Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cuomo - Brown - Newsom - Pelosi

Cuomo – Brown – Newsom – Pelosi
In pursuit of the truth- – Wednesday, July 6, 2011

They have no shame. The most dangerous politicians in America are the ones who have no shame. I respect the secularists but the (CINOPs) the Catholic-in-name-only politicians like the above are despicable. Why? When they run for office, they still use the Catholic label.

This is the first in a series of letters on New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo and others. These letters are going to be tied in directly and indirectly to what is posted on the blog. Those letters on the blog were written more than 5 years ago titled, Report Card on Bill Press’s book, “How the Republicans stole Christmas?” It was really for me an in-depth study of the mind and heart of a (CINOP) Catholic-in-name-only politician by Bill Press.

The CINOP sell his souls for what; advancing the culture of death agenda and self-excommunicating himself from his Catholic faith and the faith of his fathers to be a Congressperson, a Governor and maybe President of the United States. You can hold all of those offices by just practicing your Catholic faith in the public arena.

The Republicans are doing it. [Except in New York where the Republican senators caved in [They were bought off or threatened. What can you expect from a RINO Bloomberg?] Why can’t the Democrats just practice their Catholic faith and get elected?

Let’s figure out this guy Andrew. His father Mario Cuomo is the demonic father of so-called pro-abortion Catholic politicians. Andrew is trying to become the leader of so-called gay marriage politicians. He has a lot of money at his disposal. Last week he succeeded in passing the gay marriage laws in New York State. He is now the hero of the culture of death advocates. But let’s wait for November of next year. There are about 60 Andrew Mario clones in the House [about 13 in financially and morally bankrupt California] and 12 in the Senate. All Americans are just waiting anxiously to vote them out. In 2010 about 30 CINO politicians outside of California were voted out of office.

From Politico – July 1, 2011 – Cuomo’s doting mother is very proud of her son. “He’ll always be my little man,” Mathilda Raffa Cuomo said. “When he puts his mind to something, he gets it done…”

From a report by Brian S. Brown, President, National Organization for Marriage – June 16th –

“If this bill passes the New York legislature, it will be after an incredible push by the Democratic leaders, Andrew Cuomo, and RINO Mayor Bloomberg, aided and abetted by Big Media, Big Hollywood, and Madison Avenue – with one or two big GOP donors.”

“More news you have not been told: France this week voted again to reject same-sex marriage. 293 to 222. “We are against homophobia but we do not want to alter the image and function of marriage in the collective subconscious,” said UMP lawmaker Michel Diefenbacher.”

George H. Kubeck- Thus far this year, I have mailed $45 to National Organization for Marriage – 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006 – Please consider a small donation.

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