Friday, December 7, 2007

The Truth in Black and White - 2

The Truth in Black and White – 2
Friday, Dec. 7, 2007 - Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941
“Stand your ground. Putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.” Ephesians 6:15

Be not afraid! Be not afraid of the truth. The truth is a cleansing agent of mind, heart and soul.
Don’t tell me about the truth! It bothers me and it makes me uncomfortable. Why can’t I live with half-truths? I am comfortable with a half-filled glass of water. I do not want to fill the glass up to the top. It may change my beliefs and my life.

In the political realm, we have political correctness and that has a great influence on all of us. It influences us in our faith so that we have religious correctness. We need to move forward and evangelize and fill up the half-truths with the whole truth whether we like it or not.
I looked up the word radical. Adj. 1 of, proceeding from, or pertaining to the root or foundation; essential; fundamental; inherent; basic. 2 Thoroughgoing; unsparing; extreme: a radical operation; radical measures. Synonyms (adj.): basic, complete, constitutional, entire, essential, extreme, fundamental, natural, original, perfect, positive...

Now when we are talking about the Catholic label in politics and even in religion, it needs to stand for something. When it is a lie, it needs to be exposed particularly in the political arena. Cinops Be Gone does that. It persuades you to vote these scoundrels out of office. We can disagree on prudential issues but not on inherently evil issues.
Do you recall the phrase: Kilroy was here? Well on the back of some of my letters I am writing, CINOPS BE GONE. This blog tries to fill up the half-filled glass of water with several more drops of water, the truth.

There is something wrong when someone with the Catholic label votes for the following and that information among Catholic voters is almost kept a secret or they do not care. Example:
1) She voted against banning partial-birth abortions and even voted against barring the transportation of minors to get an abortion.
2) She voted against banning same-sex marriage, against protecting the Pledge of Allegiance and against allowing prayer in our schools.
3) She voted against limiting trial attorney fees and against restricting frivolous lawsuits.
4) She has consistently voted to weaken America’s security and even voted to keep Marines at Camp Pendleton from training on a part of their own base.
5) She voted to hurt families by not voting to eliminate the “marriage penalty” tax.
6) Voted for the bill to fund embryonic-killing research. H.R. 3, Jan. 11, 2007

I don’t want to pick on Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez but almost all CINOPS in California voted for most of the above, particularly against the partial-birth abortion ban. Incidental to their defeat in 2008, there is their conversion back to the Catholic faith.
George H. Kubeck, Translate in Spanish.

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