Monday, June 30, 2008

Catholic Social Studies Principles - 1

Catholic Social Studies Principles – 1
cinops be gone Monday, June 30, 2008

Working together: the pro-life and peace and justice advocates:

The Seven Principles are:
1.) The Right to Life and the Dignity of the Human Person: 2.) Call to Family, Community, and Participation: 3.) Rights and Responsibilities: 4.) Option for the poor and vulnerable: 5.) Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers: 6.) Solidarity: 7.) Caring for God’s Creation:

First of all, the Catholic social justice activists are all in the same boat. However, the secular culture has a mindset different from ours; particularly to the first three principles which pro-life activists mainly focus on. Pro-life is shut out completely by the elite. They report and persuade the community with the news of what Pope John Paul II coined the culture of death agenda. And what is it? It is not only abortion on demand, but the acceptance of same-sex marriage, assisted suicide, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research. The Catholic Church teaches that these are intrinsically and absolutely evil. They are not prudential issues in which Catholics can argue about and disagree on.

On the other hand, peace and justice advocates are strongly concerned with the options for the poor, dignity of work and rights of workers, solidarity and caring for God’s creation. There is not only the Detention Ministry, Feeding of the Poor, Shelter for the Homeless, S.O.S, (Sharing ourselves), but dozens other ministries in each diocese of the United States. We all choose to be involved in various ministries. Almost all of these are prudential issues.

The problem we have is: should we support Catholic politicians who do well with the peace and justice issues but drive pro-life, marriage and family activists up the wall with their support directly and indirectly of abortion on demand, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research?

Two years ago in Canada, Catholic-in-name only politicians (Liberals) passed the same-sex marriage laws. This is unbelievable but it happened and they got away with it and with murder because they also promoted abortion and embryonic stem cell research. I believe the CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only politician) will do the same in the U.S.A. He is destructive not only to the Catholic Church and our faith but also to the nation.

Just to give you an example of a Republican Catholic-in-name-only politician:
In an interview Sunday morning on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called a ballot measure to ban gay marriage in the state “a waste of time.” “I personally believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman,” Schwarzenegger said. But at the same time I think that my, you know belief, I don’t want to force on anyone else.” OC Register, June 30, 2008 - p. 14

In closing, we need to work together & vote out of office any Catholic-in-name-only politician in this coming election in any diocese throughout the country.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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