Thursday, December 20, 2007

St. Therese of Lisieux - 1 of 3

St. Therese of Lisieux – 1 of 3
Thursday, Dec. 20, 2007
Excerpts from a Dec. 1st talk on St. Therese.
She is the youngest Doctor of the Church. She had this profound wisdom. She lost her mother at the age of four and one-half years. Her second mother Pauline later became a nun. On May 10, 1883, there was a crisis and a serious illness. It looked as if she was going to die. Then Our Blessed Mother appeared to her for 4-5 minutes. She was in ecstasy and then she was fine.
She had a deep knowledge of Jesus. Everything has to be done with love. That alone matters: She began to do everything in order to please Jesus. I am going to show you how. First, we have to think correct thoughts about God. God is greater than our hearts. God is infinitely merciful and we abandon to Him without limits.

Believe in the goodness of God and trusting in God without limits. We can’t imagine what God is. God humbled himself and became man out of love. He dies on the cross. All that suffering for each one of us out of love: This is the mystery of God’s love. Jesus remains with us today. That is truly Jesus. He is always there for us. We first have to believe in the mercy of God.
Therese was a 14 year old in the catechism class. She was deeply concerned to what will happen to a child who is not baptized…. She hoped that children who are not baptized will see the face of Jesus. There is a need to baptize children as soon as possible.

Live in such a way that you wont go to purgatory. We have to abandon ourselves to Him…. The gentleness and infinite goodness of God is so important for our spiritual lives. The devil says God abandons you. We take the first steps and God is running towards us. Therese had found simplicity.
The soul receives from God exactly what he expects. Approach God with confidence and faith. The woman who touches Jesus. She was healed because of faith. If you can, all things are possible if you believe. I believe increases my faith. Therese asked for great things to be holier than Teresa of Avila.

Be perfect as your heavenly Father is. She asked for the grace to have always the Eucharist with her. Mother Agnes of Jesus said that she meant that literally. When Theresa has no doubts about anything, as if she was a tabernacle. It is to love Him more than He is ever been loved before. That is the prayer of Therese.
1) Pray for the state of grace when dying. 2) Pray for love. If you possess love you have everything. Pray for love and believe in His infinite mercy. To heal and do incredible things with your life. Trust in Him. You got to receive Him in Holy Communion as often as you can.

God fully present under the appearance of bread. When we celebrate Mass all of heaven is present. They see the essence of God. They see the Holy Trinity. They are fully and substantially present. They are looking with awe. How is it possible that God is here under the appearance of bread? Heaven is the essence of God, truly Jesus is present here. Therese wanted to please Jesus as soon as possible. Cont. tomorrow

George H. Kubeck, Posted in the early mornings –

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