Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Defy the Forces of Darkness!

Defy the Forces of Darkness!

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, June 19, 2012

This is a special message from journalist Fr. Ben Johnson, LifeSiteNews.com - Mar. 19/12

George Orwell wrote, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

When I am asked the greatest benefit a journalist gets from working at LifeSiteNews, I may answer it is precisely to speak for those whose voices would never otherwise be heard - but I do not mean just defenseless babies.

In our mass media, next to children in the womb, the most silenced constituency in the country is the pro-life movement itself.

The “mainstream” media have perfected bias to a fine art, effectively shutting out all those who do not accept hedonism, consumerism, and the cult of Self.

Those who support the clear teachings of science, hold to the consensus of the world’s bioethics and biologists, or accept the teachings of their faith are portrayed as ignorant, extreme, even potentially treasonous.

This prejudice is so deep that the media often describe the two sides as “pro-choice” and “anti-choice,” or “anti-women’s right.”

Without LifeSiteNews.com, many pro-lifers will never be heard, much less have a forum to address the nation, and the world, in their own terms.

Take the case of Susan Pine, a West Palm Beach pro-life leader who suffered after her own abortion experience. She decided no woman should have to endure the pain she did, turning he resolution into a one-woman pro-life truth center outside a notorious Florida abortion mill.

After she gave a willing driver a piece of pro-life literature, the government hauled her into court on federal charges … without introducing any evidence to prove she violated the law.* The judge wrote in his opinion the case may have been “the product of a concerted effort between the Government and the [abortionist], which began well before the date of the incident at issue, to quell Ms. Pine’s activities.”

That is, he thought the government dragged Ms. Pine into court on trumped-up charges in order to shut her up. Her lawyer told me personally that, although this mainstream media knew of this judge’s opinion, they had NOT reported it.

Only outlets like LifeSiteNew.com could get this story out, he said. Our work was vital - not just for you information, but to help assure justice was done…

Why would anyone immerse himself in the Culture of Death and report on its lies? Because it is only when we are grounded in the truth that we can find answers. We pray the world’s leaders will continue to inch closer to the truth and one day codify that into law…

George H. Kubeck, *This could have happened to me personally under this disgusting Obama regime. We are looking for leaders in each U.S. diocese who have the guts to speak up and organize. In the mindset of many; life, family and marriage advocacy, and the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” are orphans. [It is free, but last year, I donated at least $45.00 to LifeSiteNews.com]

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