Saturday, June 28, 2008

Random Observations - 1

Random Observations - 1
cinops be gone Saturday, June 28, 2008
It may be a good idea for you and me to have a kind of casual conversation between today and the presidential election in Nov. 2008.

1.) For example, there is a news story that the controversial Catholic priest Rev. Michael Pfleger has returned to the pulpit. He has been at a predominately black Church in Chicago since 1981. Rev. Pfleger has been described as “extremely Afro-centric and has called the former pastor at Trinity Church, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a “friend, mentor and a hero.” {It’s all about radical left-wing black liberation theology. There is also white and Spanish liberation theology. It is not unusual to be indoctrinated and brainwashed by this religious ideology.} Rev. Pfleger is on the Obama’s National Catholic Advisory Council.

I think Cardinal George made a wise decision. After two weeks, this misguided priest is full of abundant energy. Whenever he opens his mouth, it will be an education for Catholics and other Christians throughout the country not vote for Obama and the Catholic-in-name-only politicians.

2.) In this presidential election cycle the party of abortion and same-sex marriage is trying to appeal to values voters. I read in the Economist – June 7th, 2008, 46, how cleverly they have succeeded. Seven out of ten Americans routinely tell pollsters that they want their president to have a strong personal faith.

The Democrats sensibly (if cynically) set about closing the God gap. The party ran candidates with impeccable religious credentials {and got them elected} – Ted Strickland, former Methodist minister, in Ohio; Tim Kaine, a former missionary, in Virginia; and Robert Casey, a pro-life Catholic, {?} in Pennsylvania. The Democratic National Committee also hired a new species of political professionals – “religious outreach specialists.”

The leading Democratic candidates all talked about God with a gusto that had once been reserved for the Republicans….

But none of them talked about God as well as Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama had a great conversion story to tell – he was the child of agnostic parents who had “felt God’s spirit beckoning me” as a young man & had been baptized at the age of 26..

Mr. Obama may have also have problems with Catholic voters – a group that has been one of the most important swing votes in America since Ronald Reagan and that is over-represented in almost all the swing states…. Mrs. Clinton won 72% of the votes of white Catholics {Democrats} in the Pennsylvania primary…. Only 59% of Catholic Democrats, compared with 70% Protestants, said that they would vote Democratic in November if Mr. Obama were the nominee….

3.) … and those interested in forming their individual consciences as Catholics. The Office of Respect Life, Justice and Peace of the Diocese of Orange, in collaboration with the Diocesan Institute for Pastoral Ministry (IPM) invites you to a free workshop on the US Bishops’ document:
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship:
A Call to Political Responsibility
Workshop: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 7 – 9 PM, Holy Family Cathedral Parish Hall, 566 S.Glassell, Orange, Ca. 92866 – Presenter: Joan Rosenhauer, Assoc. Director
Dept. of Justice, Peace and Human Development, US Conference of Cath. Bishops
For more info: Tel. (714) 282-3105 or email: See you there!
George H. Kubeck. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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