Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Saul Alinsky – 1
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Preface: This is the first in a series of letters on Alinsky. Saul is much more dangerous than I believed him to be. He is like a perverted St. Paul on the American scene. As an atheist he fights for the Have-Nots, the poor and the oppressed and seeks to subvert and destroy the existing institutions in our country. All of this brings about a heaven on earth for the Have-Nots. It’s like an anarchist religion in America. Alinsky likes Satan who is the first radical and rebel to God in the world.

I will be reporting on the writings of David Horowitz on this subject. {One of David’s other books is Radical Son a classic in understanding the culture of the anti-war and the leftist radical ideologues that now control the Democratic Party. This book is the equivalent of Whittaker Chambers’ book, The Witness, which I read decades ago.}

Founding Father Alexander Hamilton where are you now that we need you.
Hamilton had a writing pen which was clear and concise and none of his contemporaries could challenge him. I do not understand why no American Christian has not written a definite book on Saul Alinksy and ripped him apart for the obvious, Alinsky’s intellectual and moral bankruptcy. But wait! Hillary Clinton concluded her thesis on Saul Alinsky this way.

“Alinsky is regarded by many as a proponent of a dangerous socio/political philosophy. As such, he has been feared – just as Eugene Debs or Walt Whitman or Martin Luther King has been feared, because each embraced the most radical of political faiths – democracy.”* p. 11

Now let’s post excerpts from David Horowitz’s booklet, Barack Obama’s “Rules for Revolution” – The Alinsky Model.”* Let’s start with the last section:
Revolutionary Means and Ends

Lenin once said that the purpose of a political argument is not to refute your opponent “but to wipe him for the face of the earth.” The mission of Alinsky radicals is a mission of destruction… The most important chapter of Alinsky’s manual is called “Means and Ends,” and is designed to address Alinsky’s biggest problem:

How to explain to radicals who think of themselves as creating a world of perfect justice and harmony, that the means they must use to get there are Machiavellian – deceitful, conniving, and ruthless?*

The radical organizer, Alinsky explains, “does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing. He is a political relativist.” And that will do it. Being a radical in the service of the higher good is a license to do anything that is required to achieve that good… In contrast to liberals, who in Alinsky’s eyes are constantly tripping over their principles, the rule for radicals is that the ends justify the means. This was true for the Jacobins, for the Communists, for fascists and now for the post-Communist left...*

George H. Kubeck- The bottom line is: You cannot trust the President!

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