Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Personal Choice, and Catholic Voters on HHSM

A Personal Choice, and Catholic Voters on HHSM

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012
“Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.”

Personal Choice: Experts recommend that a new blogger like myself spend 80% of his time on promotion and 20% on Content production. There is the and If I did that instead of sending out one significant letter each day for the next five months, you would receive only 30. What should I do?

Educational info leading to the defeat of President Obama is crucial in Nov. Obama will do anything to get reelected even change his mind on the HHS Mandate! He can’t be trusted. It may help if we read the following information from Steve Ertelt, - 5/22/12 - “Obama Loses 14 Points with Catholic Voters Over HHS Mandate.”

“While the numbers are positive for pro-life advocates, Thomas Peters at CatholicVote, a pro-life group suggests much more can be done to educate Catholic voters on and on just how out of step Obama is with their values. Amazingly, only 50% of respondents said they heard of the debate over the HHS Mandate. That means we need to be talking about all of these issues more, because half of America isn’t even aware of what is going on!” Steve Ertelt

KNOWING WHAT IS GOING ON IS WHAT THIS BLOG IS ALL ABOUT! We try hard to have something to say rather than say something. If possible YOU CAN HELP. Please e-mail to all your friends e-mails that inform, educate and persuade. Or send me their e-mails to me. I can forward letters to them. They can always delete them. Or do post complete significant e-mails on Time wise, I can’t to get into this.

“A recent survey by the Pew Research Center shows that, despite the administration’s self-portrayal as champion of “women issues” amidst as supposed Republican “war on women,” the president’s reelection advantage among women has declined in recent months as well with another key demographic - Catholics.

“Obama was ahead among Catholics by 9 points in early March, and is now trailing by 5 points. The Pew survey finds that, among Catholic voters with an opinion, 47% would today vote for President Obama, and 52% for former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney. That same margin, were it to hold on Election Day, would mark a swing of 18 million voters away from Obama. The losss of these Catholic votes alone would remake the 2008 electoral map, delivering Florida to Governor Romney and leaving the president no margin of error in Colorado or Ohio.” Steve Ertelt

What excites me is that there are about 60 CINO politicians in Congress and 13 in the Senate. We can have a wipe out almost all 13 in the Senate and about 40 in Congress in this presidential election cycle. In the 2010 election cycle, we wiped out [defeated and replaced] about 20 CINO politicians. If the above educational trends continue, we can defeat a few of the 13 CINO politicians in California and that includes Loretta Sanchez.

Talk about war on women. Most of the CINO politicians in Congress voted last week to allow sex-selection (a boy or girl) by mothers and fathers to be. The U.S. CINOP followed in the footsteps of President Obama. Sad! This is like China!

George H. Kubeck - Pray that the above educational trends continue for all Americans. Mark you calendar to say NO to HHS Mandate to provide free contraceptives and abortion inducing drugs in their health plans. Meet Fri. June 8 at 12:00 PM. Plaza of Flags, 700 Civic Center Dr. W. Santa Ana.

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