Thursday, January 31, 2013

Planned Parenthood Update

Planned Parenthood Update
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013

By Jim Sedlak, American Life League, Celebrate Life, May-June 2012

“American Life League recently issued it annual report on the number of Planned Parenthood facilities across the United States… Planned Parenthood has a national office in New York City and operates its clinics through a number of separately incorporated affiliates scattered throughout the country. As the affiliates chart shows, their number has steadily declined, from a high of 181 affiliates in 1987 to just 82 affiliates in 2011.

“In general, PP combines affiliates to cut costs, through elimination of high-paying management positions. This reduction reflects the growing need of the nation’s largest abortion chain to continually cut costs in order to maintain its operations.

“Of more critical importance to Planned Parenthood is the severe decline in the number of its clinics, which operate in communities nationwide. They push PP’s programs and commit all of its abortions.

“As you can see in clinics chart, the number of PP clinics has fallen to 749 - the lowest number since 1985. When a clinic closes, it generally means PP moves out of town. The community is then free of PP’s pernicious influence, and its incessant push to get teens and young adults sexually active outside of marriage. The entire community wins when PP leaves.

“In 2011, 322 PP facilities were committing surgical and/or medical abortions. Of those, 170 facilities were committing surgical abortions, while 152 were committing medical abortions, but not surgical. Forty-three percent of Planned Parenthood clinics now commit surgical and/or medical abortions.

“A number of things happened in 2011 that contributed to the decline of PP’s clinics:
[Also thanks to the Tea Party/Republican Pro-Life Congresspersons elected in 2010.]

Live Action videotaped several showing PP’s apparent willingness to offer aid and support to child sex traffickers.
Nine states passed legislation to defund Planned Parenthood.

Texas’ defunding efforts led directly to the closing of 16 Planned Parenthood facilities.
In Arizona, a new abortion law caused at least seven Planned Parenthood facilities to cease offering surgical and medical abortions.

40 Days for Life events targeted even more Planned Parenthood facilities than in previous years.

Victories through Our Lady

American Life League officially launched the “Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary” campaign in 2010. The results have been fantastic. In just two years, Planned Parenthood has closed down 96 facilities! It has also opened 28 new facilities in that time, so the net number of clinic closures is 68.

That means an average of 34 facilities per year have closed since we began our Mary Campaign - compared with an average of seven per year for the preceding 16 years.

The abortion giant has long projected an aura of invincibility, especially on the national level. However, when the U.S. House of Representatives voted to cut off its taxpayer funding last year, Planned Parenthood was left screaming. IT WAS ONLY DIRECT ACTION BY PRESIDENT OBAMA HIMSELF THAT KEPT ITS FUNDING IN PLACE. HE THREATENED TO SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RATHER THAN ALLOW ANY MONIES TO BE DENIED TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD…. [Appropriate Placards: Down with the Values of Sol Alinsky - Be Informed Chris Matthews is a Professed Alinskyite - De-fund Planned Parenthood.

George H. Kubeck, for more info: , Tel. 540-659-4171

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