Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Loretta Sanchez and Obama's HHS Mandate

Loretta Sanchez and Obama’s H.H.S. Mandate
The relentless pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegoneblogspot.com – Tuesday, March 27, 2012

“There is something weird and incomprehensible in having Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez represent us in Congress. She is on the Obama team and represents the cities of Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana right in the heart of conservative Orange County.

“She is for the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Mandate that forces Catholic and other Christian organizations and companies be required to provide contraception, sterilization and abortion- inducing drugs to their employees. It’s like in your face voters of Orange County! Sanchez is a member of the Obama regime. Here are several other regulations she supports.

A Justice Department decision to characterize the Defense of Marriage Act (a law signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996 that defined marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman) as an act of bigotry, and those who support such a law a being motivated by bias, prejudice, homophobic and racist.

A Justice Department legal brief calling for the elimination of the “ministerial exception” that allows religious groups to choose their own ministers without government interference.

Legislative efforts in certain states to require all adoption and foster-child agencies to give children to unmarried and/or same-sex couples, and proposals that would impact the conscience rights of doctors and nurses, and even impact the administration of parishes.

New federal rules stipulating that agencies helping migrants must provide the “full range” of reproductive services (including abortion and contraception) for refugees.

New federal requirements that organizations like Catholic Relief Services provide condom distribution for overseas anti-AIDS programs and other “reproductive services.

“Cardinal Timothy Dolan condemned these proposed regulations: “To force American citizens to choose between violating their conscience and forgoing their health care is literally unconscionable.”

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is attacking, “The First Amendment to the Constitution: Freedom of Religion and Conscience.” Recall the thoughts of now Bishop Jaime Soto, “Loretta Sanchez (D-Orange) has consistently chosen to vote with her party rather than represent her district on this fundamental issue of life. Her votes against the ban on Partial-Birth Abortions perpetuate an ethic that can undermine many other issues affecting her community, placing families and the most vulnerable among us at risk.” [For more info check out “Religious Liberty and Catholics” Our Sunday Visitor]

“Who does Sanchez represent? Is it Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the Homosexual Agenda? She must believe voters are duped and stupid. Add to this is her 3 time vote for partial-birth abortions, same-sex marriage, and the passage of Obama-Care. Now we find out it’s a dollar monthly from everyone to pay for abortions. It is hard to understand how anyone can support her or her political party in this election cycle.

For example, we will have an initiative on the ballot for Californians to vote on. “Prohibits abortion for females under 18 without Parental Notification:” It was passed in Texas with about 60% of the vote. Loretta’s party will vote against it. It’s a shame to have her in Congress… “ George H. Kubeck

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