Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Angry Lazy Bigotry of Maureen Dowd

The Angry Lazy Bigotry of Maureen Dowd

The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, June 7, 2012

(Thanks to Carl E. Olson, excerpts from his article, Wed. May 2, 2012 from Catholic World Report - )

“Maureen Dowd, as most readers know, writes a regular op-ed column for the New York Times. Her dislike for certain people and institutions is quite obvious, mostly because she fixates on them in nearly every column: men, the Catholic Church (specifically, the pope, bishops, priests), Republican (especially men who are leaders in the GOP), …
“David F. Pierre Jr., a regular contributor to CWR, puts it very well in a recent post on The Media Report site:

“The Times’ obsession with the Catholic Church has clearly become pathological. It is unwavering in the ideological commitment to bludgeon the Church by any means necessary, and the principle means by which it does this is to endlessly rehash the sex abuse scandals.

“Anti-Catholicism is indeed pervasive at the Grey Lady. The paper intensely dislikes the Catholic Church and what it represents. And it cannot countenance the fact that the Vatican is finally pushing back against openly dissenting individuals who have opposed the Church by speaking favorably on “progressive” issues with which the Times aligns itself.

An Analysis of the Style of Dowd’s Writings:

“Dowd seems to have a special aversion … facts… a liberated woman such as Dowd who has been liberated not only from men but also from the reality and appearance of actual research and thoughtful writing… Not everything is political, but Dowd will have none of it. Having given into laziness and bigotry, she has taken the next logical step and become a paranoid conspiracy theorist…

“Dowd, in conclusion, gets almost nothing right about the Church; she does get much wrong, and in a way that speaks poorly about her motives and integrity. Her writing is lazy, her arguments are non-existent, and she is so intense on grinding here axe she cannot see the forest for the trees. She is in sum, a female Dan Brown, but without the best sellers or the movies. Her column [Bishops Plays Church Queens as Pawns] is just the latest in a long line of similar pieces.”

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious: (LCWR)

“LCWR - a group, by the way, which does not represent all women religious in the U.S. but about 80%. (Also notable: the average age of LCWR sister is seventy, while non-LCWR sisters average thirty-some years of age.) … In fact, the CDF document is very much concerned with essential beliefs and nature of the Church. To provide just one example:

“Addresses given during LCWR annual Assemblies manifest problematic statements and serious theological, even doctrinal errors. The Cardinal offered as an example specific passages of Sr. Laurie Brink’s address about some Religious “moving beyond the Church” or even beyond Jesus. This is a challenge not only to core Catholic beliefs; such a rejection of faith is also a serious source of scandal and incompatible with religious life.”

“Does Dowd think the Church can exist without belief in Jesus? Does she think women religious can be fully and really Catholic if they deny the centrality of Jesus Christ and the Church he founded? Does she think a Catholic can reject Catholic beliefs and still, in good conscience and without a trace of cynicism, say, “I’m a good Catholic’? (I suspect the answers are “Probably, sure, and yes”.)

George H. Kubeck, The correct answer is NO! Thankfully, the HHS Mandate will flush out these fraudulent Catholics which the culture of death N.Y. Times is using to destroy traditional America.

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