Saturday, January 12, 2013

1-Co-Workers of the Truth Fellowship

1- Co-Workers of the Truth Fellowship
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013

It is good that pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family advocates can meet at least once monthly. Mark your calendar for this Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013, 9-10:15 A.M. at Chick-Fil-A at the Long Beach Shopping Center, corner of 605 Freeway and Carson Street in Long Beach, Calif.

“We are afraid that the good that is in the world will become completely powerless; that eventually it will no longer be meaningful to seek the good in truth, purity, justice, or love because the law of the sharper elbow is now the only law that prevails in the world, because the tendency of the world is to judge in favor of the violent, the brutal, not the saintly. For we see it: what rules the world now is money, the atom bomb, the cynicism of those to whom nothing is sacred.” 12th, 1977, Benedict XVI.

Today, we have the values and culture of Hollywood promoted with loads of money. Add to this, we have a two-faced double-standard News media. Their enemy is also the family. Also never again will we have a 50% Catholic vote for the most adamant pro-abortionist - same-sex marriage type of President; when only 20% of Evangelicals voted for him. Why? Are we becoming like European Catholics who were duped/stupid to vote for the 1930’s demagogues in Italy & Germany?

We are grateful to Michael Novak, a member of First Things’ advisory council who will give us a background to what we face in America today. Reference First Things - February 2013 issue.

“At present, there is no realistic check on the appetite of progressive government (even on ‘compassionate conservative’ govern.) for greater tax revenues and the racking up of greater debt. Worse, these debts are without remorse laid upon the backs of future generations. They are now laid up to a Greece-like breaking point. That alone could destroy our republic. From within. Legally.

“At present, there is no practical break on a court system (and a system of law schools) that believes itself no longer bound to the foundational principles of the Constitution but only to the current ideas of “progressivism.” …

“To my mind, however the greatest of our national weaknesses lies now in the decadence of our moral and cultural institutions. Look at our mainline churches, once the bedrock of the nation’s moral solidity and depth. Look at our university faculties. Seldom has so much illusion been packed into the pride of self-superior souls.

“Our founders well understood that our sort of republic cannot stand without a foundation in morality - and religion. As both Washington and Benjamin Rush put it in different ways, the framers held quite firmly, from long experience, that our republic cannot stand without liberty; nor can liberty without virtue (for most people) without religion. (That is without religion of the type that favors and under girds human liberty. Not all religious are of that type.)

“The price of liberty, our founders often said, is eternal vigilance. The ideas on which liberty precariously rests need to be passed along from generation to generation. If they are ever forgotten or minimized, even by one generation, turn out the lights…

“Yet I am still hopeful… In my view, to put it in the words of Joseph Warren, member of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress, “our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of.” Everywhere we see the small beginnings of a drive for a “return to the Constitution” and a growing number of thinkers who are supplying fresh arguments for “revolving to first principles,” a policy that the founders advised for every generation.

“Strong Catholic minds are offering a fresh articulation of the American founding principles in the new and richer context of the Catholic intellectual tradition. Tocqueville famously hinted at this possibility: that one day Catholics would become the best intellectual defenders of the American way of understanding natural rights.”

George H. Kubeck, I believe the 80% Evangelicals who voted against Obama wish Catholics success.

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