Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Part 5 - A Parable - The Abortion Party

Part 5- A Parable – The Abortion Party

In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Note that Part 4 of the Parable was not e-mailed to you. It is posted on the blog. Today’s last page is from James M. Thunder, New Oxford Review, and Nov., 2010. [Mail or e-mail to the 12 Bishops in Calif., during Jan. 2011.]* “

They propose an alternative system of morality totally at odds with fundamental human dignity, with our Lord, and with the Church. ‘Many, of whom I have often told you and now, tell you even with tears, live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things’ (Phil 3:18-19). For all their nice words, for all their smiles and happy faces, for all their stated concerns about poverty and violence, they create more poverty of spirit, more violence in the womb.

“Whatever we decide today, the world will take note. We must dissolve our bonds with them and, to a candid world; we must declare the causes that require us to do so. They promote tolerance but prevent a pro-life Democratic governor from addressing their convention and prevent pro-life Catholics from being appointed judges. They promote multiculturalism but the only culture they care about is the culture of death. They preach cooperation, but no cooperation with the divine plan. They are disordered. They are confused. They are ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing. We must refuse them. We must do it publicly. We must do it now.

“St. Paul exhorts us as he did the believers in Corinth: ‘I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world … I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler – not even to eat with such a one … Remove the wicked man from yourselves’ (1 Cor. 5:9-11, 13)

“Some people will criticize us for breaching the separation of church and state, of making martyrs to worship other gods and to pursue their godless policies like the obstinate, hard-hearted Israelites of old; we simply refuse to allow them to call themselves Catholic. This generation refers constantly to ‘choice.’ God has given every human beings a choice, the fundamental choice between following or not following His commands. People are free to define what and who is Catholic. We, the bishops of the Church in union with Rome, do that. Pro-abortionists can lead others to perdition, but we cannot let them do so while calling themselves Catholic.

”Brothers, whenever I have read the passages in Ezekiel and Jeremiah and Zechariah castigating bad shepherds, I have prayed to God that these will not apply to me. And I pray that they will not apply to you. “In the fifth century A.D., St. Patrick responded to the raping, kidnapping, and enslaving of the Irish people by excommunicating the guilty Christians from England. He did not wait for consensus from the British bishops, Brothers, I ask you to join me. But if you do not, I am charged with the protection of the people under my care. So with you or without you, I will excommunicate the pro-abortion elected officials of any party and I will forbid Catholics from joining or supporting or supporting or voting for the Democratic Party.

“What shall we tell pro-life supporters of the Democratic Party? I ask you to join me in encouraging them, Catholic and non-Catholic, to form a party styled the New Democratic. When they do so, their policies will not simply be the current Democratic Party without an abortion-rights plank. Rather, they will be invented anew. Their pro-life values will permeate all of their policies. That is my fervent prayer for the pro-life Democrats and for this nation: May we ever be under God.”

George H. Kubeck, * “David Horowitz, and Home Addresses of Bishops, Tues. July 13th, 2010”.

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