Friday, July 31, 2020


Chapter 29 - The Doctor p. 330 - 334
" Daughter Lina, when she was little, was on her way to a friend's birthday party when she was struck down by a moped. This was before La Casa Sollievo della Sofference. was in existence, so the child was taken unconscious to the first-aid station in town, where Giovanni and Rosa were told that 1) their daughter had suffered some sort of head trauma:  (2) she was suffering from severe internal hemorrhaging the abdominal cavity; and (3) she was in a coma/ Since there was no way of getting Lina, in her condition to the nearest hospital, which was twenty-five miles away, there was nothing to be done - but wait. Giovanni and Rosa hurried to the friary and told Padre Pio, who "looked into heaven like he saw another realty," and said, "Let's pray and leave everything to our Lord's hands." Three days later Lina opened her eyes, "Papa! Papa!" She recovered quickly and completely. ...
    In the meantime, Padre Pio was asking everyone he knew to pray for Giovanni for three days. He exposed the Blessed Sacrament in behalf of the blinded man. He was heard to pray, "Lord, I offer You one of my eyes for Giovanni, because he's the father of the family...
Later that morning an ophthalmologist came to examine Savino's left eye,"I can see You!" exclaimed the injured man . "Turn, so you can see ne wug your left eye," said the doctor. "No, I see you with my right eye. I don't see anything out of my left eye." The doctor insisted that he was seeing out of the left eye, as the right one was totally destroyed. After further examination it was clear that Savino spoke the truth. He was blinded in the eye from which the shrapnel had been removed, but he was seeing perfectly from the eye that had been shattered to a bloody jelly. The ophthalmologist, who had been an atheist exclaimed, "Now I too believe, because this has happened right in front of me." ...
Giovanni, who was treated for the extensive injuries to his face, was released from the hospital in early June. When he thanked Padre Pio, he was told, "If you only knew what this cost me." What did it cost him? A clue may come from the recollections of Pierre Cugino, himself blind, who recalled that one day in the garden, while talking to his confreres, Padre Pio suddenly exclaimed, "I'm blind, I can't see a thing." After twenty minutes his eyesight returned. Cufino was hazed about the date of this occurrence, but could it have been that this brief and inexplicable episode of blindness came about as a result of the offering Padre Pio had made in behalf of Giovanni Savino?...
A number of cures attributed to Padre Pio were of blind or nearly blind persons. in the spring of 1946 a nun from Ribera, Sicily, wrote to Padre Pio about a seven-year-old girl by the name of Gemma Di Giorgio, whom she alleged had been born without pupils in her eyes and was totally blind. Shortly afterward, the child's grandmother brought the child to Padre Pio. When she arrived, she claimed that Gemma began to see while they were on the train. Padre Pio heard the girl's first confession, administered he First Communion and made the sign of the cross over her eyes...
The facts that can be definitely established are these: (1) Gemma Di Giorgio was born with severe congenital defect of the eyes: (2) before the prayers of Padre Pio were enlisted, her vision was either quite defective or altogether nonexistent; and (3) afterward, though the physical structure of the eye remained unchanged. Gemma was able to see normally - even though officially classified as legally blind... Padre Pio was reluctant to speak about the Di Giorgio case. When a man praised him for obtaining the cure of the blind girl, he coldly demanded, "Did you witness it? I said, Did you witness it? Did you witness it?" The man said no more...
    Padre Agostino noted several other apparent miracles in his diary. On June 10, 1945, there came to San Giovanni a Signora Massari,  ... For twenty years she had been totally deaf, and "asked the Lord [for a cure] through the intercession of Padre Pio." While at Mass she suddenly began to hear the priest chanting. As she left the church, she heard the bells ringing and the conversation of the congregation.

George H. Kubeck

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