchez). Let’s also include three of the most despicable Cinops Senators Harkin, Durbin and Kerry. They also have prostituted their Catholic faith by promoting directly the absolute evils of abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, assisted-suicide and euthanasia.

They are screwed up not only spiritually but also politically with their blind support of deficit spending, government health care, big government, killing the private sector with Cap and Trade’s new religion of Global warming.

But wait! I remember in 1958 when J.Edgar Hoover wrote a book about Masters of Deceit. On your Google type in J.Edgar Hoover – Masters of Deceit. Note You will find that Hoover was talking about Communism in America and how to fight it. We have these ideologue Czars, elitist and progressives using the same techniques in promoting their secularism and socialism in America.

Let’s read what some ordinary folks have written on the Internet:

1.) By Frank D. – June 11, 2006, this book should be required reading for high school seniors and college students. It explains much of what has happened in this country over the past 40 to 50 years… in particular, it anticipated the tactics that were used during the Vietnam era, Iran-Contra, etc. These tactics continued to be used today.

2.) By Robert R. Fisher (Tallahassee, FL) – December 14, 2005 – I finally decided to read this book in the light of current political events, particularly the fact that many anti-war protests are organized and funded by communist/Marxist groups.

I was surprised by the relevance of this book given the nearly 60 years since the first printing. Had I read this in 1995, I might have been more inclined to pass it off as a ranting voice from a distant past, but the current love affair with the Che Guevara in particular and Marxist ideas in general at US colleges proves several of Hoover’s main points…

Hoover highlights the constant drone by the socialists/communists on the “evils” of capitalism. Moreover, Hoover points to the loss of personal responsibility and accountability as fundamental to accepting an ever more powerful central government that dictates and controls more of our daily lives…

The fact that communism/Marxism is taught today at colleges and universities as a benign, more enlightened form of government without any reference to the horrors they brought on humanity should serve as a warning on just how masterly deceived many Americans have become…

George H. Kubeck, Mr. President, “You will not change our values or traditional America.”

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