Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Preface: The writer is a Canadian who became a U.S. citizen on April 2, 1962
     "Journalism is meaningful only when it helps to learn the truth. It can be a genuine calling only when there is a truth that is good. Then it is right and necessary to help this truth to find its power expression. The fundamental certainty that Good does exist and that we are created for it is not an obstacle to the work of the journalist but rather makes it possible. It must be the first pillar of genuine journalistic ethics. Non-Christians, too, can find this fundamental certainty. " ... It is impossible to act rightly without truth. That is why the will to know the truth, to seek it  humbly want with a readiness to learn it, is the basic requisite of all morality.
    "Where profit or success leads to the neglect of truth, the world is fragmented into interest groups because profit always depends on the viewpoint of the one acting. However well-meaning the question may be as to what is profitable, what is effective and progressive for society, if it is divorced from the standard of truth, from God, it imperceptibly establishes power as the primary standard of mankind. But truth is superior to human power; it must set the limit and be the standard of all power. Only if it does so can we become free and good. The fact that listening to the truth must precede all our actions means also that the will of God is superior to all our plans and project... Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Co-Workers Of The Truth, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1992 p. 238 - 240
     In many ways, our newcomers are Hero Immigrants.  They started completely poor and unable to speak English. This was truly the land (Canada/U.S.A.) of opportunity and freedom. They were willing to learn a skill, job or trade. They obeyed the laws of the country and respected law enforcement. They purchased homes and raised their families. With citizenship, they became proud and patriotic American citizens.                                                                                                 
    They are the unreported  and the unrepresented voices of  The New York Times and The Mainstream Media. The New York Times has betrayed and prostituted the profession of journalism.  Our new citizens want nothing to do with the Marxist interpretation of American history and hate fake news. They are going to vote, and always fight for traditional America.
    They came from Europe, Vietnam and Cuba and all over the world during the last 90 years. They love America. They don't hate America. Shame on the State of Washington and the State of Oregon. Yesterday, I viewed on C-Span the interview of Attorney General Barr, by the Nadler Democratic Committee. It was a rough informative interview of 5 hours.

     It is possible that both of the above states have thousands of sympathizers of Antifa, Communists, Anarchist and Marxist socialists? These rioters believe in the violent overthrow of America. They have a hatred for America and traditional America. They are destroying Federal property and are breaking federal laws. They need to be arrested, prosecuted and jailed. Likewise if one of the goals of "Black Lives Matter" is: "We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and "villages" that collectively care for another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable." This is contrary to the Christian family,  natural law and common sense. +++  George H.  Kubeck

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