Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Social Justice - Prostituted - 5

Social Justice – Prostituted – 5
In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone – Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You pay for your political and social agenda but don’t force me as a condition of my employment as a public teacher to pay for yours. What the Rodda Act(1975) does is a form of control: leftwing muzzling, cloning and politicizing the profession. The independent-minded professional teachers are subdued.
We continue with a study # 5 of Phyllis Schlafly Report, Jan. 2009.

“Social justice” is certainly not a new concept, but leftwing educators have redefined the term to mean teaching FOR “social justice” by overthrowing the current money and power structure. “Education Week” identifies this new meaning of “social justice” as coming from the writings of the late Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire. His best known book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970) is considered a classic text of radical education theory and is regularly assigned in education schools.

Paulo Freire developed his liberation pedagogy out of his experience with illiterate peasants in northeastern Brazil, who probably were victims of a semi-feudal society. But Brazilian oppression has no relation to the U.S. economic or social structure, and it is dishonest to pretend that it is relevant to educating minority children in the United States.

A survey made of the principal books used in the basic “foundations of education” and “methods” courses in the most prestigious schools of education discovered that the most frequently used books were those of PAOLO FREIRE AND WILLIAM AYERS.

After Freire’s theories indoctrinated teachers in teachers colleges, his notions made their way into public schools, especially where low-income and minority kids can be taught what is colloquially called Oppression Studies. It is easy to find schools that specialize in “social-justice teaching” in Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, and other big cities.

The Social Justice High School in Chicago has a 100% Hispanic or black student body. The principal admits that the lessons taught there are often “atypical,” such as teaching the relative likelihood of whites and minorities being pulled over by police.

Howard Zinn, author of the anti-American People’s History of the United States, which is used as a history textbook in some schools, urges educators to prioritize “social justice” education over political neutrality. In a 1998 interview, he said his goal in writing People’s History was to move us toward “democratic socialism” by a “quiet revolution.” Zinn cites Germany, France and Scandinavia for the United States to use as models.

This “social justice” curriculum results in a heavy cost in time not spent on the basics. Young Americans who are exposed to these radical leftwing ideas generally have no background information to help evaluate bias and errors.

George H. Kubeck,

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