Saturday, February 6, 2010

In LifeSiteNews,com - Feb 5, 2010

In – Feb. 5th, 2010
In pursuit of the truth- – Saturday, February 6, 2010

1.) Veterans, Former Army Legal Chief Defend “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars representing a combined force of four million military vets, told the Washington Times that they did not want to see the military readiness of the Armed Forces – already straining to fight two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while maintaining its military presence in outposts globally – undermined by what a Legion spokesman described as “a new social engineering project.”

Roger H. Black, the former chief of the U.S. Army’s criminal law division, writes in the Washington Times this week that opposition to homosexual service is not merely rooted in theory – and supports his case by citing several incidents, some of which he dealt with personally.

One scandal at the US Army base in Ft. Hood involved a restroom advertised to homosexuals as a location for casual sex. Black said that investigators in the space of a week observed 60 men – including non-commissioned officers, officers, and enlisted men – commit serious public acts of indecency. He said the incident demonstrated how public homosexual sex “destroys respect for rank,” which can translate into serious consequences for discipline on the battle-field. “How would men respond to such officers and noncoms in battle?” Black questioned.

2.) U.S. Sisters in Crisis after Embracing “Secular Culture”: Vatican Cardinal

Some religious orders in the U.S. and most western countries are in a state of “modern crisis” because the members of the order have embraced “secular culture” and abandoned traditional religious practices, the head of the Vatican’s office for religious life has said.

But, said the cardinal, the religious life in the Catholic Church should be presenting an alternative to the “dominant culture,” which is the culture of death, of violence and of abuse,” rather than mirroring it.

3.) Lech Walesa: World Has “Lost Hope” of America’s Moral Leadership

“The United States is only one superpower. Today they lead the world. Nobody has doubts about it – militarily,” said Walesa via a translator. “They also lead economically, but they are getting weaker. They don’t lead morally and politically anymore. The world has no leadership,” he continued. The United States was always the last resort and hope for all nations. There was the hope, whenever something was going wrong, one could count on the United States. TODAY WE LOST THAT HOPE. Walesa warns America is moving towards Socialism.

4.) President George W. Bush Receives Cardinal O’Connor Award from Legatus

Bush was the 43rd recipient of the prestigious pro-life award. Two other recipients were Cardinal Francis George and Kathleen Eaton, Founder of Birth Choice Health Clinics. In an hour long talk which he delivered without referring to notes, Bush wowed the audience and received six standing ovations. With many humorous anecdotes and sometimes serious insights into international politics, the former President held the crowd seemingly at ease.

George H. Kubeck, Down with Socialism and the Culture of Death!

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