Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dear Raymond Arroyo and other Catholic Leaders

Dear Raymond Arroyo and other Catholic Leaders,
Cinops be gone – Flag Day - Saturday, June 14, 2008
When we talk about pro-choice Catholic politicians, we need to go deeper to their voting records in Congress. It is only fair to your listeners and readers that they be well informed. Abortion is only the tip of the iceberg.
Take for example, Senator Tom Harkin from Iowa. He voted against the Catholic Social Justice position on the following:
1. Funding of overseas pro-abortion organizations (109th)
2. Funding of embryonic-killing stem cell research (H.R. 810) (109th)
3. Child Custody Protection Act (S.403): passage (109th)
4. Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CINA) (109th)
5. Federal Marriage Amendment Act (109th)
6. Harkin Amendment to endorse Roe v. Wade (109th)
7. Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 passage (108th)
8. Abortion in military medical facilities (108th)
9. Feinstein Substitute Amendment (single-victim substitute) (108th)
10. Unborn Victims of Violence Act: passage (108th)

Also your listeners and readers should know that Senators Dick Durbin, Barbara Mikulski, Jack Reed, Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray voted against the Catholic Social Justice position on all of the above issues?
Senators Chris Dodd, Rep. Susan Collins and Pat Leahy voted against the Catholic social justice position on nine of the above issues.
Senators Joe Biden, Edward Kennedy and John Kerry voted against the
Catholic social justice positions on seven and eight of the above issues.
(Thanks to Catholic Advocate for the above Scorecard of Catholics in Congress.)

I believe that Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput is going to write a book about pro-choice Catholic politicians receiving communion. Concerning proportionate reasons to vote for pro-choice politicians, the Archbishop has proposed this definition of proportionate: “What is a ‘proportionate’ reason when it comes to the abortion issue? he wrote in January 2008. “It’s the kind of reason we will be able to explain, with a clean heart, to the victims of abortion when we meet them face to face in the next life- which we most certainly will. If we’re confident that these victims will accept our motives as something more than an alibi, then we can proceed.”

I have a suggestion for all concerning the pro-choice politician in this life? It is a very simple solution. We do not vote for the CINOP (Catholic in name only politician). They are responsible for horrendous scandals.

Recently a “Spirituality in Higher Education” in-depth survey was conducted…
It revealed some startling and dangerous results.
71% of Catholic seniors believe same-sex couples should have legal right to marry, 57% of Catholic seniors believe abortion should be legal, 49% of Catholic seniors believe if two people really like each other, its OK to have sexual relations even if they’ve known each other a short period of time and are not married.

We are looking for public Catholic leadership. There isn’t any. We do missionary work among our own parishioners. Marriage is the Do or Die issue in this presidential election. Also, why vote for any member of a political party that has five absolute evils under its collar: Abortion on Demand, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Same-Marriage and Embryonic Stem Cell Research? Let’s stop being stupid Catholic voters in California!
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

1 comment:

PETRVS said...

I came across this entry when searching for something on Archbishop Chaput - so I apologize for being delayed.

You bring up statistics about our seniors. I actually don't think it's surprising at all. My grandparents are Catholics who go to Church and made you go to Church because you "had to." It was never out of love. My grandparent's generation that brought Catholicism over with them in the early 1900s weren't catechized properly. Then their kids (my parent's generation) in the 1960s pushed their "free love" rhetoric on them and even now tell them they're being "old fashion" and they faltered under the attacks because they were not educated enough in the faith.

They then passed it onto their children (my parents) and it unfortunately was passed onto my generation (early 30s crowd). The tide is turning though, as our generation is starting to catechize themselves and discover WHY the Church teaches as she does and we go to daily Mass, Adoration, etc. because we're IN LOVE with Our Lord.

There's hope, but I don't see the political sphere changing much until a lot of these under-educated/under-catechized politicans retire.

In case you haven't seen, I love this: