Thursday, June 19, 2008

Internet Pluses and Minus - Obama - 2

Internet Pluses and Minus – Obama – 2
cinops be gone Thursday, June 19, 2008

We continue with the purpose of trying to understand the mind and heart of those in the Catholic community who support the CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only politician). Are they Catholic? The established news media just loves, promotes, and protects any the Catholic-in-name-only politicians or organizations. The Washington Post allowed a blogger to attack William A. Donohue. So it was with Stevens-Arroyo who wrote “Catholic League Shenanigans” on May 16.

“Here is how he starts: “The Catholic League is not the ‘All Catholic League. It is not official Catholicism: still less does it speak for each and every one of the nation’s 60 million Catholics.”
That’s right, the Vatican is the “All Catholic” League and we never claimed to represent 60 million {we’re actually closer to 70 million, but never mind} Catholics.” But I hasten to add that the Catholic League is listed in the Official Catholic Directory and is not, therefore, some wayward organization that goes about willy nilly slapping the name Catholic on its masthead.
The next part is priceless. “As someone who once endeavored to work with the League, I was disappointed to learn it run out of a single office by a single ego. So while I find newsworthy the recent exchanges between the League’s president, Bill Donahue {sic} & evangelical pastor, John Hagee, they don’t amount to dogma.”
I asked out staff if anyone had ever heard of this guy, and no one had. So I take it that when he says he “endeavored” to work here, what he really means is he didn’t get an interview. Perhaps that’s because he can’t spell my name. In any event, it is true that we don’t have multiple offices, but it is not fair to say that our office has just one ego – there are ten others. All of whom can spell my name.
Steven-Arroyo questions why the Catholic League “waited until February of 2008 to become angered by Hagee’s career of bigotry over two decades.” He says it is because February was when Hagee endorsed McCain.
Now if he had bothered to read our website, he would have learned that I first wrote to Hagee in 1997. , Therefore, the answer he supplies to his own question implodes. But this is small potatoes compared to this gem: “The Catholic League demanded the dissolving of Obama’s Catholic support committee, accusing all of the members of disloyalty to the faith and labeling the actions of the Democratic Senator as “Hitlerian.”
In actual fact, I never made such an accusation. What I did was to report on the NARAL voting record of those members of Obama’s advisory group who were, or currently are, public office holders. And I never labeled “the actions” of Obama “Hitlerian” What I said is that Obama made a “Hitlerian decision” when he voted to allow a baby who survives an abortion to die without attending medicinal care. I stand by that accusation.
Stevens-Arroyo makes a desperate, and failed, attempt to equate abortion with “major Catholic teachings like forgiveness of Third World debt” and other related issues. But there is no Catholic teaching on this subject, nor is there a listing for it (unlike abortion) in the Catholic Catechism…. P. 3”

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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