Tuesday, February 9, 2010

On the Matter of Dealing with the CINOP

On the Matter of Dealing with the CINOP
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ref. - 3 letters on this blog titled: A Major Breakthrough – Sept. 22 and 24th, 2009
It has been almost five months since Father Roger Landry has written an historical editorial on Sept. 11th, “The Anchor” of the Diocese of Fall River, Mass.

Let us study again the excerpts of the brave Father Roger Landry:

1,) The strategy of conscience-education-alone with “personally opposed pro-choice” Catholic politicians hasn’t worked. Over the last three and a half decades, can we point to even one success story?

2.) In the initial years after Roe vs. Wade, publicly pro-choice Catholic legislators generally whispered their support for abortion… That discomfort began to dissipate after Governor Mario Cuomo’s 1984 pro-choice defense at Notre Dame.

3.) We’ve now come to a situation when pro-choice Catholic legislators vigorously curry favor of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Pro-Choice America, and Emily’s List: scores of Catholics in Congress have the chutzpah to co-sponsor the Freedom of Choice Act, (FOCA), (Loretta Sanchez) which would eliminate almost every abortion restriction ever passed at the federal or state level: AND 16 OUT 25 CATHOLIC SENATORS VOTE AGAINST CONSCIENCE PROTECTION TO PREVENT FELLOW CATHOLICS IN THE MEDICAL FIELD FROM BEING FORCED TO PARTICIPATE IN ABORTIONS AND STERILIZATION…

4.) Today, there are many “personally opposed pro-choice” Catholic legislators for whom this phrase seems to be an empty slogan, because they give almost no evidence that they even have any personal opposition toward abortion…The essence of their position has been that, no matter how wrong abortion to be, the mother should have the right to do that wrong – a lethal permanent wrong to the unborn child. They give the ill-informed conscience of the potential wrongdoer greater weight than the truth about abortion, the life of the unborn child, & the soul psyche of the soon-to-be forever wounded mother comb..

5.) The politicians’ own determination in conscience, erroneous or not, is given greater weight than, combined, the truth proclaimed by the Church, the duty to protect the politicians’ souls from a potential wound,…

6.) Jesus spoke of a different way in the Gospel (Mt. 18:15-18). It involves not merely general educational statements that we hope offenders will apply to themselves in conscience, but the type of one-on-one instruction traditionally called fraternal correction. If that fails repeatedly, Jesus enjoined us to regard the offender as someone who is no longer a member in good standing.

7.) This may seem harsh, but we should remember that Jesus always seeks nothing but the best for his Church and for the individual sinners, even obstinate sinners, implied in Jesus’ strategy is that education involves not just information, but formation, and you can’t form disciples without discipline. This is a lesson that after 4 decades of the undeniable failure of another approach. We need to consider.

George H. Kubeck – The CINOP is to be shunned and invited to no Catholic activity. This blog is dedicated to the removal of Catholic-in-name-only politicians by voting them out of office. We try to do this through information, education and reasonable persuasion with over 850 letters posted during the last 3 years.

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