Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Legacy and Recent Words of President Obama

The Legacy & Recent Words of President Obama
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013

Preamble: Obama began four years ago in his Inaugural Address to declare, “an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that have too long strangled our politics.” What Barack says and what he does are two different things. He sincerely may believe that the dogmas of marriage between a man and woman, and rare abortions are to be discarded.

He accomplished a national health care system without the input of independent, libertarian, conservative or republican Americans. Why? That is the way it is done in Chicago by liberal progressive politicians! As President, he still has this mindset. He is unable to compromise and will demonize the opposition. He has the help of the two-faced, double-standard Obama media which is to America what PRAVDA was to the commie rulers in Stalin’s Russia.

Let’s start with Peggy Noonan’s article in the Wall Street Journal, Saturday/Sunday, Jan. 19-20/2013

Peggy says, “He (Obama) has been spending his time alienating instead of summoning. It has left the political air more sour and estranged. As a presidential style this is something strange and new… It is new and does not augur well… He bristled with unashamed hostility for Republicans on the Hill. They are holding the economy “ransom,” they are using the threat of “crashing the American economy” as a “leverage,” some are “absolutist” while others are “consumed with partisan brinkmanship.” They are holding “a gun at the head of the American people.”…

“If Richard Nixon talked like that, they’d have called him paranoid and self-pitying. Oh wait … Throughout the press conference the president demanded - they’d “better choose quickly” - that Republicans extend the debt ceiling. Pressed by reporters on whether he would negotiate with them to win this outcome, he made it clear he would not. He would have “a conversation.” Bloomberg’s Julianna Goldman asked: “So you technically will negotiate?” “No, Julianna,” he answered. “Either Congress pays its bills or it doesn’t.”… No one has good faith but him. No one is sincere but him. Doesn’t this get boring, even to him?

How has Obama transformed America? - The Wall Street Journal, Thurs. Jan.17/13, Karl Rove:

1) As of his first inaugural, 134,479 million Americans were working and unemployment was 7.3%. Four years later, 134,021 million are working and unemployment is 7.8%

2) In January 2009, 32.2 million people were on food stamps and 13.2% of Americans lived in poverty. Now, 47.5 million receive food stamps and the poverty rate is up to 15%….

3) On Jan. 20, 2009, the national debt stood at $10.627 trillion - or $34,782 for every man, woman and child. As to Tuesday, it had reached $16,435 trillion, or $52,139 for every American…

4) When Obama assumed office, median household income was $51,190. In 2001 (the last year for which data is available), median household income was $50,054.…

5) Last year, an average of 153,000 nonfarm jobs were created each month. At that rate, it will take 26 more months to get back to the number of jobs America had when the recession started in December 2007. Meanwhile the workforce will have expanded by at least 8.6 million new people for whom there are not jobs.

6) It’s worse for manufacturing. Last year, an average of 15,000 manufacturing jobs were created each month. At that rate, it will take nearly ten years to reach the number (13,743,000) of such jobs America had when the recession started….

George H. Kubeck, The liberal progressive mindset is a false secular religion. We live in a selfish twilight zone. Our vote in 2012 has consequences. Be prepared for a financial meltdown and havoc.

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