Monday, February 16, 2009

The 53% Vote for Obama # 2 of 2

The 54% Vote for Obama # 2 of 2

In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone – Monday, February 16, 2009
{The Senate refuses to remove religious discrimination in the Stimulus package. ( Friday, Feb. 6, 2009) excerpts:

“What’s most troubling is the fact that a majority of the Senate supports a discriminatory provision that prohibits religious activity from taking place in college and university facilities nationwide that takes federal stimulus funds,” wrote Sedulow. “This provision has nothing to do with economic stimulus and everything to do with religious discrimination.”

Immediately following the discovery of the controversial clause in the several hundred page document, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) put forward an amendment that would have invalidated the discriminatory language but the amendment failed Thursday in a 54-43. NOW WHO DO THINK VOTED TO KEEP THE DISCRIMINATORY LANGUAGE? YES, THE CATHOLIC-LABEL DEMOCRATIC SENATORS. }

There is no doubt that having Catholic Senator Joe Biden running as Vice-President helped to reach the 54% Catholic vote for Obama. It is interesting to note that pro-choice Biden voted for embryonic stem cell research while Palin a baptized Catholic of 44 years ago, and now a Pentecostal vote against it.

Let’s check the CINOP organizations that operated during the presidential elections in 2008. As noted in the December 2008 issue of the Mindszenty Report. “A Sign of Contradiction: The 2008 Election and the Catholic Church in America.”

Similar groups (Like Catholics for Obama), including, Catholics United, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, Catholic Democrats , Roman Catholics for Obama-Biden ’08, targeted Catholics who were susceptible to their humanistic message on Catholic social teachings from war to the preferential options for the poor .

A Colorado group, Catholics for Obama, protested their clerics use of the bully pulpit to convince them to act like authentic Catholics by voting against Obama. They pointed out that fighting poverty, fixing health care and ending the war also mattered. THE SEAMLESS GARMENT IS STILL EFFECTIVE IN LURING LARGE THRONGS OF CATHOLICS TO VOTE FOR PRO-ABORTION CANDIDATES.

In the year 2000, a majority of Catholic voted for Gore and Liebermann. They lost. But in Florida which decided the election, the majority of Catholics in that state voted for Bush. An important factor was the Elian Gonzalez scandal and the work of Priests for Life. Also in that 2000 election, many Catholics wanted to break the religious barrier of a Jewish American running as Vice-President. Lastly we thank the huge majority of the evangelical vote for the Bush victory.

Now going back to the Catholic vote in 2008; there were big majorities in the West and Northeastern part of the country for Obama. However in many states the Catholic vote went for McCain. For example, in Missouri the Catholic vote went to McCain who won that state with a majority of 3 thousand votes. Also in Pennsylvania the majority of Catholics voted for McCain but Pennsylvania was won by Obama. Notice that in these two states the bishops spoke out strongly for pro-life and we have had some positive results. Positive changes we’ll see in 2010.

George H. Kubeck

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