Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Report Card # 11 on Bill Press Book

Report Card # 11 on Bill Press Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
[Posted on this blog on Wed. July 13, 2011]Sat. Nov. 10, 2007 - Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006

These letters are reprinted on the blog – Cinops Be Gone during the past five weekends for all, including the Catholic Bishops who are meeting this coming week in Baltimore. The purpose is to understand the mind and heart of a Catholic-in-name-only politician, also known as a pro-choice Catholic politician. For our Catholic Faith, the pro-choice Catholic politician is the most dangerous Catholic politician in America. He is the scandalous role model for the second largest uninformed religious group in America. GHK

Chapter 2 – Killing in the Name of Jesus

There are serious differences between the culture of death and the culture of life mentality in America. This week’s confirmation debate in the Senate on Judge Sam Alito for the Supreme Court may enlighten us, particularly on the pro-abortion Pseudo-Catholic Senators. You will hear a lot of Spin. Bill Press is a master at Spin. He wrote a book on it,titled, Spin This. Here are a couple of quotes:

“There is no good definition of spin. It’s easier to say what it is not than what it is. It’s not the truth. Neither is it a lie. Spin lies somewhere between: almost telling the truth. But not quite; bending the truth to make things looks as good – or as bad – as possible; painting things in the best possible – or worst possible – light.… Spin has its roots in what was first described as ‘Newspeak’ by George Orwell in his novel 1984.

(Orwell may have gotten the date wrong, but he was right about everything else.) In the totalitarian state he described, the ruling party controlled thought by controlling the language. The key was ‘doublethink,’ as expressed in ‘doublespeak’ – by which one says the exact opposite of what one means, yet ends up believing it to be true: ‘War is Peace,’ ‘Freedom is Slavery,’ and ‘Ignorance is Strength.’”

Now this is a technique used by the Catholics in Name only Politicians and their supporters. There was a time when you were born a Catholic and then always a Catholic. Now we have ex-Catholics and converts to another Christian religion. But we also have the CINOP. He is against the death penalty and for almost all Catholic Social Teachings in the public arena and in this way rationalizes his pro-abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage stands. He is truly an indoctrinated secular humanist type originating in the 1960’s and from a failed Catholic Higher Education System. To get himself elected, the CINOP uses false advertising as a Catholic.

Now what Pro-Life is facing in America is that the ruling party is the Culture of Death Mentality. It controls the language and the issues to be focused on. It is the media, Hollywood, Academia etc. They also have a double-standard. The two exceptions are: Talk Radio and Fox News. Modernism is suicidal like in Europe.

Bill Press believes that the war in Iraq is not a just war. Only the American Southern Baptist Convention – plus a scattering of conservative Catholics and Orthodox Jews – supported the war. He errs in denigrating the religious beliefs of Christian Coalition Leadership with ridicule. This is not Christian talk but repeating secularist propaganda.

He continues with a consistent animosity to other Christians in the book. They did not vote for Kerry but so did a majority of Catholics. He is a cry-baby and a religious bigot.

Christians and particularly, Catholics need some kind of antidote to the Culture of Death Mentality. I believe membership in the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and the Cardinal Mindszenty Society would be a good beginning. It would be like getting the flu shot. I have been a member for more than 25 years.

“Proclaim the message, insist on it in season and out of season, refute falsehood, correct error, call to obedience, but do all with patience & sound doctrine.” 1331, Jan. 26th Morning Prayer, Antiphon,

[posted on this post – on Wed. July 13, 2011]
George H. Kubeck, 1-26-06, Memorial -Timothy and Titus, Bishops

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