Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wanted: J.P. II Leaders for America

Wanted: J.P. II Leaders for America
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You do not have to be a Catholic*. Practicing Jews, Muslims and Christians of any denomination are welcome. On May 1st you can join EWTN as Pope Benedict XVI presides at the Rite of the Beatification for John Paul II from St. Peter’s Square in Rome. He will be Blessed John Paul.

This Pope was very much admired. He fought the Nazis and the Communists and won. He needs your help in fighting the abortion and death culture in America. You can identify with his message of human dignity and role model. Refer: George Weigel’s book, “The End and the Beginning.”

“Human beings, he insisted, had a natural instinct for the truth of things, a built-in inclination to the true, the good and the beautiful. Yet men and women were free to make real choices, choices that we can know by reason to be decisions between what is objectively good and what is objectively evil, between what is noble and what is base. 47

“To reduce those choices, as communism did, to expressions of class interest or other economic forces was to dehumanize the human person. And if communism misunderstood human dignity and human freedom, it also misunderstood human community and society. The communist culture of the lie and the toxic social relations it created were nicely captured in a famous joke of the period:

“Communist Party boss: ‘How much is 2+2?’ Polish worker:”How much would you like it to be?’’

“Communism was not just wrong; it was unnatural. It taught a false humanism, for men and women could only be free when they lived in the truth about themselves, their communities, and their destiny. The truth about the human person was thus the most powerful weapon of resistance that could be deployed – particularly in a situation in which the proponents of the lie had a monopoly on other forms of power.

“Karl Wojtyla’s work as a philosopher intersected with his vocation as a priest. He continued to be a magnet for the young, and his experience of helping his students prepare for the responsibilities of marriage soon led him into a serious reflection on another aspect of human freedom: the freedom to love… in his first book, “Love and Responsibility” he cast a new light on classic Christian sexual ethics, giving the Church’s teaching on sexuality, marriage, and responsible family planning a new, richly humanistic texture.” 48

“And, here too, his thought and work was a form of countercultural resistance against the communist culture of the lie. Permissive abortion laws, communist youth camps that encouraged sexual experimentation, work schedules that separate husbands and wives, parents and children – all of these were tools in the communist campaigns against traditional Polish culture and against the Church and its moral teaching… 48

George H. Kubeck *we have a serious problem within the Catholic community. There are many Catholic-in-name-only politicians who this month in the Senate voted not to defund Planned Parenthood and last year were responsible in Congress for the passage of the nefarious Obama Health Care. This scandal will one day explode.

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