Saturday, April 14, 2012

2 Letter on the HHS Mandate

2 Letters on the HHS Mandate
In pursuit of the truth - - Saturday, April 14, 2012

Letters to the Editor, National Catholic Register, March 25, 2012

1.) President Barrack Obama’s HHS mandate, which forces Catholic institutions to provide their employees with free contraceptives, sterilization and abortifacients, is a sinister ploy designed to drive a deep wedge between Catholics.

He is hoping that Catholics in the mold of Nancy Pelosi, Kathleen Sibelius and Sister Carol Keehan will further ditch the Church and follow him in his bid to get reelected to the White House. It’s a simple case of divide and conquer.

Four years ago, Obama campaigned for the “audacity of hope,” appearing as an “angel of light.” Since becoming president, he has militantly and forcefully fought to establish and entrench in the minds, hearts, souls and behavior of Americans the dark evils of abortion, sterilization, homosexuality, contraception and embryonic stem-cell research.

He has gone so far as to promote these atrocities in other nations.

Now that mask is off. Americans can no longer sit on the sidelines and allow themselves to be ruled by a president drunk with power. They must engage Obama’s challenge. They must take up the good fight to ensure that he is not given another term in which to destroy the very soul of America with his anti-life, anti-family, anti-religious policies.

Obama especially wants to see the death of the Church, because he knows she is the last bastion of hope, against a materialistic world that craves immorality at every step.

Our Catholic bishops’ prime objective now must be to convince all Catholics - especially those on the fringe who do not practice their faith - to unite together and end this reign of terror being imposed by Obama and his black sheepdogs.

Pope John Paul II reminds us, “In matters of faith, compromise is in contradiction with God who is Truth” (Ut Unum Sint, 18) In Evangelium Vita (Gospel of Life, 82), he further states: “In the proclamation of this Gospel, we must not fear hostility or unpopularity, and we must refuse any compromise or ambiguity which might conform us to the world’s way of thinking.” (Romans 12:2)
Paul Kokoski, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2.) I will not support the stipulation that Obamacare requires Catholic employers to provide free contraceptives and abortion drugs such as Ella. I will not support Obama’s war on our liberties.

Making any Catholic person or organization financially support contraception is simply a violation of the First Amendment. “Congress shall make no law … prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. Mr. Obama has no authority to overrule the Constitution. I, one citizen, do not want the Bill of Rights ignored.

Fearing his re-election was in jeopardy, Obama now says that Catholic organizations will not have to pay for the coverage. Insurance companies will provide it free. Anybody want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? No private insurance company will bear a mandated cost and let it reduce their bottom line. The cost of this “free” birth control will be buried in expenses and be covered by premiums.

I trust that the leaders of the Church and fellow citizens will recognize this parlor trick for what it is. Obama and big government are taking our liberties away bit by bit.

There is clarity here. Obama must not be re-elected. Do what you can to stop the re-election of this administration. Write or call your senators and representatives, and demand the reversal of this violation of our beloved Constitution.
Charles Caliri, Northborough, Massachusetts.
George H. Kubeck

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