Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Politics of Neuroses and Permissiveness*

The Politics of Neuroses and Permissiveness *

In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, February 11, 2010

1.)Doctors tell us that the neuroses of yesteryear, which were due to faulty education, hardly exist today; that the principal cause of neuroses in our day interior and exterior loss of orientation that is the result of a widespread permissiveness.

2.) As a matter of fact, it is also quite clear that a person becomes sick when he
does not know who he is or how he should order his life.

3,)Another discovery of the medical profession is also important in this context:
permissiveness and dislike of children, they tell us, are the outward expression of the same inward attitude to life.

4.)Both of them give expression to a disposition that is not ready to make
sacrifices for others; both of them are manifestations of a deadly
narcissism,love of self that becomes more and more confining and leaves the individual that much poorer the more he desperately tries desperately to defend his own narrow way of life, the more he wants everything it has to offer, for he is no
longer willing to do without anything.

5.)Permissiveness is not an expression of magnanimity, but of an egoism that
wants to deprive the other what is most important oneself – the gift of a love
that alone can reveal what life is.


7.)Do not believe those who sell man day after day and make his body a piece of
merchandise! Do not believe those who depict faith as a garden of prohibitions and obedience as scrupulosity! Do not believe those who represent indolence as freedom, lack of orientation as happiness!

8.)Man has a right to greatness! God has a right to our greatness. Do not believe
those who debase man – in the end man will be naked and ashamed; he will have no choice but to hide himself and to condemn his empty existence.

* Feb. 11th entry – Co-Workers of the Truth – Pope Benedict XVI, Ignatius Press/92

George H. Kubeck,
P.S. “The Culture of Death” advocates and promotes permissiveness. How can any American support Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, NARAL, ACLU, and People for the American Way and Pro-choice America?
P.P.S - One poster boy for the CINOP is TV Commentator Chris Matthews.

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