Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Archbishop Raymond L. Burke

Archbishop Raymond L. Burke
Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007
We need to get back to an article written by the bishop of St. Louis, Missouri in the latest edition of the Canon Law journal Periodica De Re Canonica. ( 9/11/07) and written by Hilary White.

“The Bishop called his brother bishops to task for their silence on the problem of the Catholic politicians who support abortion, euthanasia, cloning, embryo research, the homosexual political agenda or other legislation ‘contrary to natural law.’ I note that he hits the nail on the head with the two AA’s, the two EE’s, and the two SS’s. (Abortion, assisted –suicide, euthanasia, embryonic-stem cell research, and same-sex marriage)

Burke criticizes the idea that ‘bishops can legitimately make different judgments on the most the most prudent course of pastoral action.’

Burke criticizes this because it ‘failed to take account of the clear requirement to exclude from Holy Communion those who, after appropriate admonition, obstinately persist in supporting publicly legislation which is contrary to natural moral law.’

There are bishops who feel no pressing need to observe the Church’s canonical stricture, saying, “To remain silent is to permit serious confusion regarding a fundamental truth of the moral law. Confusion, of course, is one of the most insidious fruits of scandalous behavior…”

Burke was the only bishop out of 195 US dioceses to issue a formal or ‘canonical’ ban on pro-abortion and other dissenting politicians from receiving communion. Burke has been compared with the 16th century English Bishop John Fisher who, alone among the English bishops, refused to satisfy King Henry VIII’s claim to be the head of the Church of England and was executed at the Tower of London and later canonized.

Burke’s article highlighted the vast and growing divide between self-styled ‘progressives’ who have, since the 1960’s gained ascendancy in most Catholic institutions, and those who continue to hold and defend the Church’s teachings, especially those on the sanctity of life.” A lot sooner than later; our Pope Benedict XVI will resolve this problem.

For the pro-life movement, the matter is simple. Vote all of these Catholic-in-name-only Politicians out of office. Throw out the scoundrels! It is a No Vote for all CINOPS and that includes CINOP Rudy Giuliani in the primaries.

George H. Kubeck, Postings daily on Cinops Be Gone

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