Saturday, February 7, 2009

The 54% Vote for Obama # 1 of 2

The 54% Vote for Obama # 1 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone – Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why did 54% of the Catholics vote for President Barack Obama in 2008?
Always look at the big historical picture. Electing any president is a judgment on America and the people who voted for him. Take for example the George W. Bush presidency. In 2004 Bush received 52% of the Catholic vote. In matters of life, marriage and family, the country was blessed. The hate-bush crowd hated Bush on the war and other issues but believe me they hated Bush more because he is a practicing Christian and stands for traditional American values. And that is a badge of honor for Bush and for the pro-life movement.

There is one explanation for the Obama’s Catholic vote. It was a vote to break the racial barrier for the presidency. The economy was a second consideration. Barack had charisma, great oratorical skills and a message of hope. At the same time Obama was the most inexperienced person ever elected to the Presidency. Several of his recent appointments are horrible. His judgment and decision-making are on the line.

For example, the despicable information on the Freedom of Choice Act has been a great education for all Americans especially Catholics and other Christians. On life issues, Obama seems to speak for about 9% of the nation who want no restrictions on abortions like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, ACLU, etc.

80% of the country wants to have some kind of restrictions on abortion. HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT OBAMA’S POPULARITY IN THIS AREA TODAY IS ONLY 35 %? Christians can learn and change a negative into a positive. So when the culture of death advocates says that abortion does not matter, it does. The Obama presidency will be an education for Catholics and all Americans in all fields; religious, social, political etc. We have elected an American socialist who wants to promote a secular America. There will be openings on the Supreme Court and the mindset of Obama’s allies is same-sex marriage etc. for America.

In the past, Catholics have been swing voters and have decided most presidential elections. Our blog CINOPS BE GONE sought to persuade CATHOLICS to vote out of office Catholic-in-name-only politicians. While this did not happen in 2008, we will succeed a lot sooner than later. Pro-life is going to rule the day in the 2010 elections. We will fulfill the goal of Blessed John Paul II for a “new evangelization” this “teaching and preaching” apostolate. It will solve the Catholic fraud-politician scandal of receiving Holy Communion.

While only one-third of the bishops spoke out publicly on life issues in the 2008 election, more will speak out in future elections. This is a common sense religious educational approach. While we may quibble about someone who is pro-choice, LET’S GET REAL. We are talking about a political party that the CINOP is a part off. It is a party of pro-abortion on demand, pro same-sex marriage, pro-assisted-suicide, pro-euthanasia, and pro-embryonic stem-cell research. These are five (5) intrinsic and absolute evils.
George H. Kubeck

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