Monday, April 30, 2012

Obama's Remaking of America

Obama’s Remaking of America In pursuit of the truth- www.cinopsbegoneblogspot - St. Pius V, Mon., April 30/12 Excerpts from Patrick J. Buchanan’s article. I will focus on # 3. Anyone who believes America’s culture wars are behind her should have started out on Friday, March 2/12 by reading The Washington Times. The headlines on the three top stories on page one read: 1.) “California judges asked to say if they are gay.” 2.)“Tebow Bill’ for home-schoolers dies in Virginia Senate panel.” 3.) “Opt-out on birth control defeated in Senate.” 1.) The California judges story dealt with the lately passed Judicial Appointments Demographic Inclusion Act, which mandates a survey of all of the 1,600 judges - to find out how many are homosexual. Purpose of the law: “Promote and increase the representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the … judicial branch… Forty percent of the judges balked, refusing to reveal their sexual orientation. One percent said they were gay. One percent said they were lesbian. One judge identified himself as transgender. “Welcome to 21st -century America.” Under the old American ideal, the lawyers who proved the most qualified by wisdom and experience were to be elevated to the bench. The new ideal is that California’s judiciary should mirror the diversity of the state… Were an Olympic team or a symphony orchestra to be chosen on the basis of this kind of diversity, they would be a joke. 2.) The “Tebow Bill,” named for Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, who played high school football while being home schooled, was crafted to allow home-schooled Virginia kids to try out for the tennis, football, baseball, and basketball teams at their local high schools. The Virginia House approved the measure 59-39. But a Senate panel sank the Tebow on an 8-7 vote, denying 38,000 Virginia home-schoolers their last chance to play high school sports. Every Democrat on the panel voted as the Virginia Education Association dictated. 3.) The amendment of Sen. Roy Blunt (R. Mo.) would have assured Catholic institutions and Catholic employers of their freedom to opt out of providing out of providing health care insurance coverage for contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization for employees, if they have religious objections. [Defeated by 51-48] The position of the Catholic Church on this issue is neither new nor is it unknown. It was reaffirmed in 1968 in the famous encyclical Humanae Vitae of Pope Paul VI, artificial birth control is unnatural and immoral. This is high among the beliefs that differentiate Catholic teaching from other Christian faiths. Nor is it any secret. And any government that orders Catholic institutions and employers, against their religious beliefs … has crossed the line between church and state to trample upon the First Amendment religious freedom it was established to protect… The America of Barack Obama that is emerging appears to be a country where civil disobedience may yet become a duty of traditional Christians and devout Catholics… George H. Kubeck - There were about 13 Catholic-in-name-only Senators that voted to defeat the Blunt Amendment. It means that when we talk about the HHS Mandate, we have an elephant in the room which nobody want to think about. We must vote these 13 Obama Catholics out of office. Now in Calif. think about another 13 Obama CINOPS in Congress, Nancy Pelosi, Loretta Sanchez etc.

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