Monday, November 2, 2009


In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, November 2, 2009

Let’s focus on our immigrants from 5 countries Vietnam, Cambodia. Cuba, Mexico & Canada. We love America, the traditions, the Constitution and Founding Fathers. However, the Hate-America Ideologues annoy us. They are native citizens of the U.S.A., and have become the radical Democrats in Congress determined to socialize the country. David Horowitz’s book “Radical Son” explains the origin of this mentality from past history. 302

“That same summer there were reports of a blood bath in Indochina. The Khmer Rouge had swept through Cambodia, leaving a killing field in their wake. From Vietnam itself had come reports of a hundred thousand summary executions, a million and a half refugees, and more than a million people imprisoned in “re-education camps” and GULAGS in the south.

These events produced a shock of recognition in some quarters of the LEFT. Joen Baez took out a full-page ad in the New York Times for an “Appeal to the Conscience of North Vietnam.” She enlisted a number of former “anti-war” activists to sign her call to the Communists to show more humanity in their treatment of their opponents.

As soon as her statement appeared, however, Baez was attacked by TOM HAYDEN and JANE FONDA as a tool of the CIA. A counter ad was organized by Cora Weiss, who had traveled to Hanoi and collaborated with the regime in its torture of American POWs.

The Weiss ad praised the Communists for their moderation in administering the peace.
The significance of this conflict derived from the role that the left itself had played in the tragedies. In 1973, Nixon and Kissinger negotiated a peace treaty that was designed to keep the South Vietnamese regime in place and remove America’s military presence. I (David Horowitz, a former American Communist member) knew that the outcome was not going to be the “liberation” we had promised. However, with American forces out of the picture, I (David) saw no compelling reason to remain politically in the fray.

But HAYDEN and others like him did. After the anti-draft movement disintegrated in 1970, HAYDEN and FONDA organized an “Indo-China Peace Campaign” to cut off remaining American support for the regimes in Cambodia and South Vietnam. For the next few years the campaign worked tirelessly to ensure the victory of the North Vietnamese Communists and Khmer Rouge.

Accompanied by a camera team, HAYDEN and FONDA traveled first to Hanoi and then to the “liberated” zones in South Vietnam, to make a propaganda film, Called “Introduction to the Enemy”, it attempted to persuade viewers that the communists were going to recreate and new society in the South. Equality and justice awaited its inhabitants if only America would cut off support for the Saigon regime.

Assisted by radical legislators {Democrats} RON DELLUMS and Bella Abzug, HAYDEN set up a caucus in the Capitol, where he lectured congressional staffers on the need to end American aid. He (HAYDEN) directed the attention to Cambodia as well, lobbying for an accommodation with the Khmer Rouge guerillas.

Nixon’s resignation over Watergate provided all the leverage HAYDEN and his activists needed. The Democrats won the mid-term elections, bringing to Washington a new group of legislators determined to undermine the settlement that Nixon and Kissinger achieved. The aid was cut and the Saigon regime fell, and the Khmer Rouge marched into the Cambodian capital. In the two years that followed more Indochinese were killed by the victorious Communists than had been killed on both sides in all 13years of the anti-Communist war. IT WAS THE BLOODBATH THAT OUR OPPONENTS HAD PREDICTED. BUT FOR THE LEFT THERE WOULD BE NO CONTRITION AND NO LOOK BACK…”
George H. Kubeck,

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