Saturday, September 4, 2010

This New but Old Perspective on Abortion

This New but Old Perspective on Abortion
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010

“The abortion industry is our modern-day Valley of Slaughter, where abortionists offer ritual blood sacrifice to that ancient demon of child murder. Their work is in every way the key ritual of a demonic religion. Yes, a religion: Abortion has an infallible dogma (“choice”). A ruling hierarchy (Planned Parenthood), theologians (feminist ideologues), a sacrificing priesthood (abortionists), temples (abortion mills), altars of sacrifice (surgical tables), ritual victims (babies and also women), acolytes and sacristans (clinical workers and technicians), guardian angels (police and death-escorts), congregations (leftist foundations and private supporters), and its own version of “grace” that makes everything work (money)…

“The systematic destruction of the human body, which St. Paul calls “the temple of the Holy Spirit,” is also a sacrilege. In short, abortion is a perfect demonic system that offers a perfect form of worship to the Devil. If the abortion business is not truly diabolical, nothing is.

“This is not just guesswork on my part. Feminists and abortionists themselves have gone on record saying the same thing in their own hate-filled and misguided jargon. Good examples of demonic ideology can be found on the websites and in interviews with and speeches of abortion providers and supporters.

“For example, extreme feminist Ginette Paris described abortion “as a sacrifice to Arternis” in her 1992 book The Sacrament of Abortion, She also said, “The same quality allows us to visualize a world of increasing respect for children, a world in which one can occasionally resort to abortion when it is necessary to sacrifice the fetus to a higher cause, namely the love of children and the refusal to see them suffer.” No mentality is more perverse than the one that calls abortion a “sacrament” and refers to abortion as an act of love for children…

(You have read excerpts of The Demon of Child Sacrifice… by Father T.J. Enteneur, New Oxford Review, June, 2010, p. 40)

1 of 3 letter responses to the above by Pete Skurkiss, Stow, Ohio in New Oxford Review, Sept. 2010, p.4

“The Democratic Party is, undeniably, the organization in which all the various components of the abortion coalition gather to build the necessary political force that produces the legal framework for killing the unborn. And now the Democrats and their allies are urging that abortions be funded with tax dollars, making the entire nation complicit in their barbarism.

“That the Democratic Party, traditionally the political home of Catholics, has morphed into the Party of Death is a failure of the Catholic bishops, past and present. Statistics have shown that a lopsided percentage of pro-abortion Congressmen come from states with sizable Catholic populations, R.I., Mass., N.Y., N.J. and so on, whereas the largest percentage of prolife congressmen comes from states with a low percentage of Catholics…”

George H. Kubeck OPL

“For both bishops and this Catholic person, Pope John Paul II is our role model. In all American communities and churches: I proclaim that for the souls alone of Catholic-in-name-politicians (CINOP), their defeat on Nov. 2nd is a religious duty. Whether their names are Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown or Loretta Sanchez in California, there is no Catholic reason from the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” to vote for the (CINOP).” GHK

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