Friday, September 24, 2010

The Cardinal Newman Society Report - Sept. 2010

The Cardinal Newman Society Report – Sept. 2010
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, Sept. 24, 2010


Be prepared for a sickening report. Also this is just the tip of the iceberg within the Catholic Church and especially in Catholic Education. I recall during the cold war with Russia (1945-1980’s) w e had numerous commie front organizations. They were Useful Idiots for the Russian communist party. Except for their leadership most of the members of the commie front organizations were duped.

We have the same within the Catholic Church. Except they are Useful Idiots for the Culture of Death as coined by Pope John Paul II in “The Gospel of Life”. It is sad. Be informed. VOTE NO to CINOP.

"Georgetown Employees Launch Homosexual ‘Marriage” Crusade in Parishes, on Campuses"

“A new organization which aims to persuade Catholics to support same-sex ‘marriage’ – in part by targeting students at Catholic colleges and universities – was co-founded by employees of Georgetown University.

“Catholics for Equality represents outright rebellion – ‘mutiny’ in the words of one of the group’s founders – in opposition to the U.S. bishops and Catholic doctrine,” wrote Patrick J. Reilly, President of the Cardinal Newman Society, in a letter to Georgetown President John DiGioia.

“The Cardinal Newman Society is urging DiGiola to ensure that employees of the Catholic Jesuit university do not participate in the new dissident organization. CNS has also alerted the U.S. bishops to this latest threat to Catholic students on their Catholic campuses.

“Rev. Joseph Palacios, Assistant Professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Latin American Studies, convened a meeting of 20 activists in January to found ‘Catholics for Equality.’ Sivagami Subbaraman, Director of Georgetown’s LGBTQ Resource Center, was one of the founders. Others included representatives of Dignity USA, People for the American Way, New Ways Ministry and Catholics for Marriage Equality in Maine.

“According to the website of Catholics for Equality, one of group’s primary purposes is to seek legal recognition of homosexual “marriage” in opposition to the U.S. bishops. On his blog, founding board member Rev. Anthony Adams describes the mission of Catholics for Equality as “a bit like a mutiny. It is laced with the strong conviction that the bishops no longer speak for the Catholic Church and that the voices of the bishops are no longer the voices of Jesus Christ.”

“Co-organizer Geoffrey Farrow, was suspended from the priesthood by Bishop John Steinbock of Fresno, California, for publicly supporting same-sex “marriage.” …

“In his letter to DiGioa, Reilly cited Canon 810 of the Church’s Canon Law, writing: “In the section on Catholic universities who besides their scientific and pedagogical suitability are also outstanding in their integrity of doctrine & probity of life; when those requisite qualities are lacking they are to be removed from their positions.”… “Core Jesuit values include fidelity to Catholic teaching and sharing IN SPECIAL JESUIT VOW OF OBEDIENCE TO THE HOLY FATHER,” Reilly wrote. “Ms. Subbaraman’s role with Catholics Equality compromises the center’s integration with mission of a Catholic university.”

George H. Kubeck, Please financial support Phone – 703-367-0333,

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