Sunday, December 26, 2010



In pursuit of the truth – – Feast of the Holy Family –Sunday, Dec. 26, 2010

Evidence for deliberation, study and action:

1.Article in the Orange County Register, Dec. 25/10 on Vice President Biden” AP – Laurie Kellman

“Liturgy of the Hours – Apostle Paul to Ephesians 5:21-6:4 – Pope Paul VI – Nazareth a Model”

“In the 1960’s New Orleans Archbishop Joseph Rummel was busy excommunicating prominent local Catholic politicians for their pro-segregation politics.”

“Catholic-in-name-only politician Vice President Joe Biden and his CINO accomplices in the Senate: They are Landrieu, Leahy, Kerry, Durbin, Harkin, Mikulski, Murray, Menendez, Begich, Cantwell, Gillibrand and McCaskill.” These senators promote not only abortion but also same-sex marriage.

“Homosexuality and Hope – Are some individuals born with same-sex attraction? No. A number of researchers have sought to find a genetic cause for same-sex attraction (SSA). The media has promoted that a “gay gene” has already been discovered, but in spite of several attempts none … has been scientifically replicated. A number of authors have carefully reviewed these studies and found that not only do the studies prove a genetic basis for same-sex attraction, the reports do not even contain such claims.” [We had an election in November which repudiated social engineering ideas.]

“Call upon the USCCB (US. Catholic Conference of Bishops) take action, censure or excommunication:”

1. Biden Sees Growing Support for Same-Sex Marriage in U.S.
Washington – Vice President Joe Biden predicted Friday the evolution in thinking that will permit gay people to soon serve openly in the military eventually will bring about a national consensus for same- sex marriage. Changes in attitudes by military leaders, those in the service and the public allowed congressional repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, Biden said in a nationally broadcast interview Friday.

“I think the country’s evolving,” he said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” And I think you are going to see, you know, the next effort is probably going to be to deal with so-called DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act).” He said he agreed with Obama that his position on gay marriage is “evolving.” President Barack Obama recently said his feelings on gay marriage were in a state of transition. But he also said he still believes in allowing strong civil unions that provide certain protections and legal rights that married couples have.

Obama said he is still wrestling with whether gay couples should have the right to marry, now that a change in the law will allow them to serve openly in combat. The question about same-sex marriage came at Obama’s news conference Wednesday, hours after he signed legislation repealing the ban on troop’s serving openly. In his interview on ABC, Biden brought up the Defense of Marriage Act, which is a law that defines marriage as between a man a woman. Obama has repeatedly said he would like to see the law repealed, but the Justice Department has defended its constitutionality…

George H. Kubeck, to have the above article published on Christmas Day was demonic. What can we expect on the Tuesday, the Feast of the Holy Innocents? The repeal of DADT by this lame-duck Congress will not stand.

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