Monday, January 14, 2013

Down with Indoctrination

Down with Indoctrination!
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, Jan. 14, 2013

By Thomas Sowell, Orange County Register, Wed. Jan. 9, 2013
Educating for ‘Change’ - Schools should impart knowledge without indoctrinating the young.

“Many years ago as a young man, I read a very interesting book about the rise of the Communists to power in China. In the last chapter, the author tried to explain why and how this happened.

“Among the factors he cited were the country’s educators. That struck me as odd, and not very plausible, at the time. But the passing years have made that seem less and less odd, and more and more plausible. Today, I see our educators playing a similar role in creating a mindset that undermines American society.

“Schools were once thought of as places where a society’s knowledge and experience were passed on to the younger generation. But, about a hundred years ago, Professor John Dewey of Columbia University came up with a very different conception of education - one that has spread through American schools of education, and even influenced education in countries overseas.

“John Dewey saw the role of the teacher, not as a transmitter of a society’s culture to the young, but as an agent of change - someone strategically placed, with an opportunity to condition students to want a different kind of society.

“A century later, we are seeing schools across America indoctrinating students to believe in all sorts of politically correct notions. The history that is taught in too many of our schools is a history that emphasizes everything that has gone bad, or can be made to look bad, in America - and that gives little, if any, attention to the great achievements of this country.

“That book has sold millions of copies, poisoning the minds of million of students in schools and colleges against their own country. But this book is one of many things that enable teachers to think of themselves as “agents of change,” without having the slightest accountability for whether that change turns out to be for the better or for the worse - or, indeed, utterly catastrophic….

“Meanwhile, all sorts of fictitious virtues are attributed to non-Western societies, and their worse crimes are often passed over in silence, or at least shrugged off by saying some such thing as “Who are we to judge?”

“Even is the face of mortal dangers, political correctness forbids us to use words like “terrorist” when the approved euphemism is “militant.” Milder terms such as “illegal alien” likewise cannot pass the political correctness test, so it must be replaced by another euphemism, “undocumented worker.”

“Some think that we must tip-toe around in our own country, lest some foreigners living here or visiting here be offended by the sight of an American flag or a Christmas tree in some institutions….

“American schools today are similarly undermining American society as one unworthy of defending, either domestically or internationally. If there were nuclear attacks on American cities, how long would it take for us to surrender, even if we had nuclear superiority - but were not as willing to die as our enemies were?”

George H. Kubeck, What we have is an elitist progressive philosophy subversively attempting to replace traditional American values, the principles of our Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Tomorrow, we will have excerpts from David Gelernter’s book, “American-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture ( and Ushered in the Obamacrats.)” [And we have the CINOP selling his soul for this hogwash.]

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