Monday, June 25, 2012

# 2 Ken Burns Commencement Address at LMU, May 5, 2012

#2 Ken Burns Commencement Address at LMU, May 5, 2012

The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, June 25, 2012

Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns was Commencement Speaker. Here is another excerpt from that outstanding speech and several examples of what is going on in America today.

“The great jurist Learned Hand … once said that liberty is never being sure you are right, but somehow we have replaced our usual and healthy doubt with an arrogance and belligerence that resembles more than ancient and now fallen empires or of history books than a modern compassionate democracy. We’ve started wars, instead of finishing them; dependent upon censorship and intimidation to infringe on the most basic liberties that have heroically defined and described our trajectory as a nation of free people; reduced the complexity of modern life into facile judgments of good and evil, and now find ourselves brought up short when we see that we too, sometimes, in moments, have become what we despise.

It is in that world you plummet… You have no choice. You’ve been called up, and it is your difficult and challenging responsibility to help reverse this alarming tide and set us right again. In short, you’ve been drafted to clean up the mess…”

A. From the respected Family Research Council - May 2012 - - 1-800-225-4008

If you don’t want to buy health insurance that violates your religious beliefs … President Obama simply forces you to do so.

If you don’t want your child to learn that homosexuality is good and that parents and pastors are bigots … your school, Department of Education, or a federal court tells your to be silent or possible go to jail.

(In Lexington, Massachusetts a Christian dad went to jail because he insisted on being informed when his first-grader would be taught about homosexuality. Ultimately, a federal judge ruled that normalizing and promoting homosexuality to young children overruled parental rights!)

If President Obama wants to name a royal court of 44 “Czars” to by-pass Congress and push his left-wing agenda on you … he simply ignores processes mandated by our Constitution.

If you dare say homosexuality is a sin and you’re on a public school campus, in many workplaces, or on government property … Washington liberals want you fired, punished, ridiculed, or expelled.

Of course, to achieve this secular utopia, they believe strict and literal adherence to the Constitution and its religious protections must be swept away.

That is why we’ve seen a steady march of raw unconstitutional power, such as: Roe v. Wade. Restricting prayer. Protecting pornography. Elevating homosexual rights over parents’ rights.

That’s why Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) recently said that mandatory health insurance that violates your conscience must override your “religious beliefs.”

That’s why attorney Barry Lynn - head of the anti-Christian United for Separation of Church and State - recently said Communist China was a good model for Christianity’s role in our society! He thinks we should avoid trouble by practicing our faith behind closed doors.

B. How California Colleges Indoctrinate Students - April 4th and 9th posted on this blog.

“Last year the leadership of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) officially endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement. Excluding from the curriculum those ideas that depart from the progressive agenda implicitly teach students that conservative ideas are contemptible and unworthy of discussion. [Honest Journalism and now Teachers are dead.]

C. “General Mills Cereal Co. Adopts ‘Gay Marriage.’ WND, 6/18/2012 “The Minnesota Food Giant that brought to the nation’s parents, and especially their children, the Honey Nut Bee … now publicly is supporting homosexual marriage leaving critics surprised at General Mills’ abandonment of traditional values families. Home Depot and Starbucks Coffee have gotten away with it thus far.

George H. Kubeck - It’s in your face traditional America.

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