Sunday, June 29, 2008

Call Yourself a Catholic! - 1

Call Yourself a Catholic! – 1
cinops be gone Feast of St. Peter and Paul Sunday, June 29, 2008

You can’t call yourself a Catholic if you are for fornication, adultery and pornography. You can’t call yourself a Catholic if you are voting for a candidate and a political party that is for abortion, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research. Why? All of the above positions are absolutely and intrinsically evil. These are not prudential issues upon which Catholics or other Christians can disagree on; example immigration, health care, taxes, social security, and high gas prices etc. The top party positions are evil and will destroy the country.
Your vote is about who is going to be on the Supreme Court and the kind of America that you will hand over to your children and grandchildren.

Also, as a Catholic if you are undecided about Proposition 8 on the ballot in California that marriage is between a man and woman. Marriage is a do or die issue for America. America with same-sex marriage is not America anymore. It is a different country. Check out what is happening in Canada and where Catholic-in-name-only politicians called Liberals foisted same-sex marriage on Canada two years ago. The CINOP is a dangerous politician & needs to be voted out of office.

For heavens sake, vote them out! Check out the Catechism of the Catholic Church and what all the Saints and what the US Conference of Catholic Bishops have written about marriage. After all, you are destined with God’s grace to be a saint. The Church has such a rich heritage of information on family, marriage and children. The family is a miniature church.

The marriage amendment is also on the ballot in Florida and possibly in Arizona. It is the national issue for values voters and any other voter in this presidential election. Symbolically, it is also on the ballot in Iowa and Massachusetts in these two states, it was blocked by politicians of the party of abortion, same-sex marriage and embryonic-stem cell research.

CINOP Nancy Pelosi is the one who is promoting San Francisco values on the rest of the country besides California. She blocked the marriage amendment from being on the Massachusetts ballot this November because it would hurt the presidential candidate of the party of abortion, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research.

In fact in Massachusetts, the marriage amendment was blocked by CINOP Nancy Pelosi and Catholic-in-name-only politicians. And because some of the politicians were members of the Knights of Columbus, it is our duty to correct that shame and work 110% for the passage of the Marriage Amendment Proposition 8.

The Hottest Places in Hell are reserved for those who remain neutral during a moral crisis: Maybe the Liturgy of the Hours can provide us with some answers and motivation. Today is the Feast of St. Peter and Paul.
Also, we have Pope Benedict XVI announcement that the Church would celebrate a special Jubilee Year to the Apostle Paul from June 28, 2008 to June 29, 2009 on the occasion of the bimillennium of Saint Paul’s birth. In his footsteps, let’s go out there!
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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