Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Part II - The Role Model for Laity, Religious, and Bishops

Part II – The Role Model for Laity, Religious, and Bishops
In support of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Preface: Venerable Pope John Paul II fought the Nazis and Communists and he won. In America, we fight the culture of death philosophy and win. Compromise on evil is not an option. Cont’d from Part I

•When all the possibilities were closed, he showed us a way out, a new springtime.

•We had Einstein, Mother Teresa, Bonheoffer and Solzhenitsyn who said this happened because man forgot God. They forgot certain things about their humanity. Bad ideas have consequences. The bad guys, Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

•A focus of Vatican II was the restoration of the human being and who we are as human beings.

•Pope John Paul was in serious conversation with psychologists. All truth points to where you ought to be going. – Jesus Christ.

•The Polish personality and the strength of these people. They stood alone on the flat land and did not have their own government for decades.

•The importance of his father in his formation and influence on his life. Manliness and prayerfulness go together. The book, Gift and Mystery, tell of his life with his father.

•John Paul became like a universal father. When he died people felt that they lost a Father.

•Billy Graham felt the John Paul was the greatest witness of Christ – 1950 to 2000. Also, we had Billy Graham preached in Krakow.

•The commie secret police regarded the Catholic Church as their mortal enemy. John Paul was an advocate of human rights. On the matter of commie infiltration at Vatican II: In order to undermine a cardinal in Poland. Somehow a memorandum was distributed to all: that reverence for Mary is over the top. The church and commie relationship was always we versus them. The church was always spied upon and denigrated.

The relationship between Pope John Paul and Cardinal Ratzinger. They worked closely for 20 years. Each saw in the other strengths to compensate their own. We had a Pole and a German working together. There was real humility on both sides. They were the two last witnesses and participants of Vatican II.

•Pope Leo XIII was a beginner in the renewal with social responsibility. Concerning Pope Paul VI, Humana Vitae, in a memorandum there was another way to present this. Pope John Paul II did this with The Theology of the Body.

George H. Kubeck, below from “The Private Prayers of Pope J.P.II”, Atria Books, N.Y. London, Toronto - 2005 “Christians, and especially you members of the laity, are called by God to become interested in the world in order to transform it according to the Gospel. Your personal commitment to truth and honesty occupies an important position in the fulfillment of that task, because a sense of responsibility to truth constitutes one of the fundamental meeting points between the Church and society, between the Church & each man and woman.

The Christian Faith does not provide ready-made solutions to the complex problems of contemporary society, but it does provide deep understanding of human nature and its needs, calling you to tell the truth in charity, to take up your responsibilities as good citizens, and to work, along with your neighbor, to construct a society in which genuine human values are fostered and intensified through shared Christian vision of life.” 43

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