Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Talking Points for a Free People

Talking Points for a Free People

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about the following so it up to the Free Press, talk radio and you to discuss in this election year the following.

1.) “Each year, roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered. 94% of the time, the murderer is another black person. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1976 and 2011, there were 279,384 black murder victims.” Walter Williams. This is in our lifetime. Nobody seems to be concerned even among the black leadership in America. Why?

2.)The Department of Justice is working hard with Black ministers to get them involved with the reelection of President Barack Obama. Is that more important? “A much larger issue is how might we interpret the deafening silence about the day-to-day murder in black communities compared with the national uproar over the killing of Trayton Martin.

Such a response by politicians, civil rights organizations and the mainstream news media news media could easily be interpreted as “black killing other blacks is of little concern, but it’s unacceptable for a white to kill a black person.” Walter Williams, Human Events.

3.) This afternoon I saw the film “For Greater Glory.” It is the most Catholic film shown in decades. It is a must see. It is dedicated to the thousands of Catholic Mexicans (Cristeros) who died for religious freedom in the 1920’s. Their motto was: “Long Live Christ the King and Our Lady of Guadalupe.” A type of agreement was reached in June 21, 1929. The church bells rang. There is a problem with the 1917 Mexican Constitution.

This film should be discussed during “The Fortnight of Freedom of Religion” from June 21st to July 4th to be held in all U.S. dioceses. We can tie it in with Newsmax article, “Andy Garcia’s New Movie Echoes Current Church Vs. Government Battle” Friday, May 25, 2012 by Paul Scichchitano and Kathleen Walter

“Actor Andy Garcia tells Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview that he sees parallels between his new critically acclaimed movie chronicling the fight for religious freedom in 1920’s Mexico and the current struggle of America’s Catholics against the Obama administration’ attack on their religious beliefs.

“Where that line drawn … the concept of religious freedom … or even a greater concept which is absolute freedom,” declared Garcia, … “How deeply does the government get involved in your personal decisions as an individual? In this case - dealing with a movie - it’s about your right to practice your faith. And so this is been something unfortunately that’s been going on that repeats itself in history.

“As a Cuban-born Garcia’s new movie, “For Greater Glory,” opened on June 1 in nearly 800 theaters, the Academy nominated Garcia also sees similarities to the his family’s own struggle for freedom from Communist government they fled when he was only five years old.” [The tyrant Castro is still there; so are the commie tyrants in Vietnam.]

4.) For Obama, politics is life and is a secular religion. This is year round. For Romney, politics does not define us. We are facing a national secular anti-Christian religion. A national religion is illegal. Check the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

George H. Kubeck

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