Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Parable - The Rise of the Abortion Party - Part 2

A Parable – The Rise of the Abortion Party - Part 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, December 18, 2010

Part 2 of the parable, note terms like counseled, decisions, pastorally prudent, failed to educate. The author is James M. Thunder.
The Catholic bishops now faced a conundrum. They had no fundamental quarrel with former Democratic Party. In fact, they had much in common with it. Many of their fathers and mothers and siblings and neighbors had been staunch members of the party. Many of the Church’s teachings had been better implemented by the former Democratic Party than by the Republican Party. But the former Democratic Party was no more.

Many of the bishops’ relatives and neighbors, and large numbers of baptized Catholics – even pro-life Catholics – had become active in the Abortion Party as that party adopted, one by one, many of the former Democratic Party’s policies. Thirty years of attempts by the bishops to educate American Catholics had failed. The current generation of leading Catholic politicians had joined the Abortion Party when they were young, and they were now leaders, even candidates for the presidency, of the new Democratic Party.

Though a majority of the bishops refused to expressly prohibit lay membership and participation in the new Democratic Party, some suggested that Catholic politicians – of any party – with long records of legislative support for abortion be forbidden to receive Holy Communion. The majority of Catholic bishops again counseled against taking such action. They should not frontally attack the political party of so many Americans, so many of their fellow Catholics, so many of their fathers and mothers, the party of FDR and the New Deal, the oldest political party in the world. It was, they said, pastorally prudent under the current circumstances to educate the faithful rather than command them.

And so they resolved to meet with a number of leading Catholic politicians in one-on-one visits. After thirty or so bishops had met with several dozen Catholic politicians who had long voting records in favor of abortion, the bishops of the United States gathered again. One of their number rose & addressed the assembly.

“Brothers in our Lord Jesus Christ, I have spoken one-on-one with several Catholic officials who have long voting records in favor of abortion and who reside in my diocese. I greeted each in the name of Jesus. We began with a short prayer to the Holy Spirit. They knew why I had asked them to visit with me. Each told me that they believed abortion was wrong and that they were personally opposed to it. Each told me that abortion should be legal and safe but rare.”

“With respect, I inquired of them with a list: Why had they consistently voted for abortion, voted against the bills outlawing partial-birth abortion, against the bills that would require informed consent by the women, against the bills that would allow for government regulation of abortion clinics, against the bills that would require the consent of the parents of minors seeking an abortion, and for bills paying for the destruction of human embryos for medical research, for the bills that would require taxpayers to provide financial support for abortions by poor women, for the bills that would use taxpayer money to promote and fund abortions abroad, and more…” to be continued.
George H. Kubeck,

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