Sunday, December 16, 2007

Report Card # 21 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 21 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007 ---Saturday, Aug. 4, 2006
Chapter 6 and 7, and Conclusion: Reclaiming the Moral High Ground

Are you aware that we have a Catholic-in-name-only religion in the United States? Their patron saints and apostles are former Governor Mario Cuomo of New York and Father Robert Drinan, S.J. a former congressman from Massachusetts.

They believe and promote directly and indirectly, pro-abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research. All of these are absolute evils. Don’t you think that the greatest enemy of the Catholic Church in the Americas is not the ACLU or Planned Parenthood but the many Catholic in Name Only Politicians in Congress and in the States?

Our focus today is on the conclusion section p.256-263 we will get to the other chapters at another time. .Let us return to CINOP Bill Press’s exact words for the rest of this page: (THIS IS A CLASSIC IN THE USE OF RELIGION BY THIS PARTICULAR PARTY)

“How can Democrats get religion? The Challenge Facing Democrats: Since the 2004 elections, hundreds of hours of talk shows have filled with yapping about how Democrats can start winning elections again….

“There is only one thing Democrats have to do, and that is to reclaim the moral high ground that is rightfully ours. First, a word of caution: In so doing, Democrats can’t be phony about it. During the 2004 primaries, it didn’t help when Howard Dean said his favorite part of the New Testament was the Book of Job….

“To reclaim the moral high ground, all Democrats need to get back to their roots and talk about the moral values they believe in and the moral choices they are fighting for…
“In fact, any Democrat uncomfortable with public expression of religion might look back to FDR’s speeches. He sometimes sounds more like a preacher than a president. In a radio address on June 6, 1944, for example, Roosevelt informed the American people of the Normandy invasion and sought God’s blessings on the troops…

‘The Almighty God has blessed our land in many ways. He has given our people stout hearts and strong arms with which to strike mighty blows for freedom and truth.’ …
“The point is, Democrats don’t have to go overboard like FDR – or, even more often GWB. But neither need they fear admitting their faith, acknowledging the Divinity, saying they believe in family values, making a moral argument, or invoking God’s blessing.

“Democrats have the more recent example of Jimmy Carter, a devout Southern Baptist. Carter, the only president to teach Sunday school while in the White House, may be the most religious of all presidents….

“But when it comes to preaching the word of the Lord, even Jimmy Carter must take a back seat to Bill Clinton, also a Southern Baptist. Clinton has the passion, the cadence, the familiarity with Scripture that would make any African-American preacher proud….
“Roosevelt, Carter, and Clinton lead the way in helping Democrats find their moral voice. Democrats must take back the language of passion and moral conviction from the religious right….Indeed, for many voters spiritual and cultural concerns are more important than material concerns - …

“Democrats need to redefine and recapture what we mean by family values or moral values. …
“As George Lakoff, professor of linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley, wrote in the December .6, 2004, issue of THE NATION. ‘The only way to trump their moral values is with our own more traditional and more patriotic moral values.’…

“They need to challenge Republicans and say: * Abortion and gay marriage are not the only moral issues….
“The burden of redefining and lifting up moral issues must also be undertaken by religious leaders of the left, far too many of whom have gone into hiding….
“The political contest today is not between godly conservatives and ungodly liberals. The true battle is between religious conservatives & religious liberals….Whose issues better reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ?…”

George H. Kubeck, posted in the early morning –

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