Thursday, February 12, 2009

Social Justice - Prostituted - 3

Social Justice – Prostituted - 3 – Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009

Preface: {Let’s have some plain talk about teachers and education. First of all, unionism was never intended for public employees least of all public school teachers. Unionism has destroyed the integrity of the public school teacher and CHANGED the profession from a professional teacher to BECOMING a forced union teacher. That is what SB 160 the Rodda Act signed by THE despicable CINOP Governor Jerry Brown did in 1975.

What does that mean? SB 160 changed the nature of the teaching profession from professional teacher to union teacher. It legalized adversity relationship, exclusivity, agency fees, etc. It became a form of control, muzzling, cloning and left-wing politicalization of a once honorable teaching vocation. I want the integrity of my profession back! Read and follow what has happened! ghk }

We continue with an analysis # 3 of “Phyllis Schlafly Report,” V. 42, No. 6, January, 2009. “Social Justice” Code Word for Anti-Americans.”

“Education Week” defines “social-justice teaching” as “teaching kids to question whoever happens to hold the reins of power at a particular moment. It’s about setting yourself not just as a consumer {of information}, but as an actor-critic” in the world around you.

This revealing explanation comes from the words of Bill Bigelow, the curriculum editor of a Milwaukee-based organization called Rethinking Schools, which publishes instructional materials relating to issues of race and equity.

The purpose of Rethinking Schools instructional materials is to teach teachers how to “weave social justice issues throughout the curriculum.” Lessons include “Rethinking Mathematics” Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers,” which shows teachers ways to “weave social justice issues throughout the mathematics curriculum,” and “Reading, Writing, and Rising Up: Teaching About Social Justice and the Power of the Written Word.”

Bigelow assigns students to role-play various oppressed groups in foreign countries. Students can easily infer that Americans are oppressed like people in foreign countries, and most young people have no store of information to see how ridiculous this is.

“Social-justice” lessons concentrate on past mistakes in U.S. history rather than on our many remarkable accomplishments and opportunities. Emphasizing problems and injustices rather than achievements is given the highfalutin label “critical pedagogy.”

“Social-justice teaching” does not mean justice as most Americans understand the term. Those who use the term make clear that it means the United States is an unjust and oppressive society, and that the solution is for community organizers to organize the poor and minorities to demonstrate and to demand political power so that they will be given government handouts.
Indoctrinating Teachers

Education Week identifies the “special interest groups” that promote “social-justice teaching” and provide curricular materials, online resources, and “professional development” (i.e., conferences and seminars to indoctrinate teachers). These groups include an affiliate of the American Educational Research Association, the Cambridge-based Educators for Social Responsibility, and the Washington-based Teaching for Change, in addition to Rethinking Schools.

George H. Kubeck

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