Saturday, December 15, 2007

Report Card # 20 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 20 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Saturday, Dec. 15, 2007 ---Friday, June 16, 2006

Chapter 5 – Gays and Lesbians are God’s Children, Too (cont’d)
Bill Press writes: “‘Hate is not a family value.’ That’s the slogan of a great organization called Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). It’s a slogan that most Americans, conservative or liberal, believers & nonbelievers alike, accept as a given.” P.177. However, the Culture of Life has another slogan for (PFLAG) and we can work together on this: “Love of unborn babies is a family value!” There is an axiom and a truism that goes like this: If you want to help a mother, help her child. If you want to give joy to a mother give joy and happiness to her child. If you want to hurt a mother, hurt her child. If you want to kill something within a mother kill her child.

There are a lot of lies about the unborn. For example, when their personhood begins and how they feel when they are aborted. A baby that is born with a physical or psychological handicap is still a child of God. God does not create junk.

I do not believe that political correctness and Planned Parenthood cares. They are liars about the unborn and we know who the spirit and father of lies is. It is believed that about 3 percent of the 4000 babies aborted each day in the U.S.A, is handicapped with possible homosexual tendencies. How does a caring society treat these babies?

First of all, there is a difference between a homosexual and a gay person. The radical gay American Jacobin leaders have a political and social agenda for the country. They speak for themselves. (They are encouraged, promoted and financed by the culture of death secular humanists.) These gays do not speak for homosexual oriented persons. I have not seen any Gallup polling on homosexuals on whether they want to change the definition of marriage or publicly promote the lifestyle of gay unions as normal.

From a recent Cardinal Newman Society letter: Father John F. Harvey, O.S.F.S.,
“Back in 1980, the late Cardinal Terrence Cooke, at the time the Archbishop of New York, asked me to establish a new Catholic apostolate to minister to the spiritual and moral needs of homosexual men and women. In the twenty-five years since then, that apostolate – known as Courage – has helped thousands of homosexual persons find the way, through prayer and the Sacraments, to live in accord with the laws of God and the teaching of His Church. That is the key: live in accord with God’s law and Catholic teaching.
“This has always been the spiritual message of Courage which is why we have the endorsement of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family…. All people must be treated with dignity, but homosexual activity is sinful.
“Unfortunately, young Catholic men and women today are more often hearing a far different message about homosexuality. They’re hearing that … Homosexual orientation is genetically determined – a claim for which there is virtually no scientific evidence. Anyone who feels he might have a homosexual orientation should resign himself to it forever, because it cannot be changed – a demonstrate falsehood…. And worst of all, that homosexual acts and heterosexual acts are morally equivalent….”

George H. Kubeck, Posted in the early mornings –

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