Saturday, December 8, 2007

Report Card # 18 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 18 on Bill Press’s Book

How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Sat. Dec.8, 2007---Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Chapter 4 – Abortion and Stem Cell Research (cont’d)

The end justifies the means. This is a most dangerous principle. It is also one of the most disturbing characteristics of the CINOP (Catholic in name only Politician). Bill Press’s seven pages on The Promise of the Stem Cell Research are one of the most deceitful and clever sections in the book. Bill dismisses the Bible’s clear reverence for life and “You don’t create life in order to destroy it.”

It is in your face for the Southern Baptist Convention and the Catholic Church because they are the only two major churches officially opposed to embryonic stem cell research. Bill says, “In terms of promise for new cures, medical scientists now consider Adult Stem Cells a dead end.” 147 Yet, there has not been one cure from embryonic stem cells. There have been several from adult stem cells. If embryonic stem cell research has such a great future where are the private investors? What is audacious, arrogant and desperate is Bill’s section on Doing the Lord’s Work. 151 “On stem cells, …What would Jesus do?

I don’t think there is any doubt. In fact, I would argue that, since their goal is finding cures for serious diseases afflicting millions of Americans, doctors who experiment with embryonic stem cells aren’t just doing academic research. They are doing the work of the Lord.

Stem cell opponents find no support in the Bible, but proponents find plenty. After all, as every one of the four Gospels relates, Jesus spent much to His public ministry healing the sick. It was His life’s work.”

Have you noticed that any CINOP who takes a pro-abortion position in the public arena, becomes blind and stupid in other issues pertaining to the natural law and Christian social principles? There is the lady from L.A. County and in the State Assembly who is sponsoring an assisted-suicide bill. Then we have the CINOP in California who signed unto the same-sex marriage law. Last year, in Canada, these so-called Catholics passed the same-sex marriage laws for the whole country.

Then there is the CINOP in San Francisco and back East. “Massachusetts anti-discrimination law stipulates all state adoption agencies be open to placing children with gay couples. The Church teaches that gay adoption is “gravely immoral,” but the (heavily Catholic!) state legislature refuses to pass a “conscience clause” bill allowing morally opposed religious groups to opt out of such adoptions.” The Mormons would do it in Utah and the Baptists in any of the Southern States. What can we call this CINOP: a spineless wimp or coward? I would rather have a pro-life atheist represent me in Sacramento or Washington, D.C. than a CINOP.

All of the above is a devastating scandal involving deceit and heresy. The CINOP is unscrupulous with the end justifies the means principle. It worked in Italy and Germany during the 1930’s. You sacrifice the true beliefs of your constituents. Your goal is winning and now hiding behind the immigration issue. Monies from members of the ACLU and Planned Parenthood will pour in. Maybe prayers to St. Thomas More and a mailed book about his life will open their eyes, hearts and minds.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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