Sunday, November 29, 2009

Understanding President Barack Obama - 2 of 2

Understanding President Barack Obama – 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, November 29, 2009

William A. Borst concludes with this in-depth analysis of the Obama regime.

By 1938 the effects of the Depression were much worse than they had been in 1933. The irony of the Great Depression was that Roosevelt’s New Deal did more to prolong it than alleviate its economic success. It was the increased economic activity and industrial expansion, resulting during World War II that eventually ended the Depression.

Roosevelt and Barack Obama seem to be cut from the same ideological cloth. While FDR provided the skeletal legs for a walking Big Government, during his first months in office Obama has been producing running socialism. His Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel revealed this strategy … to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) you should never let a serious crisis go to waste because it permits you to do things you thought you could not do before.

Taking full advantage of America’s economic crisis, the Obama administration is making radical changes that will drastically alter the American political, moral, economic and social landscape…

Writing in the New Republic before the election, David Samuels described Senator Obama in the terms of Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man. While the Hawaiian Candidate (Mindszenty Report, Jan. 2009) was difficult to fathom before the election, since he has become president, Obama has become a more visible man who cannot disguise his statist beliefs and who demonstrates his obvious lack of experience...

Americans are slowly waking up to how Obama’s efficient socialism will affect their lives. Writing in The Wanderer, James Fitzpatrick faulted the president for his willingness to pay the price of hobbled American economy and weakened American middle class, if that what it takes to establish in the U.S. the central elements of a European-style welfare state. Europeans love Obama because his ideas resonate with their trade unionists, elite socialists, technocrats, and populists whose alliance to Marxist principles varies by only slight shades in the crimson palette of European politics.

President Obama’s main method is to make the government the guarantor of middle class security, says the WSJ. His wish list for American entitlements comes from the New Deal toy bag. He wants to make college education a new entitlement. He wants universal health care no matter what the cost. He wants a cap and trade tax that would punish the main sources of U.S. energy and hand Washington a vast new source of revenue. And like Roosevelt, Obama expects the wealthy to pay for his impossible dream…

The Wanderer columnist James Fitzpatrick reminds his fellow Catholics we should not lose sight of where the wealth, the tax base, needed to finance our social programs come from in the first place. He cautions liberal clerics and parishioners that the socialists will eventually run out of rich people’s money to tax and redistribute their wealth…

Some Catholics cite the Church’s social encyclicals, such as Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum (1891) and John XXIII’s (1963) Pacem in Terris to support a statist agenda. IT IS FALSE TO SAY THAT ANY OF THE POPES, G.K. CHESTERTON OR HILAIRE BELLOC ADVOCATED SOCIALISM FOR THE GOVERNMENT OR THE CHURCH.

To the contrary, popes and Catholic apologists have consistently condemned socialism as one of the great heresies of moral philosophy because of its deleterious economic and moral effects on both the Church and the poor. Pope John Paul II made this point in his 1991 encyclical, Centesimus Annus when he wrote, MARXISM DOES NOT RID THE WORLD OF THE SITUATIONS OF INJUSTICE AND OPPRESSION, WHICH MARXISM ITSELF EXPOITED AND ON WHICH IT FED…

Americans are waking up to the fact that the pursuit of power has replaced their pursuit of happiness… Obama’s fast-paced exercise in tyranny just might snap us out of our lethargy. The April outburst of tea parties is a good indication that there is a vibrant spirit in America that will not let our values go down the Obaman road to serfdom…
George H. Kubeck (Start with killing the Pelosi-Reid Health Care Bill, now or 2010.)

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