Friday, June 1, 2012

Background to the Film "For Greater Glory"

Background to the Film “For Greater Glory”

Relentless pursuit of the truth - www.cinopsbegoneblogspot. - Friday, June 1, 2012

Thanks Pablo Jose Barroso a real-estate developer, turned film producer, we have the film, “For Greater Glory.” Ref. National Catholic Register’s interview by Tim Drake. 5/20/12

1.) What prompted you to make “For Greater Glory”?

I’ve always been Catholic. I’m a real-estate developer who had and encounter to be closer to God. Through that, I learned that the way to share God’s message is through mass media. Pope John Paul II said that we need to use the same language that the culture is.

I produced Guadalupe in 2005 and a children’s film, but I had my heart set on something bigger. With the Cristero [War], we had the opportunity to do a larger Hollywood film. We knew it would be difficult to get the actors, directors, music, but it came out beyond my expectations. The Holy Spirit timing is amazing. This was supposed to be ready last fall, but it was delayed because we wanted to make a shorter version…

2.) When did your work begin on the film?

At the end of 2008 we started seeking a good script… We utilized the work of a French historian who had interviewed many Ciristeros [the rebels who fought against the Mexican government’s persecution of Catholics in the late 1920s]… We wanted a director who could make the story entertaining. We ended up getting Dean Wright who had worked on Titanic and The Lord of the Rings, who wanted to do something for the Lord. He loved the project. Everyone … was moved by the story.

3. What was the reaction by preview audience?

We showed the papal nuncio from Mexico the film. He was very moved. Bishops and cardinals in Mexico and U.S., some historians and others have seen it…

The Mexican government set up its own church, deported all foreign priests, and made the sacraments unavailable. Even after the war ended in 1929, each local governor continued to enforce the constitutional anti-clerical laws in different ways. Officially, priests couldn’t wear religious garments in public until 1998, … We now have the opportunity to worship God freely..

4.) Tell me about the film?

It’s a great experience because it takes you to that period and beautiful country, with its art and settings. It’s a story of hope, of freedom and heroism. The film tells the story of the pacifist movement, a group of people who were trying to change things in Congress peacefully, as well as the story of a former general who is recruited to organize the Cristeros into an army.

You also see several of the martyrs, including Blessed Jose Sanchez del Rio. In the end, it’s about people standing up against oppression and dying for Christ. My hope is that it will give viewers great hope.

5.) What do you hope viewers take away from the film?

I think that culturally, we’re not being congruent with our religious beliefs. We are not standing up for our faith. We’ve been tolerating things that are wrong. It seems as if it is it’s easier for people to be against God than to claim him as their Creator. In this Year of Faith [to begin in October], the Holy Spirit can help people to be more faithful. If only one person who doesn’t believe in God sees this film and reflects on him, that is my best hope…

George H. Kubeck, The film begins today in the top 100 markets. Hope you will be able to view it.

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