Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Assault on Marriage and Democracy

The Assault on Marriage and Democracy
In pursuit of the truth – Saturday, March 19, 2011

The definition of marriage as a permanent love relationship between a man and a woman has been around for more than two thousand years. Marriage has been the foundational pillar for all societies and nations. There is a mother and father for each child growing up.

To even think of changing the definition of marriage is weird and historically incomprehensible. Even among the members of the Nazi and Communist party elite, the idea never entered their minds. So what has changed in America in just one generation among the elite, the modern nobles of power and money? For example, “The Orange County Register” in Orange County, California came out in support of same-sex marriage a few years ago.

What is the elite’s definition of discrimination? House and Senate Democrats introduced legislation on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 that would repeal a ban on federal recognition of same-sex marriage. Doesn’t it also ban polygamy and the Muslim’s Sharia law of having four wives?

The Defense of Marriage Act defines marriage as “a legal union between one man and a woman as husband and wife.” President Barack Obama’s administration says the law unconstitutionally discriminates against gays and lesbians. What right has the elite in this regime to say that? That is a decision for the Supreme Court!

Thankfully, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, authorized the House’s top lawyer to take over the task of defending DOMA in the courts. The remarks by Rep. Jerold Nadler, D-N.Y. are really a declaration of war against the American people. “Rather than prolonging litigation in the courts, Congress should act to repeal this ugly law.” “Marriage is common sense and natural law!”

I was reviewing remarks by Oakland Bishop Salvatore Cordileone on this issue of the battle for same-sex ‘marriage’ destroying U.S. democracy.

• “The fact of the matter is, wherever ‘gay marriage’ has become the law of the land, it has happened in a way that avoids the democratic process, sometimes even going directly against it, “he said.

• First, Cordileone noted that former Attorney General Jerry Brown (now governor) had a public duty to defend California’s constitutional amendment (Prop 8) defining marriage as a union between a man and woman. But Brown refused:”His reason? He is personally opposed to it. … Brown is a baptized Catholic and an ex-Jesuit seminarian.

• In the bid to legalize same “sex marriage” in Washington, D.C. the D.C. Council successfully prevented the people (most of them African-American) from having a vote on this matter.

• President Barack Obama’s decision not to defend the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) effectively “repeals DOMA by the decision of a federal court judge” – even though Obama asserted that DOMA should be repealed through Congress, not the courts. Obama’s decision also violates the constitutional separation of powers, because he had effectively declared DOMA unconstitutional (which Cordileone said was the purview of the court) by refusing to enforce and defend it.

George H. Kubeck

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